Frequently asked questions

Find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions

Natalia Grajcar - AuthorAuthorNatalia Grajcar
Natalia Grajcar - Author
Natalia Grajcar
Founder of Natu.Care

Natalia Grajcar, founder of Natu.Care. She knows and understands the health issues of her readers and clients very well. She shares her experience and strives to create awareness about healthy living and mental health.

Learn more about our editorial process

Bart Turczynski - Edited byEdited byBart Turczynski
Bart Turczynski - Edited by
Edited by
Bart Turczynski

Bart Turczynski is the editor-in-chief of Natu.Care. He is responsible for the quality of the content created on Natu.Care, among others, and ensures that all articles are based on sound scientific research and consulted with industry specialists.

Learn more about our editorial process

Nina Wawryszuk - Fact-checkingFact-checkingNina Wawryszuk
Nina Wawryszuk - Fact-checking
Nina Wawryszuk
Natu.Care Editor

Nina Wawryszuk specialises in sports supplementation, strength training and psychosomatics. On a daily basis, in addition to writing articles for Natu.Care, as a personal trainer she helps athletes improve their performance through training, diet and supplementation.

Learn more about our editorial process

Frequently asked questions
03 December, 2024

Learn more about our editorial process

11 min
Why you can trust us

Why you can trust us

Articles on Natu.Care are written based on scientific research, data from government websites and other reliable sources. The texts are written in cooperation with doctors, nutritionists and other health and beauty experts. Articles are reviewed before publication and during significant updates.


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Information about advertisements

Content on Natu.Care may contain links to products from the sale of which we may receive a commission. When creating content, we adhere to high editorial standards and take care to be objective about the products discussed. The presence of affiliate links is not dictated by our partners, and we select the products we review ourselves completely independently.


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. Are your dietary supplements tested? .

Yes. All Natu.Care products have been tested by the independent, accredited laboratory of J.S. Hamilton Poland. We have subjected the composition of the collagens to microbiological tests and those for GMOs, PAHs (the sum of (Benzo[a]anthracene, Benzo[β]fluoranthene, Chrysene and Benzo[α]pyrene) and Benzo[α]pyrene), lactose, gluten and heavy metals. The omegas were tested for: TOTOX, the presence of moulds, yeast, bacteria (including the presence of Escherichia coli, the presence of Staphylococcus aureus, the presence of Salmonella), and PAHs, as well as heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury). You will find no unnecessary fillers, artificial colours or preservatives in our dietary supplements.

. Which country are your dietary supplements produced in? .

All Natu.Care dietary supplements are manufactured in Poland, while the ingredients from which they are made are sourced from various parts of the world.

. Are your dietary supplements designed for a specific gender? .

No. Natu.Care's products are created for every person who needs support in their daily diet regardless of gender.

. Are all Natu.Care dietary supplements suitable for vegans? .

Suitable for vegans are Sleep Well (a dietary supplement for sleep and calmness) and Glow Stories (a supplement for hair, skin and nails).

. Do your dietary supplements contain lactose? .

No, all Natu.Care products are lactose-free. Our dietary supplements have been tested for its presence in an independent, certified J.S. Hamilton Poland laboratory. You can read the test results on our website.

. Can I take Natu.Care products if I am on a gluten-free diet? .

Yes, all Natu.Care dietary supplements are gluten-free. Our products have been tested for gluten in the independent, certified laboratory of J.S. Hamilton Poland. You can read the test results on our website.

. Do any of Natu.Care's products contain sugar? .

No. Our collagens contain a minimal amount of steviol glycosides from stevia. This is a natural sweetener. It is recognised by diabetologists and nutritionists as one of the healthiest sugar substitutes, not least because it does not affect the glycaemic index.

. Can pregnant and breastfeeding women supplement with your products? .

Pregnant and breastfeeding women should consult with their health care provider before starting supplementation.

. Are the extracts in your herbal supplements standardised? .

Yes, the herbal extracts in our herbal supplements are standardised, so we provide a guarantee of the claimed active ingredient content per single serving.

. Can I chew the capsules or do they need to be swallowed? .

We do not recommend biting the capsules. If you want to retain all the properties of the Natu.Care dietary supplements, the capsules are best swallowed whole, drinking water. The capsule reaches the stomach and in time further into the intestines, and there the substance is released to be absorbed. By opening the capsules and only swallowing the contents, we end up with some being deposited in the throat and oesophagus for some time. The substance is then exposed to hydrochloric acid from the stomach and digestive enzymes for longer, which can affect the absorption of the supplement.

. Do I have to follow a special diet during supplementation? .

We advise you to lead a healthy lifestyle - make sure you are physically active and get the right amount of nutrients with your food. Check out our blog and Instagram for interesting tips on looking after your health and well-being, as well as tasty recipes.

. What are the capsules of your products made of? .

The Glow Stories capsules are 100% vegan. They are made from cellulose (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose). The omega-3 capsules are made from bovine gelatine.

. What is the packaging of your dietary supplements made of? .

The packaging of our dietary supplements is made of cardboard. The capsules are placed in a dark glass jar to limit contact with sunlight, which can affect the quality of the dietary supplement. The jar is closed with metal caps. Our collagens are a powder housed in a sturdy paper sachet.

. How do you store dietary supplements? .

We recommend storing Natu.Care products in a dry place, at room temperature and away from light. Out of the reach of children.

What is the expiry date of your dietary supplements?

Our dietary supplements have an expiry date of 2 years from the date of manufacture. This is stated on each package of our products.




. Can your various dietary supplements be combined with each other?

Yes. Natu.Care products can be used individually, as part of a treatment targeting a specific area of health, or combined together for more comprehensive support for the body.

. Is it a good idea to have blood tests done before starting supplements?

Yes. We often mention on our Instagram and blog how important it is to have regular blood tests and recommend you get them done before you start supplementation. Their results will help you determine and tailor your supplementation pathway to your individual needs.

. Can I take your products all the time or is it worth taking a break?

For our dietary supplements with collagen in the formulation, we recommend taking them for 3 to 6 months. After this time, we recommend taking a month off. For Glow Stories (hair/skin/nails), we recommend taking continuously for 3 months and then taking a month off. Without a break in supplementation, you can take the products: Omega-3 TG 750 mg and Natu.Care Omega-3 550 mg. Sleep Well - a product for sleep and calmness - for daily supplementation should be taken for no longer than 3 months. After a period of a quarter, we recommend a break of 2 months. On the other hand, when using Sleep Well every few days, it is possible to supplement this product for a longer period. However, it is important to remember that every body is different. Therefore, we should take individual needs into account when supplementing - it is possible that different supplementation recommendations will work for you. If you feel discomfort while taking any product, stop supplementation immediately. If your health problems persist - see your doctor.

. What part of the day to take your dietary supplements?

We recommend taking our dietary supplements during or after a meal. Eating starts the digestive process by which our body breaks down the supplements. Taking them on an empty stomach may cause nausea.


. Can I sip your capsules with tea or coffee?

Sipping dietary supplements with tea, coffee, milk, juice or other beverages is not advisable. These beverages may alter the effectiveness and absorption of the dietary supplements. We also recommend keeping a minimum of 30 minutes between supplementation and a cup of your favourite tea or glass of juice.

. How quickly can you notice the effects of supplementation with your products?

Systematic use of Natu.Care dietary supplements makes it possible to achieve noticeable and satisfactory results. It is important to remember that the time to wait for the effects may vary depending on individual predisposition, the needs of the body and the properties of the specific product. We recommend supplementation lasting a minimum of 3 months.

. What is the difference between your premium collagens?

The same type of collagen is present in both products with the same weight - natural 100% hydrolysed Nutricoll collagen from Atlantic cod. We have additionally added coenzyme Q10 and defatted Dutch cocoa to the Cocoa-flavoured Collagen Premium dietary supplement. On the other hand, Collagen Premium in mango-maracuja flavour is a supplement that additionally offers us vitamin A and E.

. What does the MSC mark mean next to your collagens?

The collagen found in our products comes from wild-caught cod caught in the clear waters of the North Atlantic. The blue MSC mark means that these fish come from stable, well-managed fisheries. The MSC mark also guarantees that the fish come only from legal and reliable sources and are correctly labelled.

. Why is collagen hydrolysate, rather than freeze-dried, used in Natu.Care products?

Because current scientific research indicates that collagen hydrolysate is absorbed much more easily than lyophilisate. The digestive system needs less time to digest it and absorb it into the bloodstream - collagen hydrolysate is more effective than freeze-dried. Why take collagen in combination with vitamin C? Vitamin C helps in the proper production of collagen and influences skin health. In all Natu.Care collagens you will find rosehip bud extract - a natural source of vitamin C. What flavour are your collagens? According to our team, the mango-maracuja flavoured Premium Collagen has a pleasant, slightly sour mango and passion fruit taste. We achieved the orange colour by adding natural beta-carotene. Cocoa-flavoured Collagen Premium, on the other hand, is the truest taste of childhood - a delicious chocolate drink.

. Is it possible to overdose on your products?

When following the recommendations described on the packaging, there is no possibility of a dietary supplement overdose. However, remember that the key to success is systematic supplementation, not taking a large portion at one time.

. What are the contraindications to the use of your products?

The ingredient densities and dosages proposed in our dietary supplements have been calculated to ensure complete safety of use with the highest possible efficacy. The only contraindications relate to pregnant women, breastfeeding women and people who show hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. We recommend you consult and confirm any doubts with your healthcare practitioner.



Ordering and delivery

. How can I use a discount code?

You can enter the discount code at the stage of entering your details and shipping address. To add a discount, enter the content of the code in the Discount Code field and confirm by clicking Apply.

. What products does the discount code apply to? (newsletter sign-up)

The discount code is only valid on Natu.Care products only.

. Is the discount code only valid for one-off purchases or also for subscription purchases? (newsletter sign-up)

The discount code is only valid for one-off purchases of the Natu.Care brand, as the subscription already includes a 15% discount.

. How do I pay for my order?

You can pay for a one-off order by: payment card, BLIK, quick transfer via the Przelewy24 platform, using the deferred payments offered by the Przelewy24 platform, PayPal. You can only pay for subscription orders by payment card.

. How much does the delivery cost?

Delivery cost for an order under £200 is £12 - delivery to a parcel machine of your choice, £16 - delivery by courier to your address. All orders over £200 we send for free.

. What delivery methods are available?

We offer shipping via InPost courier and Parcel Post.

. How long does delivery take?

All orders are dispatched within 24 hours. Standard delivery time does not exceed 3 working days.

. Can I order Natu.Care to an address outside Poland?

Yes, outside of Poland we offer shipping to 25 countries including Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, France and Spain.

. Can I return an ordered product?

To return a product, within 14 days of ordering, write to us at and send the products to the address below: Omnipack (Natu Care), 66 Katowicka Avenue, hall DC04, ramp 40, 05-830 Nadarzyn. Products must be unopened. If the protective film is torn, the product cannot be returned. Refunds for returned products will be processed within 5 working days of receipt.

. I need an invoice for my order. How do I get one?

In the third step of the ordering process - "Order Notes" - you can choose which proof of purchase you would like to receive with your order. Select the 'Invoice' option and it will be sent to your email address.



. How does subscription work?

To facilitate continuity of supplementation, we have introduced the possibility to order Natu.Care products as a subscription. When placing your first order, you can choose the frequency of delivery: every one, two or three months. Once the order is placed, your subscription will be activated and you can manage it conveniently from a dedicated panel. In addition, with your subscription you receive up to 15% permanent discount on Natu.Care products.

. Does the subscription discount combine with a discount code?

No, the subscription discount does not combine with discount codes and only works on the first order of Natu.Care products

. How can I activate my subscription

You can activate your subscription during your first order.

. Can I modify my subscription?

Yes. When you place your first order, we will send you a link so that you can make changes to your subscription. If you have not received an email or do not have the link, please email us at

. Can I change the date of the next delivery in my subscription?

Yes. When you click on your link and go to the subscription panel, you can freely modify the date of your next order.

. How do I unsubscribe?

Use your subscription management link or contact us.

How do I cancel my subscription?
Can I change the delivery address in my subscription?

Yes. You can make any modifications, including changing the delivery address, in your subscription management panel by clicking on the link sent in the message after creating your subscription.

How often are orders sent out in a Natu.Care subscription?Today we offer subscription deliveries every one, two and three months.
At the initial order stage, you can add a product to your basket either as a one-off purchase or a subscription purchase. During payment, the orders will be treated separately, but you will pay for both orders in one go.


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Meet the team
Natalia Grajcar - Author

Founder of Natu.Care

Natalia Grajcar

Natalia Grajcar, founder of Natu.Care. She knows and understands the health issues of her readers and clients very well. She shares her experience and strives to create awareness about healthy living and mental health.

Bart Turczynski - Edited by


Bart Turczynski

Bart Turczynski is the editor-in-chief of Natu.Care. He is responsible for the quality of the content created on Natu.Care, among others, and ensures that all articles are based on sound scientific research and consulted with industry specialists.

Nina Wawryszuk - Fact-checking

Natu.Care Editor

Nina Wawryszuk

Nina Wawryszuk specialises in sports supplementation, strength training and psychosomatics. On a daily basis, in addition to writing articles for Natu.Care, as a personal trainer she helps athletes improve their performance through training, diet and supplementation.

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