How to choose your collagen supplement in 2024

There are so many new collagens on the market that choosing the right one can make you dizzy. Here are some suggestions.

Ludwik Jelonek - TekstTekstLudwik Jelonek
Ludwik Jelonek - Tekst
Ludwik Jelonek
Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

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Julia Skrajda - RecenzjaRecenzjaJulia Skrajda
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Julia Skrajda - Recenzja
Julia Skrajda
Clinical nutritionist

A clinical nutritionist, she works in the profession and creates personalised menus and recommendations for disease entities.

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Michael Tomaszewski - RedakcjaRedakcjaMichael Tomaszewski
Michael Tomaszewski - Redakcja
Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

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Anna Wisniewska - Fact-checkingFact-checkingAnna Wisniewska
Anna Wisniewska - Fact-checking
Anna Wisniewska

Anna Wisniewska is in charge of verifying quoted sources and checking that published content is truthful.

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How to choose your collagen supplement in 2024
24 September, 2024
8 min
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Collagen is the secret to firm skin, strong nails, shiny hair and healthy joints. Unfortunately, the number of products available on the market is so large that it is difficult to choose the right preparation yourself.

That is why, together with a team of nutritionists and pharmacists, we have selected only the best products for you. Below you will find a list of a dozen great collagen supplements. We have taken into account their effectiveness, the quality of the ingredients used and the safety of use.


From this article you will learn:

  • Which marine collagen to choose
  • .
  • Which facial collagen to choose
  • .
  • Which collagen is best for joints
  • .

See also:


Which collagen to choose?


choose hydrolysed sea collagen type 1. Hydrolysis breaks down collagen into small components called collagen peptides, which are better absorbed. Type 1 collagen is the best type of collagen in the body - it accounts for 90% of all collagen. And fish collagen is absorbed up to 1.5 times better than bovine collagen.

We took certain criteria into account when compiling the list:


    • Collagen content. This is the most important aspect - the most effective formulations contain between 2.5 and 15 grams of collagen.
    • Collagen content.
    • Purity of formulation. Plenty of preparations have unnecessary additives such as sweeteners and preservatives. You won't find such supplements in our list.


  • Beneficial additives. We give preference to valuable ancillary active ingredients, such as vitamins or minerals that enhance the effect of the preparation and have a positive effect on the overall functioning of the body.


  • Research. The best collagens on the market have independent laboratory tests to confirm that the formulation contains what the manufacturer claims.


  • Form. Collagen applied to the skin, such as in the form of a cream, will not have long-lasting effects as it will not reach the dermis. That is why you will only find tablet, powder and drinkable formulations in the following list.
  • Origin of collagen. Unfortunately, some manufacturers do not state where their collagen comes from. We gave bonus points to those who indicate the source of collagen, such as fish caught in clean, chemical-free waters. Here you can see the full criteria.





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See also:


Additional support


See also:


Facial collagen - which one to choose


The answer to the question of which collagen to choose for the skin is simple - fish collagen. The marine variety of the youth protein is considered one of the most effective. It is very well absorbed, so you do not have to wait long for the results of supplementation.

On the other hand, when it comes to the optimal type of collagen, type I is the best. It is found in our body in the highest concentration (up to 90%) and is mainly found beneath the surface of the dermis.

Fish collagen has the smallest molecules (among other types), so it is absorbed faster.
Ilona Krzak.

Ilona Krzak Master of Pharmacy


Collagen powder - which one to choose


The best collagen powder available on the market is Collagen Premium 5000 mg from Natu.Care. The formula comes in two versions - Cacao Bloom (chocolate flavour) and Rise&Shine (mango-maracuja flavour).

See also:

What type of collagen to choose


You already know that it is type I collagen that is the most important for us. Apart from it, we distinguish more than 27 other types of this protein. However, five types are key for us.

    • Collagen type II. Promotes the condition of bones and cartilage tissue, which is why we recommend it for people who have joint problems. Type II collagen can prevent the pain caused by osteoarthritis, for example.
    • Collagen.
    • Collagen type III. After type I collagen, it is the most important in the body. It is responsible for 5-20% of all youth protein in the body. It cooperates with type I collagen in most processes.


  • Collagen type V. It is a building block of the lung, liver, cornea and bone matrix. It is the collagen necessary for proper fibre formation. It also supports eye and hair health.
  • Type X collagen. Similar to type II, it is mainly found in cartilage. What's more, it is one of the components of bones, which is why its deficiency can lead to joint pain.


Most often in collagen supplements you will find type I collagen (sometimes combined with type III). We point out that a large proportion of manufacturers do not provide information on the type of collagen used.


Which collagen to choose for joints?


Collagen for joints should contain the right dose of the youth protein. Otherwise, it will not have the expected effects. Studies suggest that the most effective formulations contained between 2,500 and 15,000 mg of hydrolysed collagen. Supplementation is recommended for athletes.

See also:


If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments section. But first, check out what others have asked.



  • When choosing a collagen supplement, it is worth paying attention to, among other things, the collagen content, additional active ingredients and the form.
  • The best collagen on the market is premium collagen 5000 mg from Natu.Care.
  • .
  • The best collagen for the face is type I fish collagen.
  • .


. What company's collagen do we recommend? .

The best collagen (from collagen) available on the market is our own - Collagen Premium 5000 mg. However, it is worth noting that equally good products are offered by brands such as Aura Herbals and Sundose.

. What to look out for when buying collagen.

One of the most important things to look out for is the collagen content. In addition to this, the purity of the formulation, the additional active ingredients, the origin of the collagen, the form of the supplement, as well as the laboratory tests are not insignificant.

. Are there side effects of taking collagen? .

Side effects of taking collagen rarely occur. The protein of youth occurs naturally in the body, so most often supplementation is safe. Occasionally, however, collagen preparations can cause eczema, skin rashes and also digestive problems.

Particularly careful with collagen supplementation should be people who are allergic to the ingredients in some preparations.

. Which products contain the most collagen? .

You will find the most collagen in cartilage and leather-based products. The products that will provide you with it are:

  • crusts,
  • .
  • broth on beef, pork or chicken bones,
  • .
  • chicken with skin,
  • .
  • meat and fish jellies,
  • .
  • fish with skin,
  • .
  • goat,
  • shank,
  • and
  • salcessón,
  • .
  • offal,
  • .

Vegetables and fruit are also important in a collagen diet. They make it possible to support the absorption and production of collagen. Particularly make sure to consume products with vitamin C - it's collagen's best friend.

. What fruit and vegetables is collagen found in? .

Collagen is not found in fruit and vegetables. It is an animal protein, so you will only find it in such products. Remember, however, that fruit and vegetables provide us with vitamins and minerals that support collagen production in the body.

This includes vitamin C, zinc, copper and vitamin A, among others.

. What are the symptoms of collagen deficiency?

Most often, when something bad happens, our body lets us know about it. It is no different with collagen deficiency, when we run out of collagen, we will experience certain symptoms.

Symptoms of collagen deficiency:

  • worse condition of skin,
  • .
  • dry and matted hair,
  • broken nails,
  • .
  • painful joints,
  • .
  • lower immunity,
  • .
  • longer recovery from illness,
  • .
  • disorders of appetite,
  • .

Collagen deficiency is most easily and quickly supplemented with dietary supplements. Check out the most powerful collagens on the market: Collagen 5000 mg Natu.Care, Colladrop Flex, Collagen Sundose, or Colladrop Forte.

. Can collagen be purchased from a pharmacy?

Yes, collagen can be purchased from a pharmacy. Remember, however, that the youth protein only comes in supplement form. Moreover, in pharmacies we will most often have a limited selection of collagen in tablets and to drink, so it is much better to check the available products in online stores.




. See all .

Benisek, N. by A. (n.d.). What Is Marine Collagen? WebMD. Retrieved February 23, 2023, from

Bovine Collagen vs Marine Collagen. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2023, from

Collagen Type 10-An overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2023, from

COLLAGEN TYPE II (NATIVE): Overview, Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Interactions, Dosing and Reviews. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2023, from

Morgan Pfiffner, M. S. (2022). Type-II Collagen Research Analysis.

Shoulders, M. D., & Raines, R. T. (2009). Collagen Structure and Stability. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 78(1), 929-958.

Significant Amounts of Functional Collagen Peptides Can Be Incorporated in the Diet While Maintaining Indispensable Amino Acid Balance-PubMed. (n.d.). Retrieved 23 February 2023, from

Type I Collagen-An overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2023, from

Type-V Collagen-An overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2023, from

Henriksen, K., & Karsdal, M. A. (2016). Chapter 1-Type I Collagen. IN M. A. Karsdal (Ed.), Biochemistry of Collagens, Laminins and Elastin (pp. 1-11). Academic Press.

Naomi, R., Ridzuan, P. M., & Bahari, H. (2021). Current Insights into Collagen Type I. Polymers, 13(16), 2642.

Jelonek, L. (2023). Collagen. Everything you need to know (B. Turczynski, ed.; 1st ed.). Natu.Care.



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Ludwik Jelonek - Tekst

Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

Julia Skrajda - Recenzja

Clinical nutritionist

Julia Skrajda
Verified by an expert

A clinical nutritionist, she works in the profession and creates personalised menus and recommendations for disease entities.

Michael Tomaszewski - Redakcja


Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

Anna Wisniewska - Fact-checking


Anna Wisniewska

Anna Wisniewska is in charge of verifying quoted sources and checking that published content is truthful.

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