Privacy Policy

  1. Definitions

    1. Data Administrator—meaning “administrator” within the meaning of Art. 4 point 7) GDPR, i.e., the person who determines the purposes and methods of processing personal data;

    2. Account—an individual panel for each User, launched on their behalf by Natu.Care after registration on the Website, where the User's data is collected;

    3. Natu.Care—Natu Care Sp. z o. o. based in Warsaw at Okopowa 58/72, 01-042 Warsaw, registered in the National Court Register under number: 981162; NIP: 5273010336, REGON: 522565778;

    4. Regulations—regulations specifying the conditions and rules for using the Website, including the Store;

    5. GDPR—Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons concerning the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation data);

    6. Website – internet portal operated by Natu.Care at;

    7. Store – the Natu.Care online store located on the Website;

    8. User – a person using the Website, in particular, to purchase Products.

  2. General Provisions

    1. This Privacy Policy contains information required by Art. 13 GDPR and relating to the use of cookies by the Website, including the Online Store.

    2. The Controller of User Data is Natu.Care. You can contact Natu.Care via e-mail: or in writing to Natu Care Sp. z o. o. street Okopowa 58/72, 01-042 Warsaw.

    3. Users' personal data will not be used for automated decision-making in individual cases, including profiling.

  3. Principles of Personal Data Processing

    1. Natu.Care applies technical and organizational measures required by law to ensure the protection of personal data being processed and to protect personal data against disclosure to unauthorized persons, takeover by unauthorized persons, processing in violation of the provisions, and change, loss, or destruction.

    2. Providing personal data by the User, including for the purpose of using electronic services provided by Natu.Care or making a purchase in the Store is voluntary but necessary to use the functionalities, including setting up and maintaining an Account and placing and processing orders.

  4. Purposes and legal basis for the processing of personal data

    1. Users' personal data may be processed by Natu.Care for the following purposes:

      1. maintaining the Account and providing other services provided electronically (the legal basis for processing for this purpose—Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, i.e., processing necessary to perform the contract);

      2. execution of orders in the Online Store (the legal basis for processing for this purpose—Article 6(1)(b) of the GDPR, i.e., processing necessary to perform the contract);

      3. direct marketing of own services and products (the legal basis for processing for this purpose—Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, i.e., the legitimate interest of the data controller);

      4. if the User gives consent—direct marketing of third-party services and products (the legal basis for processing for this purpose—Article 6(1)(a) of the GDPR, i.e., User's consent);

      5. responding to e-mail or telephone contact or a message sent via online chat, etc. (legal basis for processing for this purpose—Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, i.e., the legitimate interest of the data controller);

      6. conducting analytical research, in particular research and analysis of website traffic to conduct statistics (the legal basis for processing for this purpose—Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, i.e., the legitimate interest of the data controller);

      7. possible determination, investigation, or defense against claims (the legal basis for processing for this purpose—Article 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, i.e., the legitimate interest of the data controller).

  5. Personal data storage period

    1. Users' data will be stored for the following period:

      1. data regarding the provision of electronic services—for the period of provision of a given service, unless their further storage is justified by the limitation period for claims or results from generally applicable legal provisions;

      2. data related to the execution of orders—for a period of 6 years from the end of the year in which the sale was made, unless their further storage is justified by the limitation period for claims or results from generally applicable legal provisions;

      3. data processed based on the User's consent—for the period for which the consent was granted or—if no such period is indicated—until the objection is raised or the consent is withdrawn;

      4. data processed in connection with responding to Users by e-mail, telephone, or message sent via online chat, etc.—for one year.

  6. Categories of personal data

    1. The scope of Users' data that Natu.Care may collect, process and store is as follows:

      1. in connection with maintaining the Account: name, surname, nickname, e-mail address, and other data related to the User Account, including the number of loyalty points, purchase history, information about participation in promotions and competitions, and any content and materials sent by the User;

      2. in connection with the provision of the Newsletter service: e-mail address;

      3. in connection with placing an order in the Store: e-mail address, name and surname, address, telephone number, and in the case of entrepreneurs also the company name and NIP (Tax Identification Number) and other data were created in connection with the execution of the order;

      4. in connection with contact by e-mail, telephone, or online chat: e-mail address, name and surname, and telephone number.

      5. Otherwise, Natu.Care processes only the data necessary to achieve a given purpose.

    2. When using the Website, Natu.Care automatically collects and collects information such as IP address, request URL, device identifier, amount of time spent on individual pages, browser type, browser language, date, and time of using the website, screen resolution, type, and operating system version, as well as other such information.

  7. Cookies

    1. The website uses small files called cookies. They are saved on the User’s end device.

    2. Cookies are IT data, in particular text files, which are stored on the User's end device and are intended for using the Website. Cookies usually contain the name of the website they come from, their storage time on the end device, and a unique number.

    3. Cookies are used for the following purposes:

      1. recognizing the device used by the User to properly display the content of the pages;

      2. creating statistics that help understand how Users use websites, which allows for improving their structure and content;

      3. maintaining the User's session in the Store, thanks to which the User does not have to re-enter the login and password on each subpage of the Store;

      4. customizing the content and functioning of the Website by matching an anonymous, randomly generated tracking identifier, which makes it possible, among other things, to check where the User comes from, what search engine he used, what link he clicked on, what keywords he entered and at what point he stopped using the Website.

    4. Internet browsers usually allow cookies to be stored on the User's end device by default. Users can change the settings in this regard. The web browser allows you to delete stored cookies and block them automatically. Using the Website without changing the cookie settings in the browser means accepting cookies, which will result in saving them on the User's devices. For details, see your web browser's help or documentation.

    5. The website uses marketing and analytical tools from other suppliers who use cookies on the website. The suppliers of these tools are primarily Google Ireland Limited (Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Search Console) and Facebook Ireland Limited (Facebook Pixel), Shopify. This website also uses additional functions of Google Analytics (Google Analytics Advertising Features). You can change this not only through the above-mentioned appropriate browser settings but also through Google advertising preferences. More information about the cookies of the above-mentioned entities can be found in their privacy policies.

  8. Data Sharing

    1. Users' personal data may be transferred to entities that provide services to Natu.Care and therefore may process Users' data on behalf of Natu.Care (so-called processors), such as service providers:

      1. Hosting;

      2. IT;

      3. postal, forwarding, and courier services;

      4. electronic payments;

      5. Accountants;

      6. Marketing.

    2. These entities will not process Users' data for their own needs or use it for their own purposes.

    3. Entities providing services to Natu.Care may store Users' data outside the European Economic Area. In such situations, Users' data will be transferred only to countries that ensure an adequate level of protection, and to countries that do not ensure an adequate level of protection, only if appropriate safeguards are provided, including, among others: based on standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission.

  9. User Rights

    1. The user has the right to access his data and the right to request its rectification, deletion, or limitation of processing.

    2. To the extent that the basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the administrator, the User has the right to object to the processing of his or her personal data.

    3. To the extent that the basis for the processing of Users' personal data is consent, the User has the right to withdraw consent. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

    4. To the extent that the User's data is processed to conclude and perform a contract or processed based on consent—the User also has the right to transfer personal data, i.e., to receive personal data from Natu.Care in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format. The User may send this data to another Data Administrator.

    5. The user also has the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority responsible for the protection of personal data if he/she considers that the processing of his/her personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR.