MSM or organic sulphur - what it is, properties, dosage

Organic sulphur (MSM) - the beauty mineral. What properties does it have and what does it help with?

Nina Wawryszuk - AuthorAuthorNina Wawryszuk
Nina Wawryszuk - Author
Nina Wawryszuk
Natu.Care Editor

Nina Wawryszuk specialises in sports supplementation, strength training and psychosomatics. On a daily basis, in addition to writing articles for Natu.Care, as a personal trainer she helps athletes improve their performance through training, diet and supplementation.

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Ilona Bush - Reviewed byReviewed byIlona Bush
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Ilona Bush
Master of Pharmacy

Ilona Krzak obtained her Master of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of Wrocław. She did her internship in a hospital pharmacy and in the pharmaceutical industry. She is currently working in the profession and also runs an educational profile on Instagram: @pani_z_apteki

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Michael Tomaszewski - Edited by
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Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

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MSM or organic sulphur - what it is, properties, dosage
19 August, 2024

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Interest in MSM is growing, and not just among women who want a radiant complexion or bouncy hair. Seniors are asking about organic sulphur for joint pain, and athletes are interested in faster muscle recovery. 

Whatever your reason for being here - whether you're hoping for pain relief, joint strengthening or lush hair - I invite you to take a closer look at organic sulphur.


Description of contents:

  1. MSM - organic sulphur. What is it?
  2. .
  3. Properties of organic sulphur
  4. .
  5. Sources of organic sulphur
  6. .
  7. Symptoms of deficiency
  8. .
  9. Side effects and interactions
  10. .
  11. The body's organic sulphur requirements
  12. Supplementation with organic sulphur
  13. .
  14. Supplementation of MSM - product overview
  15. .
  16. Summary
  17. .

See also: 

MSM - organic sulphur. What is it?


Sulphur, after phosphorus and calcium, is the most common mineral element in  our bodiesand. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane, methylsulphate) is an organic sulphur compoundand with good bioavailability and I will be writing about it in this article. 

MSM comes in the form of a pure, stable, white, crystalline powder . It dissolves very well in water. It has all the health-promoting properties of sulphur, but without the disadvantages of the element - MSM is odourless , not responsible for gas production.

Organic sulphur taken orally is rapidly absorbed in the intestines, well distributed in the body and efficiently excreted in the urineand.


Organic sulphur  is a major constituent of many substances: 


  • insulin, 
  • .
  • coenzyme A, 
  • .
  • amino acids (methionine, cysteine), 
  • .
  • mucopolysaccharides (hyaluronic acid, heparin, chondroitin sulphate),
  • .
  • sulfolipids, 
  • .
  • biotin
  • thiamin
  • lipoic acid,
  • .

As you can see, its network of links with various compounds in the body is impressive!


Properties of organic sulphur


Organic sulphur helps relieve joint pain, reduces inflammation and improves skin condition. Scientists have been looking at organic sulphur for many years and have confirmed its many health-promoting benefits. 

What does MSM help with?




Organic sulphur can improve skin health by enhancing the action of keratin. Keratin is a protein that acts as the main structural component of hair, skin and nailsand. It contains high levels of the sulphur-rich amino acid cysteine. MSM acts as a sulphur 'donor' for keratinand.

MSM has the effect of reducing inflammation , which can damage skin cells and cause wrinkles to appear. Remember, this is only about working from within - skin creams with sulphur do not have an anti-wrinkle effect .

Organic sulphur may reduce the symptoms of problematic skin conditions. One study  involved people with rosacea. They applied a cream with MSM and simillarin to their face twice a day for one month. The subjects observed a reduction in redness, itching, skin inflammation, improved hydration and skin tone.

Hair and nails


Organic sulphur can form bonds important for strengthening keratin in hair and nails, stimulating their growth and improving their structureand

In one 2019 study  healthy women aged 35-59 years were supplemented with 1-3 g of organosulphur for 4 months. At weeks 2, 4 and 8, the women assessed shine, hair volume and overall nail plate health.

The majority of subjects noted significant improvements in the appearance and condition of their hair and nails.



Osteoarthritis affects the knees, hips, lower back, hands and fingersand. It can cause pain, stiffness and swelling and problems with movement. Research to dateand on the effect of organosulphur in alleviating the symptoms of this disease is promising. 

MSM may enhance the effectiveness of other supplements used to treat arthritis, such as glucosamine sulphate , chondroitin sulphate  and boswellic acid .

The effectiveness of MSM was tested in a study  on a group of 49 people aged 45-90 years with diagnosed knee osteoarthritis. Divided into two groups, participants were given 3.4g of organosulphur or placebo, three times a day for three months.

Researchers supplementing with MSM reported a reduction in joint pain and stiffness more often than those receiving placebo. However, the researchers are reticent and recommend cautionand, stressing that further research on MSM in the treatment of joint disease is needed. Consider organic sulphur as an adjunct to treatment, not the main component.

See also:

Pain relief


Pain can significantly reduce quality of life and limit activity, especially in seniorsand. Research suggests that MSM is effective in reducing joint pain, stiffness and swelling and has anti-inflammatory effects. 

An exploratory study on 100 people over 50 years of age found that supplementation with 1200 mg of organosulphur for 12 weeks reduced joint pain, stiffness and swelling compared to placebo. Study participants also reported improved overall quality of life and less difficulty walking and getting out of bed.



Muscle damage and increased oxidative stress  occur during exercise. Organic sulphur has been shown to have a positive effect on post-exercise muscle recovery and reduce post-workout muscle sorenessand. It is a useful supplement for athletes.

In one study  a group of athletic men supplemented with 3g of organosulphur daily for a fortnight. During the study, they performed leg extensions on a machine with a heavy load (anyone who has tried this exercise knows how difficult it is to walk on the second day!). They reported less muscle pain and lower  levels of IL-6  (a molecule produced by the immune system that coordinates inflammation in the body)and.

Good news also comes from research on a group of women training for half marathons . The female athletes supplemented with 3 g of MSM or a placebo daily for the three weeks leading up to the half marathon and two days after the event. The group consuming organosulphur reported less muscle soreness and joint pain after the competition than the group taking the placebo.



Organic sulphur can help boost the immune system by reducing inflammation and increasing glutathione levelsand. Glutathione is a natural, powerful antioxidant that fights free radicals, which are implicated in the development of lifestyle diseases.

Organic sulphur is believed to inhibit NF-kB, a protein complex involved in the body's inflammatory reactions. It also decreases the production of cytokines - signalling proteins associated with systemic inflammation.

The production of cytokines - signalling proteins associated with systemic inflammation - is also reduced.

The results of studiesand confirm the effects of MSM on the immune system. One study involved 40 healthy, physically active men. Taking 3 grams of organosulphur before demanding exercise was shown to reduce the release of inflammatory cytokines and prevent immune cell overstimulation, compared to placebo.

Alleviation of allergy symptoms


Allergies can cause sneezing, itching, watery eyes and coughing when a person comes into contact with a particular allergen, such as pollen or animal dander. 

In one study allergy sufferers were instructed to supplement with 3 g of organosulphur daily for 2 weeks. Participants in the final survey reported a reduction in allergic symptoms when exposed to the allergen by more than 50%and.

Sources of organic sulphur


MSM is a fragile compound. Although it is found in many products, all kinds of food processing (e.g. heating, pasteurisation, freezing, irradiation) significantly reduce the organic sulphur content of food.

With this in mind, consider the following list of MSM sources as a guideline and remember that your diet as a whole should be diverse and nutritious.

Main sources of organic sulphur:

  • coffee,
  • .
  • tea,
  • .
  • milk,
  • .
  • alfalfalfa seedlings,
  • .
  • vegetables (leafy greens, tomatoes, legumes),
  • .
  • fruits (apples, raspberries),
  • .
  • whole grain products,
  • .

Symptoms of deficiency


There is no description of sulphur deficiency in the medical literatureand. This is due to the specificity of MSM, which is common in food. In addition, it is a fragile compound, easily destroyed by temperature, for example. It is difficult to indicate exactly how much sulphur we consume and how much we absorb.

Symptoms of MSM deficiency are so non-specific that they can be attributed to a deficiency of any mineral or vitamin. Fatigue, headache, weakness - these can be indicative of many ailments.

If you are experiencing prolonged and distressing symptoms, book a doctor's appointment and do basic blood and urine tests.

Side effects and interactions


Studies from 2017  eyeand suggest that MSM supplementation is generally well tolerated and safe. However, the following side effects may occur in some individuals:

  • headache,
  • .
  • nausea,
  • .
  • discomfort in the abdominal cavity,
  • .
  • congestion,
  • diarrhoea.
  • diarrhoea,
  • .

No interactions of MSM with other drugs, supplements or herbs are knownand. Caution should be exercised and a doctor should be consulted before starting supplementation.

Excess organic sulphur in the body is excreted in the urineand. Remember that the dose makes the poison - if you are supplementing with MSM, follow the manufacturer's recommendations as described on the leaflet. And what is the daily requirement for sulphur?


The body's requirement for organic sulphur


Nutritional experts have not established a daily requirement for sulphur. Based on analyses of past researchand on organic sulphur, the compound has been found to be safe and well tolerated by most people in doses up to 4 g per day

Dosing depends on the purpose of supplementation, age, health status and taking other medications or supplements. For safety, a healthy and reasonable dosage should be determined in consultation with your doctor.


Supplementation of MSM - product overview


Which organic sulphur is best? When looking for a good dietary supplement, look out for:

  • Source of purchase - it is best to buy MSM from a pharmacy, a good herbal shop or a health food shop.
  • The best way to buy MSM is from a pharmacy, a good herbal shop or a health food shop.
  • Buy organic sulphur, which has other valuable vitamins and minerals in its composition. Particularly look out for vitamin C and vitamin B6, which help with the absorption of sulphur.
  • Beware of the MSM content per serving. Some manufacturers offer a low dose and recommend taking a tablet or solution several times a day. The purchase is to be efficient!

There are various forms of MSM available on the market - tablets, capsules, powder. There are also sulphur-containing creams for use on the skin. It is worth noting that organic sulphur does not penetrate the skinand, so the creams will not have the anti-wrinkle effect that the manufacturers promise.

MSM has hydrophilic properties, meaning that it dissolves relatively well in water. Skin tissues, on the other hand, are hydrophobic (repel water), making it difficult for MSM to be absorbed into the bloodstream and deeper into the skin. Any creams, gels with MSM will only work on the surface of the epidermis.
Ilona Krzak.

Ilona Krzak Master of Pharmacy



Efficient packaging

Aura Herbals - MSM - Organic Sulphur Compound

Aura Herbals - MSM - Organic Sulphur Compound
  • Active ingredients: methylsulfonylmethane (MSM)
  • .
  • Form: powder
  • .
  • Dose: 2 grams per day
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 100 days
  • .
Product description

A dietary supplement to support joint health – prevent bóls and stiffness. MSM from Aura Herbals can also speed up recovery after exercise, and reduce stress and muscle damage.

Pros and cons

A dietary supplement to support joint health – prevent bóls and stiffness. MSM from Aura Herbals can also speed up recovery after exercise, and reduce stress and muscle damage.

Additional information

A dietary supplement to support joint health – prevent bóls and stiffness. MSM from Aura Herbals can also speed up recovery after exercise, and reduce stress and muscle damage.


Efficient packaging

Pharmovit MSM organic sulphur

Pharmovit MSM organic sulphur
  • Main ingredients: MSM (organic sulfur)
  • .
  • Form: tablets
  • .
  • Packaging: 60 tablets
  • .
  • Dose: 2 tablets daily
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

Organic sulphur improves the appearance and condition of skinóry, hairów and nails. It supports the health of the musculoskeletal system – it can relieve painóle and stiffness in the jointsóand supports muscle regeneration.

Pros and cons

Organic sulphur improves the appearance and condition of skinóry, hairów and nails. It supports the health of the musculoskeletal system – it can relieve painóle and stiffness in the jointsóand supports muscle regeneration.

Additional information

Organic sulphur improves the appearance and condition of skinóry, hairów and nails. It supports the health of the musculoskeletal system – it can relieve painóle and stiffness in the jointsóand supports muscle regeneration.

User review

Organic sulphur improves the appearance and condition of skinóry, hairów and nails. It supports the health of the musculoskeletal system – it can relieve painóle and stiffness in the jointsóand supports muscle regeneration.

Promotes hair growth

Sundose° For Hair Growth°

Sundose° For Hair Growth°
  • Main active ingredients: biotin, copper, selenium, MSM (organic sulphur), field horsetail extract 
  • .
  • Form: capsules
  • .
  • Dose: 2 capsules daily
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

For Hair Growth° from Sundose is a preparation thatóry supports not only the hair, but also the skinóhand and nails (thanks to biotin). The supplement also has copper and zinc in its composition, whichós well absorbed form makes it a good choice. 


On the plus side, MSM (organic sulphur), known as the beauty mineral, supports hair structure and stimulates hair growth. We also praise the standardisation of field horsetail, so you know it's not an empty ingredient – it will work for your beauty.

Pros and cons

For Hair Growth° from Sundose is a preparation thatóry supports not only the hair, but also the skinóhand and nails (thanks to biotin). The supplement also has copper and zinc in its composition, whichós well absorbed form makes it a good choice. 


On the plus side, MSM (organic sulphur), known as the beauty mineral, supports hair structure and stimulates hair growth. We also praise the standardisation of field horsetail, so you know it's not an empty ingredient – it will work for your beauty.

Additional information

For Hair Growth° from Sundose is a preparation thatóry supports not only the hair, but also the skinóhand and nails (thanks to biotin). The supplement also has copper and zinc in its composition, whichós well absorbed form makes it a good choice. 


On the plus side, MSM (organic sulphur), known as the beauty mineral, supports hair structure and stimulates hair growth. We also praise the standardisation of field horsetail, so you know it's not an empty ingredient – it will work for your beauty.

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Solgar Hair Skin Nails

Solgar Hair Skin Nails
  • Active Ingredients: MSM (organic sulphur), vitamin C, zinc, copper, L-proline, L-lysine, silicon, red algae powder
  • .
  • Daily serving: 2 tablets
  • .
  • Packaging: 60 or 120 tablets
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 1 or 2 months
  • .
Product description

A dietary supplement with a complex of active ingredients affecting the appearance and condition of hairóhair, skinóskin and nailsand. A simple and effective formulation with no unnecessary additivesós. Recommended for hair loss and poor hairócondition, brittle nails and skinócondition without shine and with imperfections.

Pros and cons

A dietary supplement with a complex of active ingredients affecting the appearance and condition of hairóhair, skinóskin and nailsand. A simple and effective formulation with no unnecessary additivesós. Recommended for hair loss and poor hairócondition, brittle nails and skinócondition without shine and with imperfections.

Additional information

A dietary supplement with a complex of active ingredients affecting the appearance and condition of hairóhair, skinóskin and nailsand. A simple and effective formulation with no unnecessary additivesós. Recommended for hair loss and poor hairócondition, brittle nails and skinócondition without shine and with imperfections.

Expert opinion

A dietary supplement with a complex of active ingredients affecting the appearance and condition of hairóhair, skinóskin and nailsand. A simple and effective formulation with no unnecessary additivesós. Recommended for hair loss and poor hairócondition, brittle nails and skinócondition without shine and with imperfections.

YANGO Liquid collagen for joints

YANGO Liquid collagen for joints
Product description

Product supports the health of jointsós, joint cartilage and muscles. Regardless of age or physical activity, everyone deserves joints that donót creak. It is a good choiceór for peopleór who want to take care of their musculoskeletal system and at the same time can get… a beautiful complexion and shiny hair. Well, I donót think youówont say no?"

Pros and cons

Product supports the health of jointsós, joint cartilage and muscles. Regardless of age or physical activity, everyone deserves joints that donót creak. It is a good choiceór for peopleór who want to take care of their musculoskeletal system and at the same time can get… a beautiful complexion and shiny hair. Well, I donót think youówont say no?"

Additional information

Product supports the health of jointsós, joint cartilage and muscles. Regardless of age or physical activity, everyone deserves joints that donót creak. It is a good choiceór for peopleór who want to take care of their musculoskeletal system and at the same time can get… a beautiful complexion and shiny hair. Well, I donót think youówont say no?"

User review

Product supports the health of jointsós, joint cartilage and muscles. Regardless of age or physical activity, everyone deserves joints that donót creak. It is a good choiceór for peopleór who want to take care of their musculoskeletal system and at the same time can get… a beautiful complexion and shiny hair. Well, I donót think youówont say no?"


Best after hybrid

Biotebal Strong Nails Nail Strengthening Serum

Biotebal Strong Nails Nail Strengthening Serum
  • Main active ingredients: Hydro-StrongTM formula (hydroxypropylchitosan), field horsetail extract, dimethylsulfone, biotin
  • .
  • Purpose: for brittle, fragile nails, dry plate
  • .
  • Packaging: 6.6ml
  • .
Product description

This specialised nail serum, thanks to its unique combination of ingredientsós, penetrates the deep layers of the nails, maintaining their optimal level of hydration. The Hydro-StrongTM formula is based on the use of hydroxypropylchitosan, an ingredient that adheres tightly to keratin, the mainónate builder. The serum forms an invisible protective layer, which protects the nail plate from moisture loss and from the harmful effects of external factors.


Pros and cons

This specialised nail serum, thanks to its unique combination of ingredientsós, penetrates the deep layers of the nails, maintaining their optimal level of hydration. The Hydro-StrongTM formula is based on the use of hydroxypropylchitosan, an ingredient that adheres tightly to keratin, the mainónate builder. The serum forms an invisible protective layer, which protects the nail plate from moisture loss and from the harmful effects of external factors.


Additional information

This specialised nail serum, thanks to its unique combination of ingredientsós, penetrates the deep layers of the nails, maintaining their optimal level of hydration. The Hydro-StrongTM formula is based on the use of hydroxypropylchitosan, an ingredient that adheres tightly to keratin, the mainónate builder. The serum forms an invisible protective layer, which protects the nail plate from moisture loss and from the harmful effects of external factors.


User review

This specialised nail serum, thanks to its unique combination of ingredientsós, penetrates the deep layers of the nails, maintaining their optimal level of hydration. The Hydro-StrongTM formula is based on the use of hydroxypropylchitosan, an ingredient that adheres tightly to keratin, the mainónate builder. The serum forms an invisible protective layer, which protects the nail plate from moisture loss and from the harmful effects of external factors.


9 active ingredients

YANGO Flexan

YANGO Flexan
  • Curcumin content: 80 mg
  • .
  • Other active ingredients: glucosamine, MSM, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin, Indian frankincense, vitamin C, piperine
  • Form: capsules
  • .
  • Dose: 2 capsules per day
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 45 days
  • .
Product description

Flexan™ contains up to 9 active ingredientsócreating strong, natural support for the musculoskeletal system.

Pros and cons

Flexan™ contains up to 9 active ingredientsócreating strong, natural support for the musculoskeletal system.

Additional information

Flexan™ contains up to 9 active ingredientsócreating strong, natural support for the musculoskeletal system.

Hydrolysed keratin


  • Main ingredients: hydrolyzed keratin, MSM, choline, inositol, L-cysteine, vitamin Cvitamin Ezincbiotin, copper, vitamin A
  • .
  • Form: tablets
  • .
  • Packaging: 120 tablets
  • .
  • Dose: 4 tablets daily
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

Professional nutricosmetic with a conditioning action thatós helps to take care of the optimal condition of your skinós, hairós and nails from within. It contains NHS Cynatine keratin, whichóra is a 100% natural form of keratin. It is more easily absorbed by the body and more effective than standard forms of keratin.

Product recommended for hair lossóy, brittle, fragile and splitting nails and poor skinóy condition (imperfections, dry complexion).

Pros and cons

Professional nutricosmetic with a conditioning action thatós helps to take care of the optimal condition of your skinós, hairós and nails from within. It contains NHS Cynatine keratin, whichóra is a 100% natural form of keratin. It is more easily absorbed by the body and more effective than standard forms of keratin.

Product recommended for hair lossóy, brittle, fragile and splitting nails and poor skinóy condition (imperfections, dry complexion).

Additional information

Professional nutricosmetic with a conditioning action thatós helps to take care of the optimal condition of your skinós, hairós and nails from within. It contains NHS Cynatine keratin, whichóra is a 100% natural form of keratin. It is more easily absorbed by the body and more effective than standard forms of keratin.

Product recommended for hair lossóy, brittle, fragile and splitting nails and poor skinóy condition (imperfections, dry complexion).

User review

Professional nutricosmetic with a conditioning action thatós helps to take care of the optimal condition of your skinós, hairós and nails from within. It contains NHS Cynatine keratin, whichóra is a 100% natural form of keratin. It is more easily absorbed by the body and more effective than standard forms of keratin.

Product recommended for hair lossóy, brittle, fragile and splitting nails and poor skinóy condition (imperfections, dry complexion).

See also: 


To supplement MSM or not to supplement - that is the question. This element is present in several products; on the other hand, it is fragile and easily destroyed in the production or heat treatment process. It is difficult to diagnose its deficiency and the symptoms of deficiency are non-specific.


If you want to try MSM or think it might help a loved one - go ahead and see how it works. Keep in mind the tips for choosing a supplement and consult your doctor. I recommend doing an experiment as in the studies mentioned above - supplement with MSM and document changes in hair or nails.




The most important information about MSM in a nutshell:

  • Organosulphur, also known as MSM (methylsulphate) is an organic sulphur compound with good bioavailability.
  • Organosulphur, also known as MSM (methylsulphate) is an organic sulphur compound with good bioavailability.
  • There are no official standards for the daily intake of this mineral.
  • There are no official standards for the daily intake of this mineral.
  • There is no description of sulphur deficiency in the literature and there are no characteristic symptoms of MSM deficiency.
  • .
  • MSM can support our body by affecting the condition of skin, hair, nails. It also has the potential to alleviate joint pain and reduce muscle recovery time after exercise.


. What diseases does organic sulphur treat? .

Organic sulphur (MSM) can support the treatment of:

Also, organic sulphur can boost immunity, muscle recovery after exercise, and improve the appearance of nails and hair.

. How long can you take organic sulphur? .

Organic sulphur can be taken daily, however some scientific sources state to take a break in supplementation after 6 months. Do not exceed a 4g daily serving.

. Is MSM collagen? .

No, organic sulphur (MSM) is not the same as collagen. However, it compounds show similar effects on certain areas of the body. In addition, MSM contributes to the production of collagen, elastin and keratin, substances that are essential for the health of hair, skin and nails. Many nutritional supplements contain collagen and organic sulphur.

. Is organic sulphur harmful to the kidneys? .

No, organic sulphur used in the recommended doses does not harm the kidneys. Excess organosulphur in the body is excreted in the urine, but supplementation for too long in too large a quantity can adversely affect the body.

. Does MSM work against parasites? .

Organosulphur has been shown to have antiparasitic effects, but the effectiveness of its use in clinical practice is still a matter of research and has not been confirmed. Remember that parasites are treated with antibiotics, steroids, other anti-parasitic drugs or surgery.


Remember that there are no dietary supplements for parasites and this is a marketing ploy. If left untreated pharmacologically, parasites can lead to significant deterioration of health. If you suspect parasites in yourself, see your doctor.

. Is MSM harmful to the liver .

Organic sulphur (MSM) taken in doses of up to 4 g per day does not harm the liver. MSM supplementation is worth consulting your doctor, especially if you are being treated for liver disease or other chronic conditions.

. How does sulphur work on joints? .

In research studies, patients diagnosed with knee osteoarthritis who used organic sulphur reported a reduction in pain, swelling and joint stiffness. Organic sulphur may be helpful in the treatment of joint complaints, but should not be considered as a source of treatment.

Remember that joint disease is a serious condition that, untreated, leads to a significant reduction in quality of life and deterioration of health. Joint disease should be treated with the help of a doctor, such as a rheumatologist.

. What does organic sulphur (MSM) help with? .

Organic sulphur helps with osteoarticular complaints such as chronic pain, swelling and joint stiffness. It supports regeneration and post-workout muscle soreness, strengthens immunity through its anti-inflammatory effects and improves the condition of hair, skin and nails.




. See all .

Aljohani, H., Senbanjo, L. T., & Chellaiah, M. A. (2019). Methylsulfonylmethane increases osteogenesis and regulates the mineralization of the matrix by transglutaminase 2 in SHED cells. PLOS ONE, 14(12), e0225598.

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Nina Wawryszuk - Author

Natu.Care Editor

Nina Wawryszuk

Nina Wawryszuk specialises in sports supplementation, strength training and psychosomatics. On a daily basis, in addition to writing articles for Natu.Care, as a personal trainer she helps athletes improve their performance through training, diet and supplementation.

Ilona Bush - Reviewed by

Master of Pharmacy

Ilona Bush
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Ilona Krzak obtained her Master of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of Wrocław. She did her internship in a hospital pharmacy and in the pharmaceutical industry. She is currently working in the profession and also runs an educational profile on Instagram: @pani_z_apteki

Michael Tomaszewski - Edited by


Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

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