The best body lotion in 2024: a ranking from a cosmetologist

Discover the best body lotions recommended by an experienced cosmetologist.

Nina Wawryszuk - TekstTekstNina Wawryszuk
Nina Wawryszuk - Tekst
Nina Wawryszuk
Natu.Care Editor

Nina Wawryszuk specialises in sports supplementation, strength training and psychosomatics. On a daily basis, in addition to writing articles for Natu.Care, as a personal trainer she helps athletes improve their performance through training, diet and supplementation.

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Natalia Stępa - RecenzjaRecenzjaNatalia Stępa
Verified by an expert
Natalia Stępa - Recenzja
Natalia Stępa

An experienced cosmetologist who cares about the health of her clients' skin and face. Her certifications include the Marie Engman Aesthetc Academy certificate for advanced cosmetology treatments, certificates for attending professional courses in the use of acids and the European Doctors Centre certificate. Her motto is: Beautiful skin requires commitment, not a miracle.

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Michael Tomaszewski - RedakcjaRedakcjaMichael Tomaszewski
Michael Tomaszewski - Redakcja
Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

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Ludwik Jelonek - Fact-checkingFact-checkingLudwik Jelonek
Ludwik Jelonek - Fact-checking
Ludwik Jelonek
Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

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The best body lotion in 2024: a ranking from a cosmetologist
22 August, 2024
8 min
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Once upon a time, women who wanted to boast healthy and firm skin would spread themselves with plants, butter and even... mud (and more). Fortunately, in modern times you can put the butter in the fridge and not pluck plants from the pot. I have plenty of suggestions for you on how to care for your body with the best lotions.

A cosmetologist and I have taken popular body lotions under the microscope and onto the skin (literally). Find the best lotion for you that will nourish your skin, leave a lovely scent but not dry your wallet. 


From this article you will learn:

  • What are the best body lotions according to a cosmetologist.
  • .
  • How to enhance the effect of a body lotion.
  • .
  • How to take care of the condition of the body's skin on a daily basis.
  • How to use body lotions on a daily basis.

See also:

Best body lotions

The following lotion suggestions will meet the above criteria for even the most demanding skin. Cosmetologist Natalia Stępa took the following into consideration:


  • clinical and dermatological studies on the product,
  • .
  • composition of active ingredients and their effect on the skin,
  • .
  • consistency and absorption,
  • .
  • price/quality ratio,
  • .

When choosing a lotion, the following properties count above all: 


  • hydrating,
  • .
  • regenerating,
  • .
  • nourishing,
  • .

Best body lotion


The best body lotion is Frudia Blueberry Hydrating Serum. The lotion contains 71% blueberry extract. The 50g pack is efficient, just a small amount of the cream effectively hydrates and is well absorbed. It is a strongly moisturising lotion with a beautiful scent. It is suitable for very dry skin and will soothe it.

Check the ranking and choose a good moisturising lotion that takes care of your skin.

Ефективне зволоження

Чорнична зволожуюча сироватка Frudia

Чорнична зволожуюча сироватка Frudia
  • Ключові активні компоненти: екстракт ягід, олія насіння томатів, пантенол
  • Призначення: для всіх типів шкіри
  • Розмір упаковки: 50 г
Опис продукту

Чорнична зволожуюча сироватка Frudia - це унікальна формула на основі 71% екстракту чорниці, що забезпечує інтенсивне зволоження та відновлення.

Формула багата на антиоксиданти, отримані з надзвичайно чистого острова Чеджу, які відновлюють втомлену шкіру обличчя.

Сироватка швидко вбирається, не залишаючи липкої плівки, і ви можете побачити результати вже після першого використання.

Ідеально підходить для всіх типів шкіри, включаючи чутливу.

Плюси і мінуси


  • Ефективність.
  • Натуральні компоненти.
  • Відсутність липкої плівки після нанесення.
  • Приємний аромат.


  • Немає.
Додаткова інформація

Виробник рекомендує наносити тонік перед нанесенням сироватки, щоб підготувати шкіру до ефективного поглинання продукту.

З першого дня життя

Елодерм лосьйон омега 3-6-9

Елодерм лосьйон омега 3-6-9
  • Важливі інгредієнти: ріпакова олія, вітамін Е, олія макадамії, кукурудзяна олія, гіалуронат натрію
Опис продукту

Цінний комплекс омега 3-6-9 запобігає втраті води та підвищує рівень зволоженості шкіри. Токофероли, або вітамін Е, та фітостероли заспокоюють подразнення та мають протизапальну дію. Цей лосьйон - скарбниця активних речовин з пом'якшувальною дією, тобто вони підтримують правильний рівень зволоженості, жирності та еластичності шкіри.

Плюси і мінуси


  • Лосьйон рекомендований для особливо сухої шкіри, яка потребує зволоження та змащування.
  • Безпечний косметичний засіб для людей з атопічним дерматитом (АД).
  • Інгредієнти інтенсивно живлять шкіру, не залишаючи жирної плівки.
  • Алантоїн заспокоює подразнення та прискорює загоєння подразнень і подряпин.
  • Гіалуронат натрію та сечовина ефективно зволожують шкіру.
  • Вітамін Е стимулює ріст та оновлення клітин.
  • Лосьйон безпечний для шкіри і може використовуватися для немовлят.
  • Продукт не містить парабенів, ароматизаторів та барвників.
  • Лосьйон пройшов дерматологічне тестування.


  • Немає
Додаткова інформація

Без парабенів

Без барвників

Без ароматизаторів

Експертна думка
Атопічна шкіра схожа на стіну з пошкодженим розчином. Дефіцит цього "розчину" - занадто мало шкірного мастила. Тому важливо використовувати пом'якшувальні засоби, які поповнюють запаси епідермальних ліпідів і утримують воду в глибоких шарах шкіри.
Joanna Kowalska-Brocka

Йоанна Ковальська-Броцка, дерматолог

Гіпоалергенна косметика

Заспокійливий гель з алое 99% Holika Holika

Заспокійливий гель з алое 99% Holika Holika
  • Призначення: для всіх типів шкіри
  • Ключові інгредієнти: сік листя алое вера, натуральні рослинні екстракти (квітки лотоса, центелли азіатської, бамбука, листя капусти, огірка, кавуна)
  • Упаковка: 250 мл
Опис продукту

Догляд 3-в-1? Так! Багатофункціональний гель алое вера можна використовувати для догляду за тілом, обличчям та волоссям. Він має зволожуючі, охолоджуючі та заспокійливі властивості. Ви можете використовувати його як крем для обличчя, лосьйон для тіла або сироватку для волосся.

Плюси і мінуси


  • Гіпоалергенна косметика.
  • Багато варіантів використання для догляду за тілом та волоссям.
  • Багатий на алое вера та натуральні рослинні екстракти.
  • Можна використовувати для подразненої, чутливої та проблемної шкіри.
  • Висока ефективність.
  • Легка текстура, швидко вбирається.


  • Немає.
Додаткова інформація

Алое вера, що використовується в продукті, походить з острова Чеджу в Південній Кореї і видобувається шляхом ферментації за допомогою грибів. Не містить консервантів, парабенів, штучних барвників та інгредієнтів тваринного походження.

Відгук користувача

Я люблю цей продукт за його багатофункціональність і позитивні ефекти. Він добре підходить для мого волосся, обличчя, сухого тіла та надмірно засмаглої шкіри - тож я запасаюся ним на літо!

The trio of beauty: hair, skin and nails. How to take care of them? Read:

The body makes vitamin A from beta-carotene. You can find out more about it in this article: Vitamin A - properties, effects, occurrence, deficiency symptoms

Skin that is velvety to the touch, healthy and radiant is also due to vitamins and minerals.

Learn more in the articles:

Three tips from a cosmetologist


Cosmetologist Natalia Stępa has some tips for you on how to take care of your body's skin and how to keep it firm and glowing for years to come.

How to enhance the effects of a lotion?


Every few days, do a skin scrub during your bath. This removes the stratum corneum, which allows the lotion to absorb into the skin more effectively. For a better effect, you can apply the lotion to the still slightly exfoliated skin after bathing. Carrying out a massage will make it softer and more soothed, advises Natalia Stępa.



Are you looking forward to a relaxing scrub today? Remember that you can make one at home using a mixture of, for example, coconut oil, lemon juice and ground coffee.

What to look out for when buying lotion?


In your search for the lotion you want, it is worth checking that the product has been clinically and dermatologically tested. This indicates the high quality of the product and its safety for the skin. 

A lotion is designed to moisturise the skin, so the key active ingredients it should contain are:


  • plant oils and butters,
  • .
  • microbiome-supporting ingredients, e.g. glycerine, ceramides, urea,
  • .
  • antioxidants, e.g. green tea,coenzyme Q10.

Engredients we should avoid are:


  • parabens,
  • .
  • silicones,
  • .
  • strong detergents SLS, ELES,
  • .
  • mineral oils,
  • .
  • paraffins,
  • .
  • phthalates,
  • .
  • perfume additives,
  • .

The price is also important. Is there a cheap, good moisturising lotion? Yes! This is, for example, a high-quality universal lotion Eloderm 3-6-9. It comes in a large 400 ml pack. It is very efficient and is praised by many users.


skin care - useful tips


Healthy, firm skin with naturally beautiful colour can be achieved with a few effective skincare practices. Introduce at least one of them today!

  1. Eat a variety of foods. Provide essential nutrients from a rich meal - your body will be healthy and your skin will be in good shape.
  2. Drink water. Drinking water regularly has a huge impact on how your body functions and how your skin looks on your face and body. You are probably not drinking enough.
  3. Regularly care for your skin. Try dry brushing, buy a good quality body cosmetic and massage yourself to improve circulation.
  4. Sleep and rest. Slow down, make time for recovery and sleep hygiene. Fatigue takes its toll on your health and skin.
  5. .
  6. Protect your skin from UV rays. Use screen creams and hydrate your skin all year round.

A relaxing bath with a scrub and a tasty fruit cocktail or a cool shower finished with a massage with an aromatic lotion? How do you take care of your skin and senses? Let me know, I'd love to be inspired.


See also:




  • The best lotion is Frudia Blueberry Hydrating Serum.
  • .
  • This potent moisturising lotion is designed to nourish the skin, regenerate it and improve its appearance.
  • The best quality lotion is the one that is best for the skin.
  • Good quality lotions are researched, light in texture and have a composition of ingredients with proven positive effects on the skin.
  • .
  • When choosing the best lotion for you, pay attention to the content of valuable ingredients for the skin in the formulation such as butters, oils, antioxidants.
  • .
  • Avoid lotions that contain parabens, silicones, detergents, paraffins, phthalates, mineral oils and unnecessary perfume additives.
  • Introduce at least one good practice for healthy and firm skin today!
  • .


What is the best body lotion? .

The best body lotion should have a simple formulation with strong moisturising and lubricating properties to nourish the skin and provide it with needed ingredients such as vitamins, minerals, oils. Recommended lotions include Avène XeraCalm A.D., La Roche Posay Lipikar Baume and Dermedic Citatopy.

. Is it worth using a body lotion? .

Yes, it is worth using body lotion because of its benefits for the skin. Lotion moisturises, nourishes and protects the skin from harmful external factors, keeping it smooth and soft. It prevents keratosis of the epidermis, stretch marks and leaves it pleasant to the touch.

. Should the body be lotioned? .

Yes, the body should be lotioned regularly especially after a bath or shower when the skin is most likely to absorb nutrients. This will prevent dryness, irritation and keratinisation of the skin, as well as stretch marks or loss of moisture.

. What is better a body cream or a body lotion? .

Both body cream and body lotion have similar properties and tasks, but differ mainly in consistency. A cream is light and absorbs more quickly, making it good for normal skin. The lotion is thicker and sticks longer, which means it keeps the skin moisturised longer and is better for dry skin.

. What is a good moisturising lotion? .

A good moisturising lotion is Sebamed body lotion with 10% urea. The lotion has many positive reviews from users who praise the product for its quick moisturising effect, reduction of skin dryness and regenerative properties.

. Which body lotion to choose? .

Choose a body lotion that meets the individual needs of the skin. For dry skin, it is advisable to choose a lotion with a thicker consistency that contains moisturising ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, glycerin or shea butter. For sensitive skin, it is advisable to choose a lotion with minimal chemical ingredients and fragrances.

. Which lotions are best for sensitive skin? .

The best lotions for sensitive skin contain minimal chemical ingredients, no alcohol and no artificial fragrances. Natural lotions, such as those based on coconut oil, shea butter or aloe vera, are usually good choices for sensitive skin.




. See all .

A review of ethnomedicinal uses of shea butter for dermatoses in Sub-Saharan Africa-PubMed. (n.d.). Retrieved 13 April 2023, from

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Lee, M., Nam, T. G., Lee, I., Shin, E. J., Han, A., Lee, P., Lee, S., & Lim, T. (2018). Skin anti-inflammatory activity of rose petal extract (Rosa gallica) through reduction of MAPK signaling pathway. Food Science & Nutrition, 6(8), 2560-2567.

Lions, J. (2020). Hydrochemistry of Avène thermal waters (Avène-les-Bains, France). Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology, 34(S5), 4-7.

Makhakhe, L. (2022). Topical cannabidiol (CBD) in skin pathology-A comprehensive review and prospects for new therapeutic opportunities. South African Family Practice: Official Journal of the South African Academy of Family Practice/Primary Care, 64(1), e1-e4.

Martins, A. M., Gomes, A. L., Vilas Boas, I., Marto, J., & Ribeiro, H. M. (2022). Cannabis-Based Products for the Treatment of Skin Inflammatory Diseases: A Timely Review. Pharmaceuticals, 15(2), 210.

Nong, Y., Maloh, J., Natarelli, N., Gunt, H. B., Tristani, E., & Sivamani, R. K. (2023). A review of the use of beeswax in skincare. Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology.

Profile of wound healing process induced by allantoin-PubMed. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from

The Roles of Vitamin C in Skin Health-PubMed. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2023, from


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Meet the team
Nina Wawryszuk - Tekst

Natu.Care Editor

Nina Wawryszuk

Nina Wawryszuk specialises in sports supplementation, strength training and psychosomatics. On a daily basis, in addition to writing articles for Natu.Care, as a personal trainer she helps athletes improve their performance through training, diet and supplementation.

Natalia Stępa - Recenzja


Natalia Stępa
Verified by an expert

An experienced cosmetologist who cares about the health of her clients' skin and face. Her certifications include the Marie Engman Aesthetc Academy certificate for advanced cosmetology treatments, certificates for attending professional courses in the use of acids and the European Doctors Centre certificate. Her motto is: Beautiful skin requires commitment, not a miracle.

Michael Tomaszewski - Redakcja


Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

Ludwik Jelonek - Fact-checking

Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

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