Effects of drinking collagen (see actual results)

Collagen can have effective effects on skin, hair, nails and joints.

Ludwik Jelonek - AuthorAuthorLudwik Jelonek
Ludwik Jelonek - Author
Ludwik Jelonek
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Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

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Effects of drinking collagen (see actual results)
23 September, 2024

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12 min
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Promotes the condition of hair, skin and nails... yes, this is much talked about. But that's not the only use of collagen. Drinking youth protein also supports other processes in the body.

With clinical nutritionist Julia Skrajda, I will introduce you to the 7 effects of drinking collagen. But it can't be that colourful, so we'll also cover the topic of side effects. Pssst... don't worry, there are really very few of them.


From this article you will learn:

  • What are the effects of drinking collagen.
  • .
  • How long you have to wait for them.
  • .
  • Does drinking collagen have side effects.
  • What about collagen?
  • What do its users think about drinking collagen.
  • .

See also:


Drinking collagen - effects


Drinking collagen can produce good health effects. These include: smooth, radiant and moisturised skin without wrinkles, strong and unbreakable nails, shiny, non-dry hair and no joint pain. In addition, regular drinking collagen can also strengthen the immune system, bones and heart health.

What is the benefit of drinking collagen:


Improves skin condition


One of the more noticeable effects of drinking collagen appear on the skin. No wonder - naturally, collagen makes up as much as 80% of the dry weight of the skin being its main component. How does drinking collagen work on the skin?

  • Reduces wrinkles. Drinking collagen can act as an anti-ageing agent. Liquid and powder formulations provide the body with protein and increase its production, which can lead to a reduction in the appearance of wrinkles and facial linesand.
  • Helps fight acne. Drinking collagen can help reduce acne symptoms. The youth protein promotes skin cell regeneration, which helps to reduce inflammation present with acneand.
  • Improves skin elasticity. Collagen is important for healthy, elastic skin. Therefore, its regular supplementation reduces flabbiness and promotes skin firmnessand.
  • .
  • Prevent scarring. Collagen is a key ingredient in the wound healing process. Some research suggests that collagen supplementation may accelerate this process and ultimately reduce the risk of scarringand.
  • Hydration of the skin. Some studies have shown that drinking collagen can increase skin hydration, which contributes to softer skin and a more youthful appearance .
  • Protective barrier. Drinkable collagen can create a protective barrier for the skin, which helps to protect against harmful environmental factorsand.
  • .

What does the research say?

A 2023 meta-analysis of 26 randomized controlled trials involving 1,721 patients showed that supplementation hydrolyzed collagen significantly improves skin hydration and elasticity compared to the placebo groupand.

Supports joints


Collagen is a fundamental component of joint cartilage, playing a vital role in maintaining its strength. When it starts to become deficient, joint problems such as pain, stiffness or reduced mobility occurand.

What are the effects of drinking collagen for joints?


    • Strengthens joint tissues. Collagen is a key component of joint cartilage. Therefore, drinking supplements can support joint healthand.
    • Improves joint mobility. Regularly drinking collagen for joints can help improve joint mobility, which is particularly important in degenerative diseases such as osteoarthritisand.
    • Reduces joint pain, especially knee painand.

Collagen supplements

       can help reduce joint pain, especially knee pain, by keeping the cartilage structure in good condition


  • Accelerates recovery from injury. Taking the youth protein may accelerate the healing of joint tissues after injury, improving the flexibility and strength of these areasand.
  • .
  • Prevent joint injuries. Regular supplementation of collagen to drink can prevent joint injuries by keeping cartilage healthyand.
  • .
Collagen is a component of many of the elements that make up joints, such as ligaments, cartilage and fascia.
Dr Witold Tomaszewski.

Witold Tomaszewskidoctor of medical sciences


Improves the condition of hair and nails


Collagen also plays an important role in the health of your hair and nails. In the case of hair, it helps to maintain its density and elasticity, and can also prevent excessive hair loss. What's more, collagen interacts with keratin - the main hair-building protein - for a healthy appearance and shiny shineand.

Similarly, in the case of nails, collagen promotes their health and growth. High levels of the youth protein can prevent nail brittleness and promote rapid growth. Often, weak and brittle nails are the result of deficiency of collagen in the bodyand.

Collagen contains a number of amino acids (prolineglycinelysine) that are important for the synthesis of keratin, the protein that forms the basis of hair structure. Collagen deficiency leads to degeneration of the hair structure, causing hair weakness. A regular supply of collagen to the body, e.g. in a drinkable form, can improve the condition of the hair.
Ilona Krzak.

Ilona Krzak Master of Pharmacy



Helps the immune system


The effects of drinking collagen also include supporting the immune system, which is directly related to the digestive system. Most of the cells responsible for the immune system (up to 70-80%) are located in the gut. Both a healthy gut and a strong immune system require adequate levels of collagenand.

Collagen helps to maintain the integrity and health of the intestinal mucosa, which acts as a protective barrier against harmful pathogens. If this barrier is leaky, a condition called 'leaky gut' can result, which increases the risk of infection and inflammationand

Supplementation with collagen to drink, can be helpful in repairing and regenerating this membrane, so pathogens are effectively retained.

Positive effects on bones


The bones in your body are primarily made up of collagen - it is responsible for their structure. Over the years, you lose collagen, resulting in an increasing risk of developing osteoporosis, for example. This is a condition that manifests itself with low bone density and a greater likelihood of fracturesand.

Drinking collagen supplementation may reduce bone degradation. Research suggests that people taking collagen had up to 7% higher bone density after 12 months of regular supplementationand

Further tests are needed, however, to confirm the effects of collagen supplementation on skeletal health.

Hydrolysed collagen has an effect on bone strength and bone mineral density, which is important in the treatment of diseases that weaken these structures, such as osteoporosis.
Marta Kaczorek.

Marta Kaczorekclinical nutritionist and personal trainer



Heart health support


Collagen affects the structure of the arteries and blood vessels responsible for blood flow. Its deficiency causes the arteries to become stiff (their elasticity decreases), which negatively affects blood transport in the body. The result can be atherosclerosis and, in the long term, even a stroke or heart attackand.

Research suggests that supplementing with 16 grams of collagen daily for six months reduces arterial stiffness. What's more, HDL (good cholesterol) levels increased by 6% in those who took part in the trials .

Additionally, a meta-analysis conducted in 2022 indicates, that supplementation with collagen peptides leads to a significant decrease in 'bad' LDL cholesterol (by an average of 4.09 mg/dL) and blood pressure (by an average of 5.04 mmHg).

Despite the promising results, further tests are needed to confirm the role of collagen in heart health.

See also:

When will I see the effects of drinking collagen?


When to see the effects of drinking collagen is a very individual matter. Some people will see them after just about 2 months, while others will have to wait up to six months. Research suggests that the waiting interval for the effects of drinking collagen is 8-24 weeksand.

Does collagen in cream produce results?


Collagen applied to the skin -for example, in the form of a cream-doesn't work as you (probably) think. These cosmetics may temporarily smooth the complexion and reduce moisture loss. However, this action is apparent - collagen will not penetrate the dermis and realistically 'support' it.
Dr Witold Tomaszewski.

Witold Tomaszewskidoctor of medical sciences


Best collagen for drinking - ranking


Best overall

Natu.Care Collagen Premium 5000 mg, mango & passion fruit

Natu.Care Collagen Premium 5000 mg, mango & passion fruit
  • Collagen content: 5000 mg marine collagen hydrolysate
  • Additional active ingredients: vitamin C, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (and L-theanine and coenzyme Q10 in cocoa flavoured collagen or vitamin A and vitamin E in mango–passion fruit flavoured collagen)
  • Form: powder sachets
  • Dose: 1 sachet per day
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
Product description

Fish collagen from the Natu.Care brand in a dose of 5000 mg, based on certified ingredients of the best quality. Regular supplementation will positively influence the appearance of the skinóry, hairów and nails – they will be rebuilt and strengthened from the inside.

In addition to collagen, which is valuable for health and beauty, it also offers other active ingredients that help to maintain a youthful complexion, shiny hair and strong nails.

The formula contains a sufficient portion of the active ingredient to positively affect joints, the musculoskeletal system and immunity.

Natu.Care Premium Collagen is available in two flavours – Cacao Bloom and Rise&Shine. Both formulas are based on the following active ingredients: marine collagen hydrolysate, wild roseóbud extract and hyaluronic acid.

Additionally, Cacao Bloom contains natural L-theanine, coenzyme Q10 and defatted Dutch cacao. Rise&Shine instead contains vitamin E and vitamin A.

These are the best collagens in the world.

These best fish collagens on the market also rós taste – Cacao Bloom is a treat for chocolate lovers. Rise&Shine will appeal to those whoólike the refreshing taste of mangoófruit and passion fruit.

Pros and cons


  • Vitamin C supports the body's collagen production, enhancing its effectiveness.
  • An effective dose of hyaluronic acid, which additionally supports skin hydration and joint health.
  • Fish collagen absorbs 50% better. Additionally, the manufacturer specifies the fish species it is sourced from (Atlantic cod).
  • The composition has been tested by the independent and accredited J.S. Hamilton laboratory.
  • MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) quality certification, which confirms that the collagen source supports sustainable fishing practices.


  • None.
Additional information

Natu.Care's fish collagen receives praise for its delicious taste. You won't find the fishy aftertaste that often comes through in other collagens. Plus, you have two tasty flavors to choose from: cocoa and mango-passionfruit.

Active ingredients like coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, and natural L-theanine provide anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits while slowing down aging processes.

User review
Super, after about 6 weeks of use, the skin on my face became noticeably firmer. Wonderful taste.

Ania ZalewskaNatu.Care customer

Best for joints

Natu.Care Collagen Premium 10000 mg, cherry

Natu.Care Collagen Premium 10000 mg, cherry
  • Collagen content: 10,000 mg of hydrolyzed bovine collagen
  • Additional active ingredients: vitamin C, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin, extract of Indian frankincense resin (boswellia serrata)
  • Form: powder sachets for drinking
  • Serving: 1 sachet per day
  • Lasts for: 30 days
Product description

One of the strongest collagens on the market, providing as much as 10,000 mg per daily serving. This product can effectively support the condition of joints, skin, hair, and nails.

With this supplement, you will support your skeletal and joint system as well as your beauty, helping you visually halt the aging process and feel rejuvenated!

Pros and cons


  • The daily portion of collagen is very large – as much as 10,000 mg.
  • Proven collagen formula – COLLinstant, whose effectiveness has been confirmed in clinical studies.
  • Effective dose of hyaluronic acid, which additionally moisturizes the skin and positively affects joint health.
  • Vitamin C supports the body's natural collagen production.
  • Glucosamine is a fundamental building block of compounds found in joint cartilage and a component of collagen that gives elasticity to connective tissue in tendons.
  • Chondroitin is a natural component found in the human body, mainly in cartilage. This large molecule (mucopolysaccharide) has the ability to absorb water, which helps maintain the elasticity and resilience of cartilage.
  • Frankincense resin extract supports blood circulation and joint mobility and reduces their stiffness. It may help alleviate inflammatory conditions.
  • The composition has been tested by the independent and accredited J.S. Hamilton laboratory.


  • None.
Additional information

Users praise Natu.Care Collagen Premium for the easy dissolving of the powder.

Refreshing taste

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg, various flavours

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg, various flavours
Product description

Dietary supplement in a highly bioavailable form of hydrolysed collagen SeaGarden fish®. This formula has high bioavailability– youróbody will use collagen faster and more efficiently where you need it most. 

A 3,000 mg serving of collagen benefits your hair, skinóhand and nails, as well as the functioning of your jointsómuscles and bones. The action of collagen is complemented by vitamin C, whichóra supports the natural production of the youth protein in the body and also helps with its absorption. It is also a great anti-ageing antioxidant.

Natu.Care's Collagen 3000 mg is available in three fruit flavours (orange, raspberry-cranberry, blackcurrant) and a flavourless variant. The powder dissolves very well, does not form lumps in the liquid and you can add it to your favourite yoghurt, oatmeal or smoothie.

Pros and cons


  • Fish collagen in the SeaGarden® formula is highly bioavailable, so your body absorbs and utilizes it faster and more effectively.
  • Regular supplementation positively impacts skin, hair, and nails, and supports the musculoskeletal system.
  • The composition has been tested by the independent and accredited J.S. Hamilton laboratory.
  • The product is certified for sustainable fishing practices.
  • Vitamin C in the formula supports the body’s natural collagen production, enhancing its effects.
  • The collagen contains no unnecessary additives like artificial colorings or flavors. All ingredients are naturally sourced.
  • Available in three refreshing, fruity flavors or a flavorless option.


  • None.
Additional information

The collagen powder has excellent solubility.

The collagen is sweetened with steviol glycosides from stevia, which are natural, safe, and suitable for diabetics.

Pure collagen

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg, tasteless

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg, tasteless
  • Collagen content: 3000 mg collagen hydrolysate fish
  • Additional active ingredients: none
  • .
  • Form: powder
  • .
  • Dose: one scoop per day
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  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

The dietary supplement contains only pure fish collagen in the formula SeaGarden®. This Norwegian collagen is characterised by its purity and high bioavailability, which means that youróy body will utilise the collagen faster and more effectively.

Regular supplementation fish collagen benefits hair, skinóhand and nails and supports joints, muscles and bones. It improves the appearance of the skinóry and slows down its ageing, giving it a healthy glow.

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg has a neutral taste, dissolves well, does not form lumps in liquid and you can add it to your drink, yoghurt or smoothie.

Pros and cons

The dietary supplement contains only pure fish collagen in the formula SeaGarden®. This Norwegian collagen is characterised by its purity and high bioavailability, which means that youróy body will utilise the collagen faster and more effectively.

Regular supplementation fish collagen benefits hair, skinóhand and nails and supports joints, muscles and bones. It improves the appearance of the skinóry and slows down its ageing, giving it a healthy glow.

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg has a neutral taste, dissolves well, does not form lumps in liquid and you can add it to your drink, yoghurt or smoothie.

Additional information

The dietary supplement contains only pure fish collagen in the formula SeaGarden®. This Norwegian collagen is characterised by its purity and high bioavailability, which means that youróy body will utilise the collagen faster and more effectively.

Regular supplementation fish collagen benefits hair, skinóhand and nails and supports joints, muscles and bones. It improves the appearance of the skinóry and slows down its ageing, giving it a healthy glow.

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg has a neutral taste, dissolves well, does not form lumps in liquid and you can add it to your drink, yoghurt or smoothie.

Yango Collagen Premium 10000 mg

Yango Collagen Premium 10000 mg
Product description

Collagen in the form of an easy-to-use and tasty liquid. Just 25 ml a day is enough to visibly improve the appearance of your skinóry. By using YANGO Premium Collagen regularly, you can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and make your complexion firm and radiant. Eliminate the signs of ageing and ensure a youthful appearance for years to come. 

As much as 10,000 mg collagen in a daily serving may also prove beneficial for your joints and entire musculoskeletal system.

Pros and cons

Collagen in the form of an easy-to-use and tasty liquid. Just 25 ml a day is enough to visibly improve the appearance of your skinóry. By using YANGO Premium Collagen regularly, you can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and make your complexion firm and radiant. Eliminate the signs of ageing and ensure a youthful appearance for years to come. 

As much as 10,000 mg collagen in a daily serving may also prove beneficial for your joints and entire musculoskeletal system.

Additional information

Collagen in the form of an easy-to-use and tasty liquid. Just 25 ml a day is enough to visibly improve the appearance of your skinóry. By using YANGO Premium Collagen regularly, you can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and make your complexion firm and radiant. Eliminate the signs of ageing and ensure a youthful appearance for years to come. 

As much as 10,000 mg collagen in a daily serving may also prove beneficial for your joints and entire musculoskeletal system.

User review

Collagen in the form of an easy-to-use and tasty liquid. Just 25 ml a day is enough to visibly improve the appearance of your skinóry. By using YANGO Premium Collagen regularly, you can reduce the appearance of wrinkles and make your complexion firm and radiant. Eliminate the signs of ageing and ensure a youthful appearance for years to come. 

As much as 10,000 mg collagen in a daily serving may also prove beneficial for your joints and entire musculoskeletal system.

Aura Herbals Colladrop Forte

Aura Herbals Colladrop Forte
  • Collagen content: 10,000 mg sea collagen
  • Additional active ingredients: vitamin C and coenzyme Q10
  • Form: sachets of powder
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  • Dosage: one sachet per day
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  • Sufficient for: 30 days
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Product description

A dietary supplement containing fish collagen for drinking in a high dose of 10,000 mg hydrolysate. It also offers you additional health and beauty benefits thanks to its coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C content. Supplementation with collagen can improve the appearance of your skinóskin, hairónails and improve the function of your jointsómuscles and bones.

Pros and cons

A dietary supplement containing fish collagen for drinking in a high dose of 10,000 mg hydrolysate. It also offers you additional health and beauty benefits thanks to its coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C content. Supplementation with collagen can improve the appearance of your skinóskin, hairónails and improve the function of your jointsómuscles and bones.

Additional information

A dietary supplement containing fish collagen for drinking in a high dose of 10,000 mg hydrolysate. It also offers you additional health and beauty benefits thanks to its coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C content. Supplementation with collagen can improve the appearance of your skinóskin, hairónails and improve the function of your jointsómuscles and bones.

A dietary supplement containing fish collagen for drinking in a high dose of 10,000 mg hydrolysate. It also offers you additional health and beauty benefits thanks to its coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C content. Supplementation with collagen can improve the appearance of your skinóskin, hairónails and improve the function of your jointsómuscles and bones.

Sundose° For Skin Anti-Aging°

Sundose° For Skin Anti-Aging°
  • Collagen content: 5000 mg of collagen hydrolysate
  • .
  • Additional active ingredients: hyaluronic acid and vitamin C
  • .
  • Form:sachets of powder to be dissolved in lukewarm water
  • .
  • Dosage: one sachet per day
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

Simple composition without unnecessary additivesós. High-quality fish collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. The active ingredients are designed to support the health and appearance of your skinóskin, hairóand nails.

Pros and cons

Simple composition without unnecessary additivesós. High-quality fish collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. The active ingredients are designed to support the health and appearance of your skinóskin, hairóand nails.

Additional information

Simple composition without unnecessary additivesós. High-quality fish collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. The active ingredients are designed to support the health and appearance of your skinóskin, hairóand nails.

User review

Simple composition without unnecessary additivesós. High-quality fish collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. The active ingredients are designed to support the health and appearance of your skinóskin, hairóand nails.

COLLIBRE Beauty Drink

COLLIBRE Beauty Drink
Product description

The dietary supplement from COLLIBRE contains Swiss collagen hydrolysate in a high daily dose of 10,000 mg. In addition, the formula provides vitamins and silicon thatósupport the health of hairóskinóand nails.

Pros and cons

The dietary supplement from COLLIBRE contains Swiss collagen hydrolysate in a high daily dose of 10,000 mg. In addition, the formula provides vitamins and silicon thatósupport the health of hairóskinóand nails.

Additional information

The dietary supplement from COLLIBRE contains Swiss collagen hydrolysate in a high daily dose of 10,000 mg. In addition, the formula provides vitamins and silicon thatósupport the health of hairóskinóand nails.

User review

The dietary supplement from COLLIBRE contains Swiss collagen hydrolysate in a high daily dose of 10,000 mg. In addition, the formula provides vitamins and silicon thatósupport the health of hairóskinóand nails.

Sundose° Daily Glow°

Sundose° Daily Glow°
Product description

Daily Glow is a carefully composed formula based on PEPTAN® fish collagen and other valuable ingredients thatósupport the regeneration of dry skinóry, damaged hairów and brittle nails.

Pros and cons

Daily Glow is a carefully composed formula based on PEPTAN® fish collagen and other valuable ingredients thatósupport the regeneration of dry skinóry, damaged hairów and brittle nails.

Additional information

Daily Glow is a carefully composed formula based on PEPTAN® fish collagen and other valuable ingredients thatósupport the regeneration of dry skinóry, damaged hairów and brittle nails.

Daily Glow is a carefully composed formula based on PEPTAN® fish collagen and other valuable ingredients thatósupport the regeneration of dry skinóry, damaged hairów and brittle nails.

SOLVE LABS Collagen Peptides

SOLVE LABS Collagen Peptides
  • Collagen content: 6000 mg hydrolyzed beef collagen type I and III COLLinstant®
  • .
  • Additional active ingredients: hyaluronic acid
  • Form: powder
  • .
  • Dose: one scoop (6 g) daily
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

High-quality hydrolysate of bovine collagen (types I and III). Thanks to the COLLinstant® collagen peptide extraction technology, the preparation is well absorbed. 


The combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid has a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skinóry. Your complexion will become firmer, moisturised and wrinkles will become shallower. The effects can also be felt on your hair: it becomes soft and shiny. The nail plate will regain its healthy appearance.


A daily serving will support the health of your jointsós, bones and muscles.

Pros and cons

High-quality hydrolysate of bovine collagen (types I and III). Thanks to the COLLinstant® collagen peptide extraction technology, the preparation is well absorbed. 


The combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid has a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skinóry. Your complexion will become firmer, moisturised and wrinkles will become shallower. The effects can also be felt on your hair: it becomes soft and shiny. The nail plate will regain its healthy appearance.


A daily serving will support the health of your jointsós, bones and muscles.

Additional information

High-quality hydrolysate of bovine collagen (types I and III). Thanks to the COLLinstant® collagen peptide extraction technology, the preparation is well absorbed. 


The combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid has a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skinóry. Your complexion will become firmer, moisturised and wrinkles will become shallower. The effects can also be felt on your hair: it becomes soft and shiny. The nail plate will regain its healthy appearance.


A daily serving will support the health of your jointsós, bones and muscles.

User review

High-quality hydrolysate of bovine collagen (types I and III). Thanks to the COLLinstant® collagen peptide extraction technology, the preparation is well absorbed. 


The combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid has a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skinóry. Your complexion will become firmer, moisturised and wrinkles will become shallower. The effects can also be felt on your hair: it becomes soft and shiny. The nail plate will regain its healthy appearance.


A daily serving will support the health of your jointsós, bones and muscles.

ALLDEYNN Collarose Fish

ALLDEYNN Collarose Fish
  • Collagen content: 5000 mg hydrolysate fish collagen VERISOL F®
  • .
  • Additional active ingredients: vitamin Chyaluronic acidbiotin
  • Form: powder to dissolve in water
  • .
  • Dose: one scoop (6 g) of powder daily
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 50 days
  • .
Product description

Atlantic cod collagen VERISOL F® contained in the formula are easily absorbed collagen peptides of fish origin. Regular supplementation can firm your skinóhand and slow down the ageing process. Your nails will become stronger and stop breaking. The addition of biotin will improve the condition of your hairów. The collagen portion is high enough to also have a good effect on your joints, muscles and bones.

Pros and cons

Atlantic cod collagen VERISOL F® contained in the formula are easily absorbed collagen peptides of fish origin. Regular supplementation can firm your skinóhand and slow down the ageing process. Your nails will become stronger and stop breaking. The addition of biotin will improve the condition of your hairów. The collagen portion is high enough to also have a good effect on your joints, muscles and bones.

Additional information

Atlantic cod collagen VERISOL F® contained in the formula are easily absorbed collagen peptides of fish origin. Regular supplementation can firm your skinóhand and slow down the ageing process. Your nails will become stronger and stop breaking. The addition of biotin will improve the condition of your hairów. The collagen portion is high enough to also have a good effect on your joints, muscles and bones.

Expert and user opinion

Atlantic cod collagen VERISOL F® contained in the formula are easily absorbed collagen peptides of fish origin. Regular supplementation can firm your skinóhand and slow down the ageing process. Your nails will become stronger and stop breaking. The addition of biotin will improve the condition of your hairów. The collagen portion is high enough to also have a good effect on your joints, muscles and bones.

Pharmovit Harmony Beauty

Pharmovit Harmony Beauty
Product description

Collagen in the form of easily absorbed peptidesów hidden in the VERISOL® complex. Thanks to its high dosage and many additional vitamins and plant extracts, the formula can improve the firmness of the skinóry, shallow wrinkles and resistós aging process.


It will also have a beneficial effect on hair – it will help thicken it and make it shiny and strong. Amongst other things, its biotin content will also improve the condition of the nail plate.

Biotin is also beneficial for your hair.

Pros and cons

Collagen in the form of easily absorbed peptidesów hidden in the VERISOL® complex. Thanks to its high dosage and many additional vitamins and plant extracts, the formula can improve the firmness of the skinóry, shallow wrinkles and resistós aging process.


It will also have a beneficial effect on hair – it will help thicken it and make it shiny and strong. Amongst other things, its biotin content will also improve the condition of the nail plate.

Biotin is also beneficial for your hair.

Additional information

Collagen in the form of easily absorbed peptidesów hidden in the VERISOL® complex. Thanks to its high dosage and many additional vitamins and plant extracts, the formula can improve the firmness of the skinóry, shallow wrinkles and resistós aging process.


It will also have a beneficial effect on hair – it will help thicken it and make it shiny and strong. Amongst other things, its biotin content will also improve the condition of the nail plate.

Biotin is also beneficial for your hair.

User review

Collagen in the form of easily absorbed peptidesów hidden in the VERISOL® complex. Thanks to its high dosage and many additional vitamins and plant extracts, the formula can improve the firmness of the skinóry, shallow wrinkles and resistós aging process.


It will also have a beneficial effect on hair – it will help thicken it and make it shiny and strong. Amongst other things, its biotin content will also improve the condition of the nail plate.

Biotin is also beneficial for your hair.

Pharmovit Collagen Women

Pharmovit Collagen Women
Product description

Collagen hydrolysate in a good dose with numerous additives in the form vitaminsmineralsów and plant extracts. The product can effectively moisturise, firm and make the skin more elastic. In addition, collagen has a positive effect on the condition of hairów, nails and jointsów.


The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit. Thanks to them you can count on additional beauty and immunity support. In addition, some of them, e.g., vitamin C or vitamin A, support the production and absorption of collagen in the body.

The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit.

Pros and cons

Collagen hydrolysate in a good dose with numerous additives in the form vitaminsmineralsów and plant extracts. The product can effectively moisturise, firm and make the skin more elastic. In addition, collagen has a positive effect on the condition of hairów, nails and jointsów.


The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit. Thanks to them you can count on additional beauty and immunity support. In addition, some of them, e.g., vitamin C or vitamin A, support the production and absorption of collagen in the body.

The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit.

Additional information

Collagen hydrolysate in a good dose with numerous additives in the form vitaminsmineralsów and plant extracts. The product can effectively moisturise, firm and make the skin more elastic. In addition, collagen has a positive effect on the condition of hairów, nails and jointsów.


The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit. Thanks to them you can count on additional beauty and immunity support. In addition, some of them, e.g., vitamin C or vitamin A, support the production and absorption of collagen in the body.

The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit.

User review

Collagen hydrolysate in a good dose with numerous additives in the form vitaminsmineralsów and plant extracts. The product can effectively moisturise, firm and make the skin more elastic. In addition, collagen has a positive effect on the condition of hairów, nails and jointsów.


The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit. Thanks to them you can count on additional beauty and immunity support. In addition, some of them, e.g., vitamin C or vitamin A, support the production and absorption of collagen in the body.

The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit.

YANGO Collagen Type I and III powder

YANGO Collagen Type I and III powder
  • Collagen content: 10,000 mg hydrolysate of fish collagen types I and III
  • .
  • Additional active ingredients: none
  • .
  • Form: powder to be dissolved in water
  • .
  • Dose: two scoops (10 g) of powder daily
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

Collagen in powder form with a neutral taste and smell. It does not contain any additional active ingredients, which may appeal to allergy sufferers and those whoóre already taking other dietary supplements and do not want to exceed the maximum recommended daily dosage.

The supplement contains fish collagen hydrolysate, whichóry considered to be the best and most easily absorbed by the human body. A high daily serving (as much as 10,000 mg) will effectively improve the condition of your skin reducing the visible symptoms of ageing.

The supplement is designed to help improve the condition of your skin reducing the visible symptoms of ageing.

Taking the formula can also improve the condition of your hair and nails, and have a positive effect on your joints, muscles and bones.

Pros and cons

Collagen in powder form with a neutral taste and smell. It does not contain any additional active ingredients, which may appeal to allergy sufferers and those whoóre already taking other dietary supplements and do not want to exceed the maximum recommended daily dosage.

The supplement contains fish collagen hydrolysate, whichóry considered to be the best and most easily absorbed by the human body. A high daily serving (as much as 10,000 mg) will effectively improve the condition of your skin reducing the visible symptoms of ageing.

The supplement is designed to help improve the condition of your skin reducing the visible symptoms of ageing.

Taking the formula can also improve the condition of your hair and nails, and have a positive effect on your joints, muscles and bones.

Additional information

Collagen in powder form with a neutral taste and smell. It does not contain any additional active ingredients, which may appeal to allergy sufferers and those whoóre already taking other dietary supplements and do not want to exceed the maximum recommended daily dosage.

The supplement contains fish collagen hydrolysate, whichóry considered to be the best and most easily absorbed by the human body. A high daily serving (as much as 10,000 mg) will effectively improve the condition of your skin reducing the visible symptoms of ageing.

The supplement is designed to help improve the condition of your skin reducing the visible symptoms of ageing.

Taking the formula can also improve the condition of your hair and nails, and have a positive effect on your joints, muscles and bones.

User review

Collagen in powder form with a neutral taste and smell. It does not contain any additional active ingredients, which may appeal to allergy sufferers and those whoóre already taking other dietary supplements and do not want to exceed the maximum recommended daily dosage.

The supplement contains fish collagen hydrolysate, whichóry considered to be the best and most easily absorbed by the human body. A high daily serving (as much as 10,000 mg) will effectively improve the condition of your skin reducing the visible symptoms of ageing.

The supplement is designed to help improve the condition of your skin reducing the visible symptoms of ageing.

Taking the formula can also improve the condition of your hair and nails, and have a positive effect on your joints, muscles and bones.

ALLDEYNN Collagen Collarose shot

ALLDEYNN Collagen Collarose shot
  • Collagen content: 5000 mg hydrolysate of bovine collagen
  • .
  • Additional active ingredients: vitamin Chyaluronic acidbiotin
  • Form: liquid
  • .
  • Dose: 1 shot per day
  • .
  • Sufficient for: one time use
  • .
Product description

Beef collagen hydrolysate in a 5 g daily portion will support joints, muscles and bones. It is recommended for active people whoóre constantly exploiting the musculoskeletal system. Collagen also improves the appearance of the skinóry, nails and hairów.

Pros and cons

Beef collagen hydrolysate in a 5 g daily portion will support joints, muscles and bones. It is recommended for active people whoóre constantly exploiting the musculoskeletal system. Collagen also improves the appearance of the skinóry, nails and hairów.

Additional information

Beef collagen hydrolysate in a 5 g daily portion will support joints, muscles and bones. It is recommended for active people whoóre constantly exploiting the musculoskeletal system. Collagen also improves the appearance of the skinóry, nails and hairów.

Expert and user opinion

Beef collagen hydrolysate in a 5 g daily portion will support joints, muscles and bones. It is recommended for active people whoóre constantly exploiting the musculoskeletal system. Collagen also improves the appearance of the skinóry, nails and hairów.


Collagen Reme

Collagen Reme
Product description

The dietary supplement from Remé contains beef collagen in the patented VERISOL formula and vitamin C, whichóra aids its absorption. The formula comes in three flavours: neutral, orange-maracuja and strawberry-pomegranate. The formula can effectively support and improve the condition of the skin hair and nails. It is also 

Pros and cons

The dietary supplement from Remé contains beef collagen in the patented VERISOL formula and vitamin C, whichóra aids its absorption. The formula comes in three flavours: neutral, orange-maracuja and strawberry-pomegranate. The formula can effectively support and improve the condition of the skin hair and nails. It is also 

Additional information

The dietary supplement from Remé contains beef collagen in the patented VERISOL formula and vitamin C, whichóra aids its absorption. The formula comes in three flavours: neutral, orange-maracuja and strawberry-pomegranate. The formula can effectively support and improve the condition of the skin hair and nails. It is also 


The dietary supplement from Remé contains beef collagen in the patented VERISOL formula and vitamin C, whichóra aids its absorption. The formula comes in three flavours: neutral, orange-maracuja and strawberry-pomegranate. The formula can effectively support and improve the condition of the skin hair and nails. It is also 


For pescowegetarians

OstroVit Marine Collagen with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C

OstroVit Marine Collagen with Hyaluronic Acid and Vitamin C
  • Collagen content: 2200 mg hydrolysed fish collagen
  • Additional active ingredients: vitamin Chyaluronic acid
  • Form: capsules
  • Dose: 4 capsules daily
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
Product description

Dietary supplement in powder form with fish collagen. Collagen influences the youthful appearance of the skinóry and supports the functioning of jointsóry and the entire musculoskeletal system. In combination with hyaluronic acid, it counteracts skin dehydration, loss of firmness and formation of wrinkles. The quality of the product has been proven by laboratory tests carried out by independent institutions.

Pros and cons

Dietary supplement in powder form with fish collagen. Collagen influences the youthful appearance of the skinóry and supports the functioning of jointsóry and the entire musculoskeletal system. In combination with hyaluronic acid, it counteracts skin dehydration, loss of firmness and formation of wrinkles. The quality of the product has been proven by laboratory tests carried out by independent institutions.

Additional information

Dietary supplement in powder form with fish collagen. Collagen influences the youthful appearance of the skinóry and supports the functioning of jointsóry and the entire musculoskeletal system. In combination with hyaluronic acid, it counteracts skin dehydration, loss of firmness and formation of wrinkles. The quality of the product has been proven by laboratory tests carried out by independent institutions.

Dietary supplement in powder form with fish collagen. Collagen influences the youthful appearance of the skinóry and supports the functioning of jointsóry and the entire musculoskeletal system. In combination with hyaluronic acid, it counteracts skin dehydration, loss of firmness and formation of wrinkles. The quality of the product has been proven by laboratory tests carried out by independent institutions.

See also:


Drinking collagen - reviews


I don't actually see a huge difference in my skin, but my bones and joints have definitely benefited, which is what I wanted. Drinking collagen in sachets It's very easy to use, especially if you lead an active lifestyle.

Kasia30 years old

I am very satisfied. After two months of drinking collagen I have noticed results on my skin, hair and nails. The complexion seems firmer and more radiant. I recommend it.

Martyna25 years old

Drinking collagen gives results, but not as spectacular as I expected. I took it for 3 months to aid recovery after intense workouts. It helped, but the difference was not as big as I thought. Possibly the dosage was to blame - there was only 1,500 mg of collagen in a daily serving.

Jan35 years old

Collagen has helped me with dry skin and joint pain. I recommend it to people my age (I'm middle-aged). And the taste? Well, it could be a bit better, but it's not that bad. Even so, I think I'll choose something from another manufacturer, such as a fruity one.

Ania50 years old


See also:




  • Drinkable collagen has effects on skin, hair, nails and joints.
  • Collagen can reduce wrinkles.
  • Can reduce wrinkles and improve skin elasticity and hydration.
  • .
  • Promotes the health of hair and nails, and can also support immune system function.
  • Contributes to bone and heart health.
  • .
  • The effects of collagen intake are noticeable after approximately 2-6 months of regular supplementation.
  • .
  • Possible side effects of drinking collagen include allergies, stomach problems, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, muscle and joint pain.
  • .


. Do I get collagen at the pharmacy? .

Yes, collagen is available as dietary supplement in many pharmacies. It can come in the form capsulestabletspowder or liquid. However, you won't find collagen in drug form - all preparations available in pharmacies and online shops are dietary supplements.

. What should you eat to supplement collagen?

To supplement collagen in the body, it is worth eating meat, fish or eggs. Other natural sources of collagen include foods such as jelly, chicken legs and fish. And don't forget vegetables and fruit, although they don't provide collagen directly, they contain vitamins and minerals, which are key to its production.

. What flushes collagen out of the body? .

Caffeine, sugar, alcohol and poor eating habits can contribute to lowering collagen levels in the body. In addition, smoking and excessive skin exposure to the sun (use screen creams) can also lead to degradation of collagen fibres.

. Is collagen good for the face? .

Yes, collagen is good for the face. Its supplementation can help reduce wrinkles and improve the overall condition of skin. Collagen also smooths the complexion and promotes hydration. In addition, it can be helpful for cellulite, for example.

. What are the causes of collagen deficiency? .

Many causes lead to collagen deficiency but the most important of these is the ageing process. Over the years, your body naturally produces less collagen. In addition, certain factors such as improper diet, stress, lack of sleep, smoking and alcohol consumption also negatively affect collagen levels.

. Is collagen good for cellulite? .

Yes, collagen helps to maintain the elasticity and resilience of the skin, which can help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. Strengthening the skin's structures can help to smooth out the bumps caused by cellulite.

. Can collagen be combined with vitamin C? .

Yes, collagen can, and in fact should, be combined with vitamin C. Vitamin C is essential for collagen synthesis. It also supports its absorption in the body, which is why collagen supplements with added vitamin C are much more effective than single-ingredient preparations.




. See all .

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Ludwik Jelonek - Author

Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

Ilona Bush - Reviewed by

Master of Pharmacy

Ilona Bush
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Ilona Krzak obtained her Master of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of Wrocław. She did her internship in a hospital pharmacy and in the pharmaceutical industry. She is currently working in the profession and also runs an educational profile on Instagram: @pani_z_apteki

Bart Turczynski - Edited by


Bart Turczynski

Bart Turczynski is the editor-in-chief of Natu.Care. He is responsible for the quality of the content created on Natu.Care, among others, and ensures that all articles are based on sound scientific research and consulted with industry specialists.

Nina Wawryszuk - Fact-checking

Natu.Care Editor

Nina Wawryszuk

Nina Wawryszuk specialises in sports supplementation, strength training and psychosomatics. On a daily basis, in addition to writing articles for Natu.Care, as a personal trainer she helps athletes improve their performance through training, diet and supplementation.

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