Face cream: top 10 (cosmetologist recommendations)

The best sunscreens and how they work - 10 great products worth looking out for.

Ludwik Jelonek - TekstTekstLudwik Jelonek
Ludwik Jelonek - Tekst
Ludwik Jelonek
Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

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Paulina Chylińska - RecenzjaRecenzjaPaulina Chylińska
Verified by an expert
Paulina Chylińska - Recenzja
Paulina Chylińska
Master's degree in cosmetology

Paulina Chylińska has a Master's degree in cosmetology with a specialisation in Anti-Aging. She graduated from the Higher School of Health in Gdansk and the Higher School of Engineering and Health in Warsaw. Currently, she runs an office in Gdansk, where she successfully helps patients with problematic skins. Her greatest success is the moment when the client befriends her skin.

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Michael Tomaszewski - RedakcjaRedakcjaMichael Tomaszewski
Michael Tomaszewski - Redakcja
Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

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Anna Wisniewska - Fact-checkingFact-checkingAnna Wisniewska
Anna Wisniewska - Fact-checking
Anna Wisniewska

Anna Wisniewska is in charge of verifying quoted sources and checking that published content is truthful.

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Face cream: top 10 (cosmetologist recommendations)
19 August, 2024
9 min
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Filter cream protects the skin from harmful UV rays. Even during the autumn and winter periods, the skin needs the right support. In this list you will find the best sunscreen creams on the market.

Choosing the right sunscreen can make your head spin. Dozens of products, and each one looks pretty much the same. Meanwhile, cosmetics worth your attention are really few. That's why we present the 10 best sunscreens.


From this article you will learn:

  • What is the best sunscreen cream?
  • .
  • How does sunscreen work?
  • .
  • What to look for when choosing a sunscreen cream?

See also:

Cream with sunscreen - the 10 best products


With a cosmetologist, we have compiled a list of the 10 best sunscreen creams.

Common features of the selected cosmetics:


  • Have high UV protection-SPF 50.
  • .
  • They do not whiten the skin and are quickly absorbed.
  • .
  • They have a light texture and do not leave an oily film on the skin.
  • They are suitable under make-up and for reapplication.
  • .



  • As the cosmetologist says, a sunscreen with thiamidol in the formulation should not be used more than four times per day.

It is very good that you are taking care of your skin. In addition, collagen, known as the "protein of youth", will help you to do so. You will learn more about it from these articles:

Pore blockage can lead to inflammation of the follicular orifice. This condition manifests itself with inflammatory and purulent lesions and can sometimes even result in infections.
Natalia Stępa.

Natalia Stępacosmetologist


Niacinamide is a derivative of vitamin B3, also known as niacin or vitamin PP. Would you like to learn more about it? Take a look at this article: Niacin - what it is, effects, dosage, deficiency, excess

My hobby requires me to take proper care of my skin. The best sunscreen option, in my opinion, is La Roche-Posay Anthelios 50+. The combination of SPF 50 protection and anti-pigmentation spots is fantastic. On the plus side, niacinamides that strengthen the skin and have an anti-inflammatory effect.
Adriana Romanowska.

Adriana Romanowskacosplayer



How does sunscreen work?


Filter cream is designed to protect our skin from UV radiation. There are two types of filtersand.

  • Physical filters. Their principle of operation is similar to that of a mirror. These filters reflect sunlightand
  • .
  • Chemical filters. They form a protective layer that absorbs UV radiation even before it reaches the dermis .

Which is better? Paulina Chylinska explains, that there is no definite answer to this question. Mixed filters (a combination of physical and chemical filters) can also be found on the market. The cosmetologist stresses that the type of sunscreen itself is not the most important - it is the broad spectrum of protection that is key.

Why use sunscreen on a daily basis?


According to MSc Cosmetology, UVA radiation, unlike UVB (which has a shorter wavelength), penetrates the dermis even through clouds and glass, regardless of the season. Paulina Chylinska answers what UVA exposure can lead to.


UVA radiation can result inand:

  • destruction of collagen and elastin, proteins responsible for the appearance of youthful skin,
  • .
  • dehydration of the epidermis, which manifests as roughness of the skin,
  • .
  • damage to skin cells, which leads to skin discolouration,
  • .
  • overgrowth of the sebaceous glands (blackheads, "enlarged pores"),
  • damage to the sebaceous glands (blackheads, "enlarged pores").
  • damage to the network of small blood vessels,
  • .

If you want to avoid skin damage, use sunscreen every day.

What to look out for when choosing a sunscreen cream?


According to MSc Cosmetology, when choosing a sunscreen, there are four aspects to look out forand:

  • Protection. The main criterion when choosing a sunscreen should be UV protection. It is best to bet on cosmetics that have an SPF of 30-50+. The designation "UVA" in a circle will be an additional plus.
  • .
  • Requirements. The sunscreen should be adapted to your skin type. The cosmetic must not leave white marks on your complexion, dry it out or leave an unpleasant greasy film. If a sunscreen triggers new skin lesions, we should not give up using this type of cream, but look for a better alternative.
  • .
  • Appearance. Matte, satin or illuminating finish? The choice is yours, but be sure to pay attention when buying sunscreen.
  • Additional active ingredients. Selected of these can regulate the sebaceous glands and also have antioxidant, moisturising and regenerative effects.
It is very important to choose a sunscreen that meets our expectations on a daily basis. It is a cosmetic that we should enjoy using. Remember the right amount and reapplication. If needed, you can apply a serum or an antioxidant or moisturising cream under the sunscreen.
Paulina Chylinska.

Paulina Chylinskamagister of cosmetology


See also:




You already know what the best sunscreens are, you know how they work, and you know the criteria for choosing each product. Hopefully you already know what the best sunscreen is and how to take care of your skin. Or do you have any questions? If so, feel free to visit the comments section, but first check out the summary and what others have asked. 


What to remember:

  • Some of the best sunscreens are Nivea Sun Luminous 630, Sesderma Azelac RU and Vichy Capital Soleil.
  • Some of the best sunscreens are Nivea Sun Luminous 630, Sesderma Azelac RU and Vichy Capital Soleil.
  • Filter cream protects the skin from UV radiation.
  • .
  • Sunscreen should be used every day, even in the winter.
  • The sunscreen should be used every day.
  • When choosing a sunscreen, it is worth looking at the protection it offers us, our needs, the finish on the skin, as well as the additional active ingredients.


. First apply sunscreen or moisturiser? .

Filter cream should be the last skincare item in the daily ritual. We cleanse the skin first, then apply moisturising cream and, at the very end, sunscreen. However, remember to apply the sunscreen before make-up.


If you apply sunscreen over make-up, it will not provide adequate protection. Therefore, it is important to remember the correct order when applying cosmetics.

. Can sunscreen be applied at night? .

There is no point in applying sunscreen at night. We are not exposed to the sun's rays at this time. Therefore, it is definitely better to rely on other, night-time cosmetics. Applying sunscreen at night will not only not have a positive effect on your skin, but could potentially weigh it down. Apply moisturising and oiling creams at night - for those 7-9 hours of sleep, they will have had a chance to absorb well, and you won't be stressed by a shiny complexion.

. Is it possible to get a tan by using sunscreen? .

Even a properly applied sunscreen (with the highest level of protection) will not prevent tanning. These preparations do not provide 100% protection. Often we unknowingly "rub them off" from our skin by hugging, scratching or rubbing and sweating.

This is why you should not treat sunscreen like 'armour' against the sun. Even when using the best products, we can get a tan. Studies have shown that a cream with SPF 50 filters 98% of UV radiation (used perfectly!), while weaker preparations filter up to 5% less. Therefore, the sun's rays are always reaching our skin. If you want or need to avoid the sun altogether, you must wear long sleeves, a hat and open an umbrella.

. Can sunscreen be used under foundation? .

Yes, sunscreen should be applied under foundation. It then provides us with the best protection. Properly applied sunscreen is used after cleansing the face and applying moisturiser, but under make-up.

Such an application of sunscreen provides us with the greatest effectiveness and protection from the sun. A single application (e.g. in the morning) of sunscreen will not, in most cases, be sufficient for the whole day.

The sunscreen is the most effective and the most effective.

. How long can sunscreen be left open for it to continue to work? .

The vast majority of sunscreens are fit for use for 12 months after opening. Therefore, we will most often not be able to use one cosmetic for two full seasons. Sunscreens should be stored in a dry and cool place. Otherwise they can become useless much sooner than after a full year.


Never use an out-of-date sunscreen as it will not provide adequate protection.

. Does sunscreen block vitamin D? .

No, sunscreens do not block vitamin D. However, there is a lack of research on sunscreens, which have a very high sun protection factor.

Sunscreen creams are designed to 'fade' UV radiation and protect us from sun damage. However, this does not mean that these preparations block vitamin D. Clinical studies have not shown that the use of sunscreen leads to vitamin D deficiency.

Furthermore, tests suggest that even with the use of sunscreen, it is possible to maintain adequate, healthy vitamin D concentrations in the body.

. Does expired sunscreen work? .

No, expired sunscreen does not work. What's more, such a cosmetic can even damage your skin. Therefore, always check the expiry date and never use expired sunscreen creams. Otherwise, you may not only fail to help yourself, but may even harm yourself.




. See all .

Bramlet, K. (n.d.). How does sunscreen work? MD Anderson Cancer Center. Retrieved March 14, 2023, from https://www.mdanderson.org/publications/focused-on-health/how-sunscreen-works.h27Z1590624.html

How Do I Protect Myself from Ultraviolet (UV) Rays? (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2023, from https://www.cancer.org/healthy/be-safe-in-sun/uv-protection.html

Neale, R. E., Khan, S. R., Lucas, R. M., Waterhouse, M., Whiteman, D. C., & Olsen, C. M. (2019). The effect of sunscreen on vitamin D: A review. British Journal of Dermatology, 181(5), 907-915. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjd.17980


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Ludwik Jelonek - Tekst

Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

Paulina Chylińska - Recenzja

Master's degree in cosmetology

Paulina Chylińska
Verified by an expert

Paulina Chylińska has a Master's degree in cosmetology with a specialisation in Anti-Aging. She graduated from the Higher School of Health in Gdansk and the Higher School of Engineering and Health in Warsaw. Currently, she runs an office in Gdansk, where she successfully helps patients with problematic skins. Her greatest success is the moment when the client befriends her skin.

Michael Tomaszewski - Redakcja


Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

Anna Wisniewska - Fact-checking


Anna Wisniewska

Anna Wisniewska is in charge of verifying quoted sources and checking that published content is truthful.

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