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The best CBD oil - which one to choose? (Ranking 2024)

CBD oil can support sleep, treat mental health disorders or relieve pain. See a summary of the best products.

Ludwik Jelonek - AuthorAuthorLudwik Jelonek
Ludwik Jelonek - Author
Ludwik Jelonek
Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

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Ilona Bush - Reviewed byReviewed byIlona Bush
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Ilona Bush - Reviewed by
Reviewed by
Ilona Bush
Master of Pharmacy

Ilona Krzak obtained her Master of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of Wrocław. She did her internship in a hospital pharmacy and in the pharmaceutical industry. She is currently working in the profession and also runs an educational profile on Instagram: @pani_z_apteki

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Michael Tomaszewski - Edited byEdited byMichael Tomaszewski
Michael Tomaszewski - Edited by
Edited by
Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

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Mateusz Podlecki - Fact-checking
Mateusz Podlecki

At Natu.Care, she educates about healthy lifestyles and debunks dangerous myths, contrasting them with the results of the latest scientific research. Additionally, she is interested in new technologies and their impact on health and everyday life.

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The best CBD oil - which one to choose? (Ranking 2024)
28 August, 2024
18 min
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Since research was published suggesting that CBD relieves pain, can positively affect sleep and mental health and support heart health, thousands of CBD oils have appeared on the market. However, not all are worthy of attention.

In some products, the content of the active substance is so low that they have no right to work (unless through the placebo effect). In this list, you will find only the best, certified and effective CBD oils.


From this article you will learn:

  • Which CBD oil is best
  • .
  • What is CBD oil
  • .
  • How CBD oils work
  • .
  • What are the contraindications to using CBD oils
  • .

CBD oil - which one to choose?


Choose a CBD oil with a good concentration of cannabidiol - 5% for beginners (more for advanced). A good product comes from certified organic cultivation and is free of pesticides, mould and heavy metals. CBD oil should also have laboratory testing to confirm composition and purity.

CBD oil - selection criteria


After consulting with a pharmacist, we have selected 19 of the best CBD oils available on the market. When selecting the products, we took into account several criteria.

    • CBD content. The CBD oils in our list offer different concentrations of the active ingredient - tailored to the needs of both more advanced and novice consumers.
    • Certification. This is proof of the quality of the chosen product. Some certification bodies test random samples from circulation, which guarantees the high quality of the preparation.
    • .
    • Composition. Adequate balance of ingredients and additional cannabinoids (in addition to cannabidiol) is a sign that we are dealing with a great preparation.
    • The ingredients are well-balanced.
    • Content of oiland not oil. CBD oil or CBD oil - this linguistic nuance is used by many manufacturers. Most often to the disadvantage of customers. The oil is obtained by extraction (so it is more concentrated), while the oil is pressed from seeds, for example. The difference in price can be significant, however, according to the pharmacist, it is worth paying extra for oil.


Best CBD oils - ranking


BCD oil - ranking:


  • CBD OIL 500 mg Hemp Combine
  • .
  • Hemp oil 10% | POLISH CBD 10% PREMIUM EXTRACT | 1000 mg |
  • .
  • Cannabis CBD OIL 30MG CBD/ML Endoca
  • .
  • CannabiGold Classic 500 mg
  • .
  • Canaste - CBD Oil
  • .
  • Hemp Juice chill af
  • .
  • CBD oil NO.9 - Eir Health
  • .
  • Bieszczady CBD Oil 20%
  • .
  • PREMIUM CBD OIL 2000 mg - Hemp Combine
  • .
  • ALTAIO CBD Hemp Oil 1000 MG 10 ML
  • .
  • Hemp Juice re-balance
  • .
  • CBD Oil - Light
  • .
  • .
  • Hemp Juice big mood
  • .
  • Hemp Juice zen you
  • .
  • CBD+ oil - Lightly
  • .
  • Hemp Juice isolate pro
  • .
  • Hemp Juice night drops
  • .
  • Hemp Juice vibe up
  • .
  • CannaxOil orange 2000 mg
  • Medicanna Pure hemp CBD oil 1100 mg D3 + K2
  • Naturaya Raw oil 10% Eco
  • .

Norwegian collagen

Pharmovit Flexi-Vit

Pharmovit Flexi-Vit
  • Collagen content: 450 mg collagen types I and II
  • Additional active ingredients: vitamin Chyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, MSM, glucosamine sulphate, Indian frankincense resin extract, ginger root extract, vitamin D, black pepper fruit extract
  • .
  • Form: capsules
  • .
  • Dose:2 capsules daily
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

Collagen along with additional active ingredients thatóprovide comprehensive joint support. Glucosamine and chondroitin occur naturally in the connective tissue, while hyaluronic acid ensures adequate hydration of the skinóry and joint fluid.


The formula has been enriched with the patented BioPerine® complex with black pepper extract, which supports the absorption of the nutrients.

Pros and cons

Collagen along with additional active ingredients thatóprovide comprehensive joint support. Glucosamine and chondroitin occur naturally in the connective tissue, while hyaluronic acid ensures adequate hydration of the skinóry and joint fluid.


The formula has been enriched with the patented BioPerine® complex with black pepper extract, which supports the absorption of the nutrients.

Additional information

Collagen along with additional active ingredients thatóprovide comprehensive joint support. Glucosamine and chondroitin occur naturally in the connective tissue, while hyaluronic acid ensures adequate hydration of the skinóry and joint fluid.


The formula has been enriched with the patented BioPerine® complex with black pepper extract, which supports the absorption of the nutrients.

User review

Collagen along with additional active ingredients thatóprovide comprehensive joint support. Glucosamine and chondroitin occur naturally in the connective tissue, while hyaluronic acid ensures adequate hydration of the skinóry and joint fluid.


The formula has been enriched with the patented BioPerine® complex with black pepper extract, which supports the absorption of the nutrients.

CBD oil 500 mg

CBD oil 500 mg
  • Active ingredients: olive oil infused with dried hemp
  • .
  • Form: oil
  • .
  • Package:500mg
  • .
  • Dose: 2 drops 2 times a day
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 250 dnand
  • .





Product description

Hemp Combine CBD oil is a true revolution on the hemp market. Until now, no one has dared to introduce an oil at such a low price while guaranteeing the highest quality product.

As Hemp Combine, we want to break the myth that CBD oil has to be expensive. No, it doesn't! We have prepared the product based on our many years of hemp experience, using raw materialsów produced exclusively under the full control of Hemp Combine.

We do not use pesticidesóon our crops, making Hemp Combine's oil the closest sourceóof CBD to nature. One bottle contains as much as 30 ml of oil, which translates into 500 mg of natural CBD!

The oil, obtained by maceration of decarboxylated dried hemp, contains the full spectrum of naturally occurring cannabinoidsóin active forms. Product without added isolate!

Pros and cons

Hemp Combine CBD oil is a true revolution on the hemp market. Until now, no one has dared to introduce an oil at such a low price while guaranteeing the highest quality product.

As Hemp Combine, we want to break the myth that CBD oil has to be expensive. No, it doesn't! We have prepared the product based on our many years of hemp experience, using raw materialsów produced exclusively under the full control of Hemp Combine.

We do not use pesticidesóon our crops, making Hemp Combine's oil the closest sourceóof CBD to nature. One bottle contains as much as 30 ml of oil, which translates into 500 mg of natural CBD!

The oil, obtained by maceration of decarboxylated dried hemp, contains the full spectrum of naturally occurring cannabinoidsóin active forms. Product without added isolate!

Additional information

Hemp Combine CBD oil is a true revolution on the hemp market. Until now, no one has dared to introduce an oil at such a low price while guaranteeing the highest quality product.

As Hemp Combine, we want to break the myth that CBD oil has to be expensive. No, it doesn't! We have prepared the product based on our many years of hemp experience, using raw materialsów produced exclusively under the full control of Hemp Combine.

We do not use pesticidesóon our crops, making Hemp Combine's oil the closest sourceóof CBD to nature. One bottle contains as much as 30 ml of oil, which translates into 500 mg of natural CBD!

The oil, obtained by maceration of decarboxylated dried hemp, contains the full spectrum of naturally occurring cannabinoidsóin active forms. Product without added isolate!

Expert opinion

Editor's choice


  • Active ingredients: In the composition of the oil, in addition to the wide spectrum of phytonutrientsónaturally occurring in the plant, such as CBD, CBG, CBDA, CBGA, CBDV, CBC, CBN, you will also find vitamins: Vitamin A, vitamin B (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12), vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, numerous minerals: iron, beta carotene, zinc, potassium, calcium, selenium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium, flavonoids, terpenes and terpenoids, as well as fatty acids: omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9.
  • Form: oil
  • .
  • Packaging:10ml, approximately 250 drops
  • .
  • Dose: 3 drops 3 times a day
  • .
  • Sufficient for: about 28 days
  • .


Product description

Unlike most offerings available on the market, Polskie CBD brand oils, as the name suggests, are made entirely in Poland exclusively from our Polish, properly selected hemp.


Thanks to many years of experience, we are already spreading the unrivalled quality of Polish hemp on over a dozen foreign markets, where our oils are available in six different languages.


Our oils are produced in a process which prevents the occurrence of even trace amounts of psychoactive compounds, including THC, in their composition, therefore they can be administered not only to children, but also to exceptionally delicate creatures, such as dogs or cats, where, similarly as in the case of humans, they perform superbly.

The oils are made with the use of the following methods

Pros and cons

Unlike most offerings available on the market, Polskie CBD brand oils, as the name suggests, are made entirely in Poland exclusively from our Polish, properly selected hemp.


Thanks to many years of experience, we are already spreading the unrivalled quality of Polish hemp on over a dozen foreign markets, where our oils are available in six different languages.


Our oils are produced in a process which prevents the occurrence of even trace amounts of psychoactive compounds, including THC, in their composition, therefore they can be administered not only to children, but also to exceptionally delicate creatures, such as dogs or cats, where, similarly as in the case of humans, they perform superbly.

The oils are made with the use of the following methods

Additional information

Unlike most offerings available on the market, Polskie CBD brand oils, as the name suggests, are made entirely in Poland exclusively from our Polish, properly selected hemp.


Thanks to many years of experience, we are already spreading the unrivalled quality of Polish hemp on over a dozen foreign markets, where our oils are available in six different languages.


Our oils are produced in a process which prevents the occurrence of even trace amounts of psychoactive compounds, including THC, in their composition, therefore they can be administered not only to children, but also to exceptionally delicate creatures, such as dogs or cats, where, similarly as in the case of humans, they perform superbly.

The oils are made with the use of the following methods

Expert opinion

Editor's choice


  • Active ingredients: Hemp seed oil (80%), Omega 3 (1.25g), Omega 6 (4g), Vitamin E (8mg) phytocannabinoids, cannabidiol and cannabidiolic acid 3% (CBD 300mg), low concentration of natural forms (CBC, CBG, CBN)
  • .
  • Form: oil
  • .
  • Package:300mg
  • .
  • Dose: 1 -3 drops per day
  • .
Product description

CBD is new to you and you don't know where to start? Our medium strength hemp oil is a great start to your CBD journey. Sourced from non-GMO organic hemp, our olive offers all the nutritional richness of our special hemp variety. Developed by our teamóof scientists, herbalists and nutritionistsóour hemp oil supports a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Pros and cons

CBD is new to you and you don't know where to start? Our medium strength hemp oil is a great start to your CBD journey. Sourced from non-GMO organic hemp, our olive offers all the nutritional richness of our special hemp variety. Developed by our teamóof scientists, herbalists and nutritionistsóour hemp oil supports a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Additional information

CBD is new to you and you don't know where to start? Our medium strength hemp oil is a great start to your CBD journey. Sourced from non-GMO organic hemp, our olive offers all the nutritional richness of our special hemp variety. Developed by our teamóof scientists, herbalists and nutritionistsóour hemp oil supports a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Expert opinion

Editor's choice

CannabiGold Classic 500 mg

CannabiGold Classic 500 mg
  • Active ingredients: o hemp seed oil, CO2 extract of hemp seed
  • .
  • Form: oil
  • .
  • Packaging: 12ml
  • .
  • Dose: 1 drop 2 times a day
  • .
  • Sufficient for: about 1.5 months


Product description

The highest quality gold oil with CO2 extract from hemp hairsówith naturally occurring phytocannabinoids. CannabiGold Classic contains the full spectrum of naturally-occurring cannabinoidsós, flavonoidsós and terpenoidsós in hemp, including a guaranteed minimum of 500 mg of natural CBD.

Pros and cons

The highest quality gold oil with CO2 extract from hemp hairsówith naturally occurring phytocannabinoids. CannabiGold Classic contains the full spectrum of naturally-occurring cannabinoidsós, flavonoidsós and terpenoidsós in hemp, including a guaranteed minimum of 500 mg of natural CBD.

Additional information

The highest quality gold oil with CO2 extract from hemp hairsówith naturally occurring phytocannabinoids. CannabiGold Classic contains the full spectrum of naturally-occurring cannabinoidsós, flavonoidsós and terpenoidsós in hemp, including a guaranteed minimum of 500 mg of natural CBD.

Expert opinion

Editor's choice

Hemp Juice chill af

Hemp Juice chill af
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 900 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer states on theirs the precise dosage depending on your body weight. In addition, the product includes a pipette with a convenient measuring cup for the ideal dose.
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

Best CBD hemp oil chill af from Hemp Juice is a great option for beginners. This formula contains 900 mg of cannabidiol. In addition to hemp extract, you'll find ashwagandha in the formulation, which supports sleep and helps fight fatigue. The supplement is free of impurities and heavy metals.

Ideal for beginners, the best CBD oil from Hemp Juice helps you achieve calmness and supports mental health. In addition, the formula has a pleasant citrus flavour.

Why is it worth it

CBD oil 30 ml from Hemp positively influences mental health, helps to keep you full of energy during the day, and to achieve inner peace and relaxation. 

Hemp Juice products are proven (by the feedback of hundreds of users) to be effective and have an exceptionally pleasant and mild taste compared to other products on the market.


Did you know


Research indicates that CBD can reduce increases in blood pressure caused by stress. It doesn't stop there, preliminary tests have shown that taking this substance positively affects arterial function, as well as endothelial function (the membrane lining the inside of the heart and blood vessels).




If you feel there is something wrong with your body, do not try to treat yourself on your own. If you experience negative symptoms, linked for example to mental health, see a doctor. Only a specialist has the expertise to provide you with the right help.

See also:

Olej CBD NO.9 – Eir Health

Olej CBD NO.9 – Eir Health
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 900 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: 1×1 drop per day
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

Certified CBD oil to prevent drowsiness and relieve stress

Eir Health's vegan CBD oil in pineapple flavour. The formula is enriched with vitamin D3 and vitamin K2. Eir Health CBD oil is recommended for people who struggle with feelings of drowsiness, as well as excessive stress. It is also a very good CBD oil for migraines.

Why is it worth it

The oil is tested by independent laboratories in the USA that specialise in testing hemp products. The CBD content (900 mg) is optimal - the product will work for most people.


How it works

CBD oil can support the treatment of social anxiety. Some studies have shown that CBD oil also has a positive effect on people with depression. However, these are preliminary tests that need to be confirmed.

Bieszczadzki Olej Konopny CBD 20%

Bieszczadzki Olej Konopny CBD 20%
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 2000 mg
  • Bottle size: 10 ml
  • Dosage: no information available
  • Certification: Yes
Opis produktu

Tasteless 20 per cent CBD oil with a very high concentration. We recommend this preparation for those advanced in CBD intake.

Bieszczady hemp oil with a very high concentration of CBD (2000 mg). We recommend this preparation to people advanced in the use of CBD. It is CBD oil for sleep, aches and pains, as well as stress problems.

Why is it worth it

CBD oil 20% - the product stands out for its high CBD content. Some users highly praise the neutral taste (or rather the lack of any taste at all). Thus, you can add the oil to your favourite beverage - the taste will remain unchanged.

Take note

No dosage information can be found on the manufacturer's website.

Interesting facts

CBD in combination with THC can relieve pain in cancer patients. Some studies also suggest that these compounds relieve spinal disorders. What's more, CBD oil can reduce pain and other distressing sensations in people with peripheral neuropathy.


OLEJ CBD PREMIUM 2000 mg – Kombinat Konopny

OLEJ CBD PREMIUM 2000 mg – Kombinat Konopny
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 2000 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: 1×1 drop per day
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

A good CBD oil with a high content of this compound. Prepart only for those advanced in taking CBD.

CBD oil with a very high concentration - 2000 mg. The product is effective, but we only recommend it for people who have been taking CBD for a long time. 

Why is it worth it

In their reviews, customers almost unanimously praise the very high efficacy of CBD oil from Komibnat Konpny. On the plus side, there is also a test certificate - it is available on the manufacturer's website. 


  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 1000 mg
  • Bottle size: 10 ml
  • Dosage: 3×1 drop per day
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

CBD oil produced in Poland with 1000 mg of CBD. The preparation is natural and we recommend it to most people.

CBD oil by a Polish producer with a basic CBD content of 1000 mg. The product is all-natural, contains no GMOs, preservatives or allergens. What is more, the preparation is vegan-friendly.

Altaio's CBD oil 1000 mg can support the quality of sleep, metabolic processes and also maintain a correct energy balance.

Why is it worth it

It is a CBD oil produced in Poland, which is tested in independent laboratories. The product is produced from organically grown hemp - it is 100% natural.



On the internet, information can be found about the effects of CBD oil on Alzheimer's. However, current research does not indicate that these preparations have a positive effect on this condition.

Hemp Juice re-balance

Hemp Juice re-balance
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 900 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer provides the precise dosage on its website after completing the weight. The product includes a pipette with a convenient measuring cup for the ideal dose.
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

CBD oil to promote balance, relaxation and inner calm.

Constant stress, the high pace of life, problems at work. All this translates into a lack of inner balance. Re-balance from Hemp Juice can help you to return to calmness, peace and relaxation. We recommend this product for people who want to start taking CBD oil.

Why is it worth it

It is a CBD oil with 900 mg of cannabidiol and MCT oil. Reviews indicate that the formula is effective. The oil promotes calmness, helps to calm down, supports healthy sleep, and improves mood.

Olejek CBD – Lekko

Olejek CBD – Lekko
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 450, 1200 or 2100 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer - according to the pharmacist - presents the correct dosage on its website in a great way (after stating the expected effect and weight).
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

An effective oil with 450,1200 or 2100 mg of CBD. Preparation tested in independent laboratories in Poland and the USA.

Lekko offers us three formulations that differ only in CBD concentration. We can choose between 450,1200 or 2100 mg of CBD per bottle. Therefore, it is an option both for people who are just starting their adventure with CBD and those who have been using it for a long time.

Why is it worth it

In addition to cannabidiol itself, other cannabinoids such as terpenes, flavonoids and also phytosterols are included in the product. According to the pharmacist, the oil is therefore more effective. Lekko's preparations are tested in independent laboratories in Poland and the USA.


Interesting facts

Initial research suggests that CBD oil for the thyroid may support thyroid function. However, this is initial testing, so further research is needed to confirm these assumptions. And if you feel there is something wrong with your organ, head to thyroid tests.


  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 750 mg
  • Bottle size: 15 ml
  • Dosage: 2 × 2-4 drops daily.
  • Certificate: no information available.
Product description

Focus Manaya CBD oil 15 ml with 750 mg of CBD is designed for beginners. The formula contains melatonin, a hormone essential for, among other things, healthy sleep.

Why is it worth it

CBD oil with melatonin from Focus Manaya increases concentration, reduces stress levels, and aids sleep.

Take note

The manufacturer does not provide information on testing and certification. The bottle is quite small - it is only 15 ml.

High concentration of CBD

Hemp Juice big mood

Hemp Juice big mood
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 3000 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer states the precise dosage on their website - it will depend on your body weight. The product includes a pipette with a convenient measuring cup for the ideal dose.
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

THC-free CBD oil with a high concentration of cannabidiol. We recommend it to people who are experienced in taking such preparations.

CBD oil from big mood hemp is a preparation with a very high concentration of CBD. The manufacturer offers as much as 3000 mg of cannabidiol in a bottle (30 ml). 

Why is it worth it

The formulation supports sleep, helps to calm down and supports mood. The composition of the CBD oil is free of unnecessary fillers - you will only find fibre hemp extract and MCT oil (medium chain fatty acid complex). CBD big mood oil is vegan-friendly.

Take note

The CBD content of this product is very high, which is why we recommend it to people who have been using similar preparations for a long time.


Worth knowing

Although there are no studies confirming that CBD oil works for weight loss, these formulations can support your metabolism, which will translate into faster weight loss.

Vegan formula

Hemp Juice zen you

Hemp Juice zen you
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 1500 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer provides the precise dosage on its website after the weight has been completed. Plus, as always with HempJuice: a convenient pipette for measuring the dose.
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

CBD oil with 1,500 mg of cannabidiol in the formulation - we recommend it to intermediate users when it comes to supplementing with these formulations

Already know your CBD needs and want to reach for something stronger than the basic formulations? Or do you intend to start taking cannabidiol with a stronger CBD oil? If the answer is, yes then zen you is for you. It's a formula with 1,500 mg of CBD in its formulation. 

Why is it worth it

Research-proven efficacy and a pleasant, mild taste. CBD zen you oil supports the fight against pain, helps to return to a natural balance and also has a positive effect on mood. The product can be taken by vegans.

A promising start

Preliminary studies indicate, that CBD may have a positive effect on migraine treatment.

Addition of kurkumin

Olejek CBD+ – Lekko

Olejek CBD+ – Lekko
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 600 or 700 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer presents the correct dosage very well on its website (after stating the expected effect and weight).
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

Light CBD oil with 600 mg CBD enriched with the additional ingredient melatonin. It has a chocolate and mint flavour.

Why is it worth it

Two CBD oils with an additional ingredient - turmeric or melatonin. The latter has a positive effect on falling asleep, among other things - the manufacturer recommends it for people struggling with insomnia or an irregular lifestyle. 

Turmeric supports the immune system. It is best suited to busy people, athletes and those with weakened immunity.

Take note

The CBD content of Lekko's oils is not the highest - we only recommend them to beginners.

The Lekko brand also sells its products in kit form. Want to buy two CBD oils and save money? Choose from the following!

Addition of kurkumin

Olejek CBD+ – Lekko

Olejek CBD+ – Lekko
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 600 or 700 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer presents the correct dosage very well on its website (after stating the expected effect and weight).
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

Light CBD oil with 600 mg CBD enriched with the additional ingredient melatonin. It has a chocolate and mint flavour.

Why is it worth it

Two CBD oils with an additional ingredient - turmeric or melatonin. The latter has a positive effect on falling asleep, among other things - the manufacturer recommends it for people struggling with insomnia or an irregular lifestyle. 

Turmeric supports the immune system. It is best suited to busy people, athletes and those with weakened immunity.

Take note

The CBD content of Lekko's oils is not the highest - we only recommend them to beginners.

The Lekko brand also sells its products in kit form. Want to buy two CBD oils and save money? Choose from the following!

No unnecessary ingredients

Hemp Juice izolat pro

Hemp Juice izolat pro
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 1200 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer provides the precise dosage on its website after completing the weight. A pipette is included with the product.
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

CBD oil in its pure, tasteless form, without unnecessary additives.

Why is it worth it

CBD oil isolate pro is a product for people who are looking for cannabidiol in its purest form. You won't find herbal flavour or other additives here. The formulation contains only CBD isolate and MCT oil. 

Take note

The concentration of cannabidiol is 1,200 mg, so we recommend this product to intermediate CBD users.

Supports sleep

Hemp Juice night drops

Hemp Juice night drops
  • CBD content: 900 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer provides the precise dosage on its website after the weight has been completed.
  • Certification: Yes
  • Flavour: Mint
Product description

CBD oil with the addition of passionflower, lemon balm and chamomile. It supports healthy sleep and also allows you to relax.

The composition of the night drops oil includes cannabidiol (900 mg), lemon balm, chamomile and passionflower. The formula is ideal for people who are just starting to use CBD - the concentration of cannabidiol is moderate.

Why is it worth it

CBD night drops is a product primarily for people who have problems sleeping. night drops relieves evening tension and speeds up falling asleep.

Interesting facts

CBD oil for hair can counteract hair loss. Studies suggest that in users who struggle with androgenetic alopecia, hair loss was significantly reduced.

A starter formula

Hemp Juice vibe up

Hemp Juice vibe up
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 450 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer states the precise dosage on its website after completing the weight.
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

CBD oil with 450 mg of cannabidiol - ideal for beginners.

The vipe up formula contains only 450 mg of CBD. This is great for those who want to use CBD and see how this substance in a lower concentration will work for them.

Why is it worth it

Despite the low concentration of cannabidiol, beginners may feel an improvement in mood or calmness and tranquillity after starting supplementation.


CBD oil for athletes?


Yes! The anti-inflammatory effects of CBD oils can support the treatment of injuries.

Choice of pharmacist

CannaxOil orange 2000 mg

CannaxOil orange 2000 mg
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 2000 mg
  • Bottle size: 10 ml
  • Dosage: 2 × 2 drops daily
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

CBD oil for drinking to support the fight against infections, inflammation and also pain.

Natural CBD oil produced from the seeds of the fibrous hemp plant. 

Why is it worth it

CBD oil can help people with gastrointestinal problems, infections, inflammation or pain not amenable to other forms of treatment.

Addition of vitamin D3 and K2

Medicanna Pure olej konopny CBD 1100 mg D3 + K2

Medicanna Pure olej konopny CBD 1100 mg D3 + K2
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 1100 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: 2 × 0.5 pipettes per day
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

Hemp oil with added vitamin D3 and K2. Helps to relax and regenerate

Why is it worth it

Medicanna Pure will work well for people with stress , immunity or sleep problems. It is a CBD oil designed to help you relax and rejuvenate. Its added benefit is the presence of vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 in the formulation. 

The pharmacist points out that the manufacturer's website indicates that it should be administered sublingually, so that the cannabinoids are better absorbed.


Interesting facts

The anti-inflammatory effect of CBD oil makes it recommended for menstrual pain. These preparations can reduce cramps and reduce discomfort.

Organic oil

Olejek Naturaya Raw 10% Eko

Olejek Naturaya Raw 10% Eko
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 1000 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: 3×1 drop per day, MSc Pharmacy suggests increasing the dose by one drop for a few days to get the desired effect faster
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

Hemp oil produced from organic cultivation in Poland. It is certified for quality and tested for microbiology and heavy metal content.

CBD oil produced from organically grown hemp seed grown in Poland. 

Why is it worth it

CBD Oil Raw is a quality-certified dietary supplement, microbiologically tested and tested for heavy metal content. 

The manufacturer ensures that the preparation is obtained "raw". - so it retains all the natural substances found in hemp (e.g. terpenes or flavonoids).

Take note

The CBD oil presented may interact with selected medications.

Highest concentration of CBD

Olejek CBD Pure Life Premium 6000mg/30ml (20%)

Olejek CBD Pure Life Premium 6000mg/30ml (20%)
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 6000 mg
  • Bottle size: 30 ml
  • Dosage: 1-2 × 3 drops daily sublingually or as an accompaniment to a meal whose temperature does not exceed 65 degrees
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

CBD oil produced by alcohol extraction - this increases its bioavailability.

Why is it worth it

An oil enriched with CBD distillate from hemp inflorescences.The manufacturer emphasises the use of an alcohol extraction method - this makes the preparation better absorbed and has more health-promoting substances. 

The bottle is sufficient for 3-6 months of use (depending on the daily dose taken).

Take note

Pure Life Premium CBD oil has two drawbacks. The first is that the full composition is not stated. Price can also be an issue - Pure Life Premium CBD hemp oil is very expensive.

Tested preparation

Enect CBDay full spectrum

Enect CBDay full spectrum
  • Form: oil solution in cold-pressed oil
  • CBD content: 500 mg
  • Bottle size: 10 ml
  • Dosage: 1-2 × 4-6 drops daily. The pharmacist stresses not to exceed the recommended dose
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

Full Spectrum CBD+CBG+CBN Enect oil has anti-inflammatory effects, combats neuropathic pain, and has neuroprotective properties.

CBD oil 500 mg containing (in addition to cannabidiol) other non-psychotropic cannabinoids. In its composition, you will find CBG, CBC and CBN. 

Why is it worth it

The properties of Full Spectrum oil include anti-inflammatory effects, control of neuropathic pain, and neuroprotection. The manufacturer ensures that each product is tested by an independent laboratory.

Addition of omega acids

Olej konopny Natural Plus 10% (1000 mg) 10 ml Hempking

Olej konopny Natural Plus 10% (1000 mg) 10 ml Hempking
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 1000 mg
  • Bottle size: 10 ml
  • Dosage: 3 × 1 drop daily, preferably half an hour before or after a meal
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

CBD hemp oil for cardiovascular and immune support. On the plus side, the content of omega acids.

Natural CBD oil with a full spectrum of phytonutrients - the product supports immunity, the cardiovascular system and also influences skin hydration levels. On the plus side, the content of omega acids, including omega-3.

Why is it worth it

Hempking CBD oil has tests for, among other things, heavy metals or pesticides. 

Take note

Master of Pharmacy points out that the manufacturer does not specify in which oil the oil is diluted.

Ecological preparation

Olejek Full Spectrum CBD 1500 mg/10ml Golden Fox

Olejek Full Spectrum CBD 1500 mg/10ml Golden Fox
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 1500 mg
  • Bottle size: 10 ml
  • Dosage: 2-3 × 1 drop daily every 6-8 hours (or morning and evening)
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

CBD oil has a relaxing, calming effect and also improves quality.

Why is it worth it

Full Spectrum CBD Oil 1500 mg is a natural product. The preparation is created on the basis of Polish fibre hemp crops. The oil is said to have a calming and relaxing effect, as well as improving the quality of sleep. 

Take note

The pharmacist points out that the manufacturer confuses the term 'oil' with 'oil'.

Choice of pharmacist


  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 500 mg
  • Bottle size: 10 ml
  • Dosage: the manufacturer recommends taking a dose of the oil every 6 hours, but does not give a precise dose
  • Certification: Yes
Product description

CBD oil produced by alcohol extraction, which enhances the action of the active ingredients.

Why is it worth it

Altaio Flex CBDA+CBD 5% hemp oil is an organic, Polish product free of heavy metals or GMOs. The manufacturer notes that the preparation is obtained by alcohol extraction, which makes it possible to strengthen the action of the active compounds. 

Take note

A major drawback is the lack of specific information on dosage.

Great price

Olejek konopny D Of Life 500mg/10ml (5%)

Olejek konopny D Of Life 500mg/10ml (5%)
  • Form: oil
  • CBD content: 500 mg
  • Bottle size: 10 ml
  • Dosage: 3 × 2-3 drops daily every 6 hours
  • Certificate: no data available
Product description

Cheap CBD oil not produced in Poland - one of the cheapest offerings in the list.

Why is it worth it

This is one of the cheapest offerings in our list - the price of CBD oil is strongly encouraged. The Master of Pharmacy praises the precise dosage. 

Take note

Information on the quality certificate is missing. The concentration of CBD is not high - the preparation is recommended for beginners.

CBD oil - what is it?


CBD oil (from CBD oil) is extracted from the inflorescences of the hemp plant. Contrary to many beliefs, it is not psychoactive. It does, however, exhibit numerous potential health benefits: research to date suggests that CBD has anti-inflammatory effects, can support sleep quality and can also alleviate pain.

Oil is one of the more popular forms of CBD.

CBD oil - where to buy


CBD oil can be purchased in many places. The largest selection is on the internet, but we can also come across stationary shops specialising in the sale of these products. Moreover, CBD oil is available in some pharmacies e.g. Gemini or Doz. 


The product can also be found in selected drugstores. CBD oil is available in Rossmann, for example.

CBD oil is also available in some drugstores.

CBD oil - storage


CBD oil should be stored according to the manufacturer's recommendations. In most cases, you need to leave the bottle in a dark place. This makes it possible to preserve the full properties of the oil for a long time.

Other CBD products you can choose from

Calm Inhalator CBD

Calm Inhalator CBD

An inhaler with 20 per cent CBD, jasmine and vitamin E and D3. The device lasts approximately one month of use with 10 inhalations per day. The inhaler from MUUD can support energy and willpower, as well as allowing you to calm down.

Olejek Intymny - Ultra Care

Olejek Intymny - Ultra Care

Intimate oil with CBD to moisturise and soothe the skin. The product is great for irritations such as after shaving. Ultra Care is a vegan and natural product that has been dermatologically tested. Its composition was developed by a specialist in gynaecology.

Hemp Juice Serum Do Twarzy – Beauty Drops

Hemp Juice Serum Do Twarzy – Beauty Drops

A light facial serum with CBD, shea butter esters, squalane and blackcurrant oil. The product has a protective effect on the skin and also promotes skin regeneration. Beuaty Drops serum does not leave a greasy film and is quickly absorbed.

Hemp Juice Sól Do Kąpieli - Bath Hero

Hemp Juice Sól Do Kąpieli - Bath Hero

A bath salt with CBD that can support the relaxation of the nervous system, as well as nourish and regenerate the skin. The pack is sufficient for 6-8 baths. The product will work well for people with all skin types.

Best for skin

Bielenda CBD olejek do mycia do twarzy

Bielenda CBD olejek do mycia do twarzy

Bielenda CBD oil face wash for people with dry and sensitive skin. The vegan formulation with vitamin E and hemp oil thoroughly cleans and also moisturises the skin. Bielenda CBD oil also protects against free radicals and strengthens the lipid layer.

CBD oil - effects


Many manufacturers present their CBD oils as 'magic drinks'. However, these are only supportive preparations that work in certain situations. Below you will find popular uses for CBD oil.

CBD oil - medicinal properties confirmed by scientific studies:

  • Alleviation of pain (in combination with THC).
  • Promoting heart health (by lowering blood pressure and supporting arterial function).
  • Promoting the health of the heart (by lowering blood pressure and supporting arterial function).
  • Alleviation of opioid withdrawal symptoms among addicts.
  • Improving sleep quality.
  • .
  • Alleviation of symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • .
  • Promoting the treatment of symptoms of schizophrenia.
  • .
  • Supporting people with migraine, joint or back pain.
  • Supporting people with migraine, joint or back pain.
  • Supporting the treatment of acne and psoriasis.
  • .
  • Supporting the treatment of insomnia and anxiety symptoms in children suffering from PTSD.
  • .
  • Preventing social anxiety.
  • .
  • Promoting the treatment of neurosis.
  • .
  • Reducing symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder in adults.

Remember that the properties mentioned above are only indications for the use of CBD oil, which may not produce the expected results. If you feel, there is something wrong with your health, see your doctor.

CBD oils may support the treatment of neuropathic pain in multiple sclerosis. 
Ilona Krzak.

Ilona Krzak Master of Pharmacy


Please note

Remember that the vast majority of research into the effects of CBD is in its early stages. More testing is needed to confirm the properties of this substance.

CBD oil for cancer - can it help?


On the internet, one can encounter numerous queries about the dosage of CBD oil for cancer. However, there are no confirmed large-scale studies that support the effect of CBD in alleviating cancer symptoms. Initial tests were performed on animals, so further research must be awaited to determine the role of CBD oils in supporting cancer treatment.

CBD oil - how to use?


CBD oil should be used as recommended by the manufacturer, pharmacist or doctor. The most common dosage of CBD oil involves 1-2 drops taken orally three times a day. However, this dosage will not work for every preparation. Before starting to take CBD oil - check the correct dosage.

CBD oil - what concentration to choose?


The correct concentration of CBD oil is best chosen after consulting your doctor or pharmacist. A specialist will be able to advise us on what concentration will work in our case. However, if we do not have the opportunity to contact an expert, it is advisable to start with a lower concentration to see how CBD affects our body.

CBD oil is a good choice.

CBD oil - contraindications


CBD oils are considered safe. However, not everyone can use them. Always check the contraindications for a particular product as described by the manufacturer. There are also 'general' risk groups, i.e. people who cannot take any CBD oils.

Contraindications to the use of CBD oils:


  • underage,
  • .
  • pregnancy,
  • .
  • breastfeeding period,
  • .
  • Parkinson's disease,
  • post-partum disease,
  • pregnancy,
  • pregnancy,
  • breastfeeding period,
  • lactation.
  • diseases of the liver,
  • .
The effects of CBD oils on people with Parkinson's disease are currently in the research phase. Therefore, we can expect interesting results from clinical trials in the coming years.
Ilona Krzak.

Ilona Krzak Master of Pharmacy



CBD oil for children - is it always inadvisable?


CBD oil for children will most often not have a positive effect on their health. However, there are exceptions to this rule - for example, CBD oil can help hyperactive children. We emphasise, however, that no parent should give their child these preparations on their own. 

The use of CBD oil for autism, for example, must be decided by a doctor. In many cases, the preparation that a specialist decides to administer will be different from what we can buy in a shop.

The use of CBD oil for autism, for example, must be decided by a doctor.

CBD oil - side effects


Most often, the use of CBD oil is not associated with side effects. Occasionally, however, we may experience unpleasant symptoms.

Side effects of taking CBD oil:


  • reduced appetite,
  • .
  • diarrhoea,
  • .
  • dryness in the mouth,
  • .
  • insomnia,
  • .
  • dizziness,
  • .
  • fatigue,
  • .
  • excitement,
  • .
  • irritability,
  • .
Other side effects of taking CBD oils include anaemia, elevated prolactin levels (which can result in menstrual cycle disorders in women), and an increase in aminotransferases (leading to, for example, hepatitis).
Ilona Krzak.

Ilona Krzak Master of Pharmacy



CBD oil in pregnancy


CBD oils should not be taken during pregnancy. Although there is a lack of comprehensive research on how these formulations affect the woman and the foetus, preliminary tests confirm that these substances should be avoided.

CBD oil and breastfeeding


CBD oils cannot be used during breastfeeding either. The substances contained in these preparations can be passed on to the infant with the milk. Moreover, there are unfortunately quite a few oils on the market with contaminants such as heavy metals or pesticides.

CBD oil is not suitable for breastfeeding.

CBD oil and other drugs - interactions


Research suggests, that CBD oil can react with up to 139 medications. Therefore, if you are taking any medication and want to start using CBD oil - check with your doctor. People taking:

should be especially careful.

  • high blood pressure medications,
  • .
  • contraceptive pills,
  • .
  • antidepressant medications,
  • .

CBD oil and alcohol


CBD oil should not be taken with alcohol. According to the pharmacist, these substances can potentiate each other's effects. The effect would be impaired coordination or excessive sleepiness. Spirits combined with CBD oil can also impair motor skills.


How to make CBD oil?


Some people try to make CBD oil themselves. Below you will find tips on how to do this.


  • 10 g hemp flowers,
  • .
  • 150-200 g olive oil,
  • .
  • water,
  • .
  • garlic,
  • .
  • grainproof bowl,
  • .
  • coffee filter,
  • .
  • jar,
  • .



  1. crush the dried hemp flowers (e.g. in a grinder) and place them in a bowl.
  2. Pour over the dried hemp flowers.
  3. Pour olive oil over the whole thing.
  4. Pour olive oil over the whole thing.
  5. Prepare a water bath - pour the water into a saucepan and place the bowl with the dried flowers and oil on top of it (just as if you were melting chocolate for a cake).
  6. Heat the whole thing for about 60 minutes, but keep the temperature no higher than 95 degrees Celsius.
  7. .
  8. Strain the whole thing through a coffee filter and pour into a jar.
  9. .

We note that it is much better to buy CBD oil from a proven manufacturer. By preparing the preparation ourselves, we cannot be sure of the quality of the hemp flowers, as well as the concentration of the oil.


CBD oil - doctors' opinions


CBD oils cause a lot of controversy, which is why I decided to ask Witold Tomaszewski - a long-time doctor of medicine and expert in nutritional law - about them.

Each year more and more papers appear on hemp and products derived from it. Research on them seems interesting and promising. Nevertheless, for the time being there is little documented work based on GCP, but I assume it is a matter of time. Therefore, for those who intend to use CBD oils, I recommend extreme caution and prudence.
Dr Witold Tomaszewski.

Witold Tomaszewskidoctor of medical sciences


See also:





This is a collection of the most important information about CBD oils.

  • CBD oil is a preparation extracted from the inflorescence of the hemp plant.
  • .
  • The most important properties of CBD oil include relieving pain, improving the quality of sleep, and supporting heart health.
  • CBD oil is a CBD oil.
  • CBD oil should be used as recommended by the manufacturer, pharmacist or doctor.
  • .
  • Pregnancy, lactation and minors are the main contraindications for CBD oil use.
  • .
  • CBD oil is most often safe, however side effects may include drowsiness, dizziness or diarrhoea.
  • .
  • Do not combine alcohol with CBD oils.
  • .


. Is CBD oil addictive .

No, CBD oil is not addictive. Some studies even suggest that its use can treat addiction to other substances, such as cocaine or opioids. However, we point out that these are preliminary studies that need to be confirmed in the future.

. Can you overdose on CBD oil? .

Yes, it is possible to overdose on CBD oil. Taking too much can cause side effects such as diarrhoea, nausea or fatigue. Always follow the manufacturer's, doctor's or pharmacist's recommendations regarding dosage. Otherwise you may harm yourself or others.

. CBD oil for animals - how does it work? .

You can use CBD oil for your dog for sedation, seizures or pain or anxiety. Before deciding to buy a supplement for your four-legged friend, take advice from your vet. Adjust the dosage of the product appropriately according to your pet's weight. Observe your dog and if you notice unusual changes in behaviour, stop giving him CBD and visit your vet.

. Is CBD oil safe? .

If you follow the manufacturer's recommendations, CBD oil is most often safe. The most important thing is the correct dosage. If you overuse CBD oil, you may experience nausea, fatigue or diarrhoea.

. CBD oil - after how long do the effects last? .

According to the Master of Pharmacy, CBD starts to take effect after about 2 weeks. However, in order to see the effects of CBD oil, it must be taken systematically and regularly. Any breaks in supplementation may prolong the time you wait for the effects.

Positive effects you may experience include improved sleep quality, reduced social anxiety or milder migraine or joint pain.

. CBD oil and driving .

Yes, you can drive after taking CBD oil. These preparations do not have a psychoactive effect, so there is no contraindication to getting behind the wheel after taking them. Studies suggest that CBD oils do not cause intoxication and do not affect our motor skills.

. Can CBD oil be sipped? .

No. CBD oil should not be sipped as this could reduce its potential. You could even make it not work at all. CBD oil should be taken sublingually - this is when it is most effective. One situation where a different method of supplementation may be used is if your doctor, pharmacist or manufacturer recommends otherwise.

. How to take CBD oil .

CBD oil is best taken by the sublingual method. The Master of Pharmacy explains that the preparation is then most effective. Exceptions to this are other recommendations by the manufacturer, doctor or pharmacist. Remember, however, that under no circumstances should CBD oil be sipped or added to other drinks, especially alcohol - it is then ineffective.

. CBD oil - with or without a prescription? .

CBD oil is available without a prescription. What's more, you do not need to be over 18 to purchase such a product. Hemp products are available in shops that specialise in selling them and even pharmacies. However, the largest selection of CBD oils can be found on the internet.

. CBD oil for allergies - can it help? .

Preliminary research suggests that CBD oil may help with allergies. However, we would like to point out that these preparations are not medicines, so even with very mild allergies it is much better to go to a specialist. Only he can find the source of the problem and eliminate the cause and not the effect.

. CBD oil - from how old can you buy it? .

CBD can be bought by anyone - you don't have to be over 18 years old.

. Can CBD oil be smoked in an e-cigarette .

No, CBD oil cannot be smoked in an e-cigarette. These preparations must be taken orally, preferably by the sublingual method. CBD oil for vaporisation is a different product - also called CBD liquid.

. CBD oil - how many drops .

The number of drops of CBD oil you should take depends on the product. Always follow the recommendations of the manufacturer, doctor or pharmacist. The most common daily dose of CBD oil is 1 ml, or about 20 drops.

. Can CBD oil be purchased from a pharmacy?" .

Yes, CBD oil can be purchased from a pharmacy. However, we point out that you will not find it in every such establishment. Moreover, most often pharmacies do not offer us a large selection of CBD oils. If you want to choose among a large number of products, look for oils in online shops.

. How to use CBD oil for joints .

CBD oil for joints should be used as for any other ailment - the sublingual method. This formulation may prove to be an apt solution to the problem for older people who often struggle with joint pain. Check interactions with other remedies before taking it and giving it to your grandparents or parents.

. How long does CBD oil last? .

How long CBD oil lasts depends on the size of the bottle. In most cases, the bottle is 30 ml and the daily dose is 1 ml. Therefore, most often CBD oil lasts for about a month of use.




. See all .

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Ludwik Jelonek - Author

Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

Ilona Bush - Reviewed by

Master of Pharmacy

Ilona Bush
Verified by an expert

Ilona Krzak obtained her Master of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of Wrocław. She did her internship in a hospital pharmacy and in the pharmaceutical industry. She is currently working in the profession and also runs an educational profile on Instagram: @pani_z_apteki

Michael Tomaszewski - Edited by


Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

Mateusz Podlecki - Fact-checking


Mateusz Podlecki

At Natu.Care, she educates about healthy lifestyles and debunks dangerous myths, contrasting them with the results of the latest scientific research. Additionally, she is interested in new technologies and their impact on health and everyday life.

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