L'Oreal toner (Dia Light and others) - effects, opinions, how to use

Wondering if L'Oreal hair toners are for you? Read on and you'll find out.

Mateusz Podlecki - AuthorAuthorMateusz Podlecki
Mateusz Podlecki - Author
Mateusz Podlecki

At Natu.Care, she educates about healthy lifestyles and debunks dangerous myths, contrasting them with the results of the latest scientific research. Additionally, she is interested in new technologies and their impact on health and everyday life.

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Adrianna Pydzińska - Reviewed byReviewed byAdrianna Pydzińska
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Adrianna Pydzińska - Reviewed by
Reviewed by
Adrianna Pydzińska
Hairdresser and stylist

Adrianna is a hairdresser and stylist with many years of experience. She works in one of the prestigious salons in Poznań on a daily basis. On her expert blog www.fryzjada.pl she shares professional and practical tips (not only) for hairdressers.

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Bart Turczynski - Edited byEdited byBart Turczynski
Bart Turczynski - Edited by
Edited by
Bart Turczynski

Bart Turczynski is the editor-in-chief of Natu.Care. He is responsible for the quality of the content created on Natu.Care, among others, and ensures that all articles are based on sound scientific research and consulted with industry specialists.

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Ludwik Jelonek - Fact-checkingFact-checkingLudwik Jelonek
Ludwik Jelonek - Fact-checking
Ludwik Jelonek
Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

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L'Oreal toner (Dia Light and others) - effects, opinions, how to use
13 August, 2024
7 min
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For years, the brand's products have been considered top of the range in hair colouring and care. We look at whether L'Oreal hair toners are worthy of these reviews? 

See what those who use L'Oreal toners every day - both at home and in hair salons - think of them.

L'Oreal hair toner - what products do I have to choose from?

L’Oreal DIA Light

L’Oreal DIA Light

Professional toner for use at home. Works great on sensitized or previously colored hair

  • Type and consistency: cream
  • Duration: up to 4 weeks
  • Effects: tone-on-tone coloring, color refreshment, brightening
Product descriptio

The product is designed for toning - it does not cover gray strands and does not lighten hair. Perfectly refreshes the color between hair appointments. It takes only 20 minutes to get the desired results, so it's a good choice for busy people. Ideal product for sensitized or previously colored hair.

For Natural Hair

L’Oreal DIA Richesse

L’Oreal DIA Richesse

A semi-permanent dye that provides deep and rich coverage. Hair becomes soft and shiny.

  • Type and consistency: cream
  • Duration: up to 4 weeks
  • Effects: toning, tone-on-tone coloring, coverage of gray strands
Product description

Alkaline toner without ammonia, which, thanks to its alkaline pH, gently opens the fibers, giving hair a more intense color. It will work well on both previously colored and natural hair. It is ideal for the first coloring. It also helps hide the first gray hairs - the manufacturer claims up to 70% coverage on base shades.

Separate activators of 1.8%, 2.7%, 4.5% are designed for Dia Light and Dia Richesse toners.

The key to beautiful, healthy hair, is informed colouring and care. 


See also:

L'Oreal Professionnel Blondifier


Blondifier is a range of daily blonde hair care products - shampoo, conditioner and mask. You'll get subtle toning effects from these products, although they primarily nourish and strengthen hair. 

L'Oreal toners - DIA Light and DIA Richesse colour palette


DIA Light palette


L'Oreal DIA Light offers more than 40 shades for light blondes: cool, beige, warm, pearl, mocha or milkshake.

DIA Richesse palette


In the L'Oreal DIA Richesse colour palette you will find over 60 shades - ash, iridescent, cool browns, mocha or warm and cool blondes.

A very interesting option for both lines is the so-called clear shade. You can apply it directly to your hair to shine it up or to refresh your colour. In addition, it can be combined with pigments to create unconventional colours - but such experiments are better done under the guidance of a trusted hairdresser.

How to apply L'Oreal toners?


L'Oreal DIA Light and DIA Richesse toners should be mixed with an activator/oxidant at a ratio of 1:1.5. Depending on the effects you want to achieve, keep the toner on your head for between 2 and 20 minutes.

  • Apply it to slightly dry, damp hair - then the toner won't run off.
  • .
  • Read the leaflet and adjust the length of time you leave the toner on your hair according to the desired effects and the manufacturer's directions.
  • Read the leaflet and adjust the time you leave the toner on your hair according to the desired effects and the manufacturer's directions.
  • If you want to darken your hair or strongly change the shade of your hair, you can apply the toner to dry hair - the effect will be more intense.
  • .
  • To cover grey hair, mix DIA Richesse dye with 4.5% oxidant and apply to dry hair - start at the roots.

Caring for your hair is obviously very important, but daily care is also about caring for your skin and nails.

See also:


L'Oreal toners - expert opinion


We asked hairdresser, stylist and blogger, Adrianna Pydzinska, for her opinion on L'Oreal toners. 

L'Oreal DIA Light


A semi-permanent dye for tone-on-tone colouring, that is ideal for when you want to change the shade of your hair. Ideal for toning down or darkening previously bleached hair. You can also use it to shine your hair.

For me - a hairdresser - it is also great for colour repair, for example when the roots of the hair are too light or too yellow. I really like and recommend this range. The milkshake shades on light hair come out beautifully.
Adrianna Pydzińska.

Adrianna Pydzinska hairdresser and stylist



L'Oreal DIA Richesse


A semi-permanent dye without ammonia. Ideal for changing hair shade and darkening. The main difference from Dia Light is that it can also be applied to natural hair - it will change its shade or cover grey hair.

With DIA Richesse you will not create lighter hair. You will change the shade at the same colour level, or you can darken it slightly. The big plus of the product is that it washes out slowly and - unlike permanent dye - does not leave a visible regrowth line.
Adrianna Pydzińska.

Adrianna Pydzinska hairdresser and stylist


L'Oreal hair toners - user reviews


In Polish and foreign reviews of L'Oreal DIA Light and DIA Richesse hair toners, you will mainly come across one sentence: I love it! These are the unanimous opinions of hairdressers, stylists and people who use them at home.

Most of them emphasise above all:

    • the longevity of the effects,
      • .
      • the soft, creamy-gel texture,
      • .
      • easy application,
      • .
      • the feel and condition of the hair after toning - it is soft, shiny more nourished, and many people even call it hugging the hair,
      • .
      • a rich palette of colours to choose from,
      • .
      • the ability to create your own colours,
      • .

Perhaps the only drawback that comes through in comments and reviews is the price. Quite a few people think "it's too high for such a small tube"although there is also no shortage of opinions that the effects are definitely worth the price.

See also:

Place for your review


What do you think of L'Oreal toners?


Your opinion will help others make better and more informed choices! "Before and after" photos welcome :) 


. What is a hair toner? .

Hair toner is a semi-permanent hair colouring product. Its pigments do not penetrate the hair, but only envelop the hair from the outside or only penetrate under the hair cuticle. It is gentler in action than permanent dyes and the colour rinses out after a few weeks. You can read about how exactly to use it and the effects it gives in the article: Best Hair Toner (Professional, Hairdresser, Home).

. What is the difference between hair toner and hair dye? .

Toner - in whatever form - does not penetrate the hair structure, but only coats the hair shaft. This is why the colour lasts shorter than permanent dyes. Hair toners are much safer and less invasive than permanent dyes, and thanks to the nutrients they contain, they additionally care for the hair, which is soft and shiny after colouring.

. Will hair toner cover roots? .

Not all hair toners will cover emerging roots. You can use them between hair appointments. Semi-permanent dyes are also ideal products for tone-on-tone colouring or colour rescue when roots are yellow or too light. Professional hair toners do not leave a visible regrowth line like permanent dyes.

. How do you use hair toner? .

The specifics of hair toner application depend on its formulation. There are colour creams, shampoos or conditioners available. You will find the exact instructions on the packaging. Classic hair toners are applied to washed and damp hair. Hold it for 20-45 minutes - depending on the desired effects and the manufacturer's instructions. Finally, rinse hair thoroughly and apply conditioner.

. How often can you tone your hair? .

The effects of toner colouring last for several weeks or up to a dozen washes - the more often you wash your hair, the faster the colour washes out. The safety of the ingredients and the presence of nutrients means that you can use hair toners practically whenever you feel like it or see the need. With toners, you can refresh and even out your colour or test a new shade in no time.

. Does toning damage hair? .

Modern toners (professional and home use) are safe for your hair. Most contain no (or very little) ammonia or harmful substances such as PPD. They are also often enriched with ingredients to keep your hair after soft, shiny and nourished, so you can benefit without worrying about the condition and health of your hair.

. Are there any L'Oreal dyes without ammonia? .

L'Oreal DIA Light and DIA Richesse toners do not contain ammonia. Permanent paint lines from L'Oreal that does not contain ammonia include Paris Excellence or INOA.



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Meet the team
Mateusz Podlecki - Author


Mateusz Podlecki

At Natu.Care, she educates about healthy lifestyles and debunks dangerous myths, contrasting them with the results of the latest scientific research. Additionally, she is interested in new technologies and their impact on health and everyday life.

Adrianna Pydzińska - Reviewed by

Hairdresser and stylist

Adrianna Pydzińska
Verified by an expert

Adrianna is a hairdresser and stylist with many years of experience. She works in one of the prestigious salons in Poznań on a daily basis. On her expert blog www.fryzjada.pl she shares professional and practical tips (not only) for hairdressers.

Bart Turczynski - Edited by


Bart Turczynski

Bart Turczynski is the editor-in-chief of Natu.Care. He is responsible for the quality of the content created on Natu.Care, among others, and ensures that all articles are based on sound scientific research and consulted with industry specialists.

Ludwik Jelonek - Fact-checking

Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

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