Best diet catering (boxed diet) in Warsaw - ranking 2024

We take a look at Warsaw's box diet (or diet catering) offers to help you choose the best option.

Ludwik Jelonek - AuthorAuthorLudwik Jelonek
Ludwik Jelonek - Author
Ludwik Jelonek
Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

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Julia Skrajda - Reviewed byReviewed byJulia Skrajda
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Julia Skrajda - Reviewed by
Reviewed by
Julia Skrajda
Clinical nutritionist

A clinical nutritionist, she works in the profession and creates personalised menus and recommendations for disease entities.

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Michael Tomaszewski - Edited byEdited byMichael Tomaszewski
Michael Tomaszewski - Edited by
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Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

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Best diet catering (boxed diet) in Warsaw - ranking 2024
14 August, 2024
42 min
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The best diet catering (i.e. the popular boxed diet) is one that is tailored to your expectations and lifestyle.

Whether you want to lose a few pounds, have specific needs or dietary restrictions, or simply plan to finally start eating at regular times - here you will find a Warsaw diet catering service tailored to your requirements.

The best diet catering is one that is tailored to your expectations and lifestyle.


From this article you will find out:

  • How to choose a catering company and which box diet in Warsaw is the best
  • What is diet catering and is it worthwhile
  • What are the types of diet catering
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of diet catering
  • .

Best diet catering - selection criteria?


In selecting the best diet catering in Warsaw, we followed certain criteria:


  • Taste and quality of ingredients. User reviews are the best criterion. They will help you choose a tasty diet. Equally important are the ingredients - they should be fresh and provide valuable vitamins and minerals.
  • Price. Good diet catering doesn't have to be expensive. Even Warsaw boxed diets can be had for as little as less than £50 per day.
  • Choice of meals. Even the tastiest and healthiest dishes can get boring quickly if there are only a few on offer.
  • Diversity of diets. Not all Warsaw boxed diets offer keto, vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free or low glycaemic index diets, for diabetics (diabetics) or people with Hashimoto's. In the ranking we include takeaway diets that also offer menus for people with certain dietary restrictions.
  • Calorie. Some people want to purchase diet catering to lose weight. Others are looking for a balanced daily diet, while others are looking for something for athletes - often high in calories. Varied calorie options are just as important as multiple diets.
  • Mobile app. The comfort of selecting meals and evaluating individual dishes is very important. This is made possible by a mobile app, which, despite appearances, is only offered to us by some catering companies.

Dieta pudełkowa (Warszawa): ranking


Analysis of the above criteria allowed us to select the 12 best Warsaw diet caterers.

Best diet caterers in Warsaw.

The best boxed diets in Warsaw are:


  • Fit Apetit
  • TIM Catering
  • Convenient diet
  • Viking's Kitchen
  • Be Diet Catering
  • Be Diet Catering
  • NTFY
  • Machfit
  • Dietbox
  • Gastro Packet
  • Super Menu
  • Diet from Broccoli
  • Body Chief
  • .

Fit Apetit: The best diet catering in Warsaw


This offer is distinguished by the quality of the products and balanced meals containing essential nutrients. In this box diet you will not find products saturated with chemicals".



Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits

15 diets + Menu Selection - ability to choose from 10, 25 or 35 meals each day.

1000-4000 kcal

49 zloty-109.90 zloty

Calorie requirements calculator and convenient mobile application



Fresh produce combined with superfoods (e.g. chia seedsand) make for good catering. Fit Apetit is tasty and the choice of meals should meet your expectations. As well as taste, customers praise the appearance. People who eat with their eyes" should be satisfied, because Fit Apetit's dishes look very inviting.

Fit Apetit is simply a very good Warsaw boxed diet.

Diet selection


One of the biggest advantages of this Warsaw box diet is that you can personalise your daily meals. There are 15 diets to choose from.

Diets available at Fit Apetit are:


  • Standard,
  • Veggie,
  • Slimfit,
  • Gluten&Dairy Free,
  • Vegan,
  • Dairy Free,
  • No Fish,
  • Vegetarian,
  • Pescovegetarian,
  • Low Carb,
  • Sports,
  • For nursing mothers,
  • For pregnant women (expectant mothers),
  • Keto Power,
  • Perfect Match,
  • .

Once you have chosen your diet, you can also buy a package that allows you to choose from 10, 25 or even 35 dishes every day. In addition to the calorie count, which for the standard diet is 1000-2500 kcal, you can also choose the number of meals. Fit Apetit allows us to purchase a package of 3, 4, 5 meals or lunch alone.

Are you interested in a boxed diet for pregnant women? Remember that you must not lack folic acid during this period. It is crucial for the proper development of your baby. You can find out more about it in this article: Folic acid (vitamin B9) - what it is, properties, requirement, deficiency



  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering Choice of 10 dishes with a calorie of 1,000 kcal - £49 per day.
  • Standard boxed diet: diet catering Standard with 1800 kcal - £56 per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: diet catering Choice of 35 dishes with a calorific value of 4000 kcal - 109,90 zł per day.

With the code 5NASTART Fit Apetit offers us a 5% discount.




Warsaw box diet Fit Apetit delivers its meals from 2am until the wee hours of the morning. Sunday delivery arrives on Saturday - you get catering for two days.

Sunday delivery.

When choosing a diet, we can also choose delivery in organic boxes.

Example menus on the Standard


  • Breakfast: Gofries with blueberry cottage cheese and fruit.
  • Second breakfast: Salad with melon, beans, goat cheese and lime dressing.
  • Lunch: Cured pork loin in a tomato and herb sauce with barley groats and salad.
  • Afternoon: Risotto with apple, cinnamon and walnuts.
  • Dinner: Pork masala in aromatic tomato sauce with naan breads.
  • .

Some of the more popular sites where customers can review boxed diets include Dietly, Caterobazar and Cateromarket. Before choosing a boxed diet, it is a good idea to consult first-hand information.

TIM Catering: the most sophisticated dishes


Tim Catering has become famous for the variety, quality and freshness of its products. There is no shortage of vegetables or fruit in this boxed diet. An equally important advantage of this diet catering is the price. It is one of the cheaper offerings in our list.


Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits

12 diets + Menu selection with daily choice of dishes from 15 dishes

1000-3500 kcal

45.49 zł-76.99 zł





TIM Catering is all about savoury and sweet dishes. However, the flavours are not typical, homemade ones. More often than not, they are sophisticated offerings that make you feel like you are in a hipster restaurant.

The food is aesthetically served and well packaged. The only downside is the limited variety of dishes.

Diet selection


We can choose among 12 diets, and if none convinces us, there is still the Menu Selection option. It allows us to indicate our favourite dish from 15 options each day.

The diets available at Tim Catering are:


  • Office,
  • Standard,
  • Slim,
  • Keto,
  • Sport,
  • Low GI,
  • Hashimoto's,
  • Vegetarians,
  • Vege + Fish,
  • Less Gluten,
  • Lactose Free,
  • Vegan,
  • .

Most diets allow a choice of one of two or three calories, but in some cases there are more options. The lowest calorie we can choose is 1000 kcal (in the Office diet) and the highest is 3500 kcal (in theSport diet).



  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering Office with a calorie count of 1000 kcal - £45.49 per day.
  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering Office with a calorie count of 1000 kcal - £45.49 per day.
  • Standard boxed diet: diet catering Standard with calories of 1500 kcal - 53,59 zł per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: sports diet catering with a calorie of 3500 kcal - 76,99 zł per day.

The cost of each boxed diet from TIM Catering decreases as the order period increases (with a monthly order you will pay one day less than with a weekly order).



TIM Catering is a Warsaw-based diet catering service with evening delivery. It makes its deliveries between 7 p.m. and 6 a.m. The time of delivery of your boxes depends on your location.

TIM Catering delivers Saturday and Sunday diets with Saturday delivery.

Example diet menu Standard


    • Breakfast: Baked oatmeal with nuts, yoghurt and currant sauce and chocolate.
    • Breakfast.
    • Breakfast #2:Krupnik soup with barley groats and dill.


  • Lunch:Bun of jerk pork in BBQ sauce with cheddar, vegetables and mayonnaise-yoghurt sauce.
  • Entertainment: Carrot cake with vanilla cheese.


  • Dinner:Spinach and feta pancakes with tomato sauce.



Comfortable diet


Wygodna dieta is a diet catering service that offers around 200 dishes (including seasonal dishes) in each type of diet. It is a proven Warsaw diet catering recommended by most users.


Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits

13 diets + Menu Selection - up to 4 different meals to choose from for each day

1000-4000 kcal

61 zł-95 zł

Self-supplied calorific needs calculator



Are you worried that the boxed diet won't fill you up? The meals prepared by Convenient Diet are really filling. Customers praise that even with the low calories, they don't feel the need to overeat. The meals are tasty, healthy and prepared with fresh ingredients.


Some people, however, complain about the lack of variety.


Choice of diets


The convenience diet allows you to choose from 13 diets. Three of them (Slim FLEX, Optimum FLEX, Sport FLEX) allow you to choose your food daily among four dishes for each meal. In addition to these, the range also includes:

  • Keto,
  • Low GI,
  • DASH,
  • Slim,
  • Optimum,
  • Sport,
  • No Fish,
  • Vege,
  • Vege+Fish,
  • Lactose Free,
  • .

Calorie choices are severely limited. Most often there are 3-4 options to choose from, and sometimes only one.

Of the five different calorie options, you can choose from the No Fish and Lactose Free diets. And in the basic Optimum Flex diet there are only two calorie choices: 2000 kcal and 2500 kcal.

The number of meals is also not freely modifiable. Most diets offer a choice of five meals and four courses without breakfast or dinner. In contrast, the ketogenic diet consists of only three meals.

The number of meals is not freely modifiable.



  • The cheapest boxed diet: Slim diet catering with a calorie count of 1000 kcal - £66 per day (when purchased for at least 2 weeks).
  • Standard boxed diet: Diet catering Optimum Flex with calories of 2000 kcal - 86 zł per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: diet catering Sport with a calorie of 4000 kcal - 95 zł per day.

Every new customer can use the discount code NEWClient25. With it you can get a 25% discount for 5 days on your first order.



Convenient Diet delivers Saturday and Sunday diets with Saturday delivery. Meals are delivered night and morning, but the manufacturer does not provide an exact range.

You can instead indicate the latest time by which you want to receive your catering.

Example menu for the Slim FLEX diet


    • Breakfast: Yoghurt with homemade gingerbread granola.
    • Breakfast.
    • Second breakfast: Baked rice with apple and cinnamon.


  • Second breakfast: Baked rice with apple and cinnamon.
  • Lunch: Tagliatelle with mushrooms and tomatoes, kohlrabi salad with poppy seeds.
  • Afternoon snack: Beetroot brownie with raspberry mousse.


  • Dinner: Tuna paste with curry, vegetable salad with pumpkin seeds and thyme, bread.



Viking Kitchen: cheapest boxed diet


Viking's Kitchen is a diet catering proposition for meat fans (after all, the name obliges!). Most of the dishes offered by this boxed diet contain a lot of either pork or poultry meat.

This does not mean, however, that vegans and vegetarians should immediately give up. The Viking Kitchen also offers a vegan diet, a vegetarian diet with fish and an economy vegan diet (for just over £40 a day!).

The Viking Kitchen also offers a vegan diet, a vegetarian diet with fish and an economy vegan diet (for just over £40 a day!).

. .

Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits

15 diets + Menu Selection - up to 35 different meals to choose from for each day

1200-3500 kcal

38.90 zlotys-94 zlotys

Possibility to collect meals from stationary points - Viking Point



The diet from Viking Kitchen is tasty, nutrient-rich and varied. The dishes are well seasoned and the ingredients are fresh.

People who like vegetables, however, should consider another suggestion - you won't find many of them in the box diet from Viking's Kitchen.

Diet selection


Viking's Kitchen offers us 17 balanced diets to choose from. Including one suggestion for couples and a Menu Selection allowing us to choose dishes daily among 35 options.

The diets available at Viking's Kitchen are:


  • Ladies Vibes,
  • Menu selection,
  • Standard,
  • Active Pro,
  • Low GI,
  • Ketogenic,
  • Soft,
  • Made By Chef,
  • Economic,
  • Lactose and gluten free,
  • Vege + Fish,
  • Economic Vege,
  • Juice detox,
  • Hashimoto's,
  • Vegan,
  • Progress,
  • Fodmap,
  • .



  • The cheapest boxed diet:Economic diet (3 meals) with a calorie count of 1200 kcal - £38.9 per day.


  • The cheapest boxed diet:Economic diet (3 meals) with a calorie count of 1200 kcal - £38.9 per day.
  • Standard boxed diet: diet catering Menu Selection with a calorie of 1800 kcal - £62.90 per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: diet catering Made By Chef with calories of 2500 kcal - 94 zł per day.

Ordering at least two sets to one address allows you to benefit from a 10 per cent discount. All this makes Viking kitchen a really cheap diet catering available in Warsaw.




Viking Kitchen's diet catering is a diet with delivery in Warsaw delivered overnight and in the morning.


There is also the option to pick up your catering from stationary locations called Viking Point.


Saturday and Sunday diet catering is delivered on Friday night or Saturday morning.

Example diet menu Standard


  • Breakfast: Omlet with salami, peppers, parsley with gypsy sauce, olive roll.
  • Second breakfast: Roast patties with cumin and bran with meat and vegetable stuffing, ginger and garlic dip.
  • Dinner: Pork stew in mushroom sauce, potato babka, hot beetroot.
  • Afternoon snack: Banana and orange dessert with ginger flavour with nuts.
  • Cookie: Banana and orange dessert with ginger flavour with nuts.
  • Dinner: Cottage cheese lazy noodles with bran, yoghurt and berry sauce, crumbled krajanka.

Want to learn more about the health-promoting effects of cumin oil?

Envite: Black cumin oil - what does it help with? Medicinal properties, contraindications, use

Be Diet catering: best for the family

Be Diet catering is a box diet advertised by Ewa Chodakowska - sportswoman and media personality... With the rest, after all, we don't need to introduce her.


Number of diets to choose from


Available calories


Price per day


Additional benefits


7 diets with no choice of dishes

1000-2200 kcal

69 zł-97 zł

Possibility to buy family catering

Produce a family catering service.

Our own calorific needs calculator



Despite the fact that the face of the brand is a keen sportswoman, Be Diet catering offers both tailored for athletes and basic, balanced diets. It is tasty, healthy and varied. And, just as importantly, the products are fresh and the dishes well seasoned.


Choice of diets


Be Diet catering does not offer us a wide variety of diets. There are only seven suggestions to choose from, such as:

  • Optimal,
  • Vege,
  • Vege + Fish,
  • Low GI, no lactose, less gluten,
  • For pregnant women,
  • Keto,
  • Hashimoto's,
  • .

We do not have the option to personalise individual meals. The calorie range from which we can choose in the case of the Optimal diet is 1000-2200 kcal.


On the plus side, it is possible to purchase family diet catering. There are three versions to choose from: Optimal, Vege and Vege+Fish. All include two breakfasts and two lunches from the respective caterers. The calorific value of each set is 1100 kcal and cannot be modified. This is the only Warsaw box diet also for children in our list.




  • The cheapest boxed diet: Optimal diet catering with a calorie count of 1000 kcal - £69 per day.
  • The cheapest boxed diet: Optimal diet catering with a calorie count of 1000 kcal - £69 per day.
  • Standard boxed diet: diet catering Optimal with calories of 1800 kcal - 81 zł per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: keto diet catering with a calorie of 2500 kcal - £97 per day.

The price of a family box consisting of two breakfasts and lunches with a total calorific value of 2200 kcal is 92 zł.


We note that as the order period increases, the price decreases. The daily cost of the diet is less when purchased for a month compared to the weekly version.

The daily cost of the diet is less.

For an extra five zloty, we can buy biodegradable packaging in which our meals will arrive.

With the code BDC12 we receive a 12% discount on our first order.



Be Diet Catering delivers your boxed diet during the night and morning hours. You can provide an estimated time to receive your catering, but the company reserves the right not to accommodate this.

Meals are delivered 6 days a week - on Saturday you will also receive your diet for Sunday.

Example diet menu Optimal


    • Breakfast: Breakfast porridge à la snikers with dark chocolate, salted caramel and roasted peanuts.
    • Breakfast.
    • Second breakfast: Strawberry and currant smoothie.


  • Lunch: Keftedes in tomato sauce with pita.


  • Entertainment: Bacon soup with chickpeas.


  • Dinner: Buckwheat porridge with beetroot, Balkan cheese and walnuts.



Nice To Fit You (NTFY): full personalisation

Nice To Fit You is an award-winning diet catering service, with accolades such as Consumer Laurel 2022, Healthy Brand 2021, and Quality Leader 2020, among others. Such awards raise the bar of expectations, and NTFY more than meets them. Nice To Fit You is a tasty, varied and wholesome diet catering service that can be conveniently managed from the mobile app.


Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits

11 diets with a choice of different meals for each day

1000-3000 kcal

56 zł-105.49 zł

Ideal own calorific needs calculator

Calorie requirements calculator

Possibility of ordering specific dishes for selected days

Mobile application allowing you to order a specific meal on a specific day

Product name

Mobile application allowing free management of catering


Nice To Fit You attracts not only with its name, but also with its taste. Customers praise the tasty, healthy and balanced dishes. Some reviews also draw attention to the aesthetic presentation of the dishes.


The dishes are varied, so the diet will certainly not get boring quickly. On the plus side, the freshness and quality of the ingredients are also top-notch.

The dishes are varied, so we certainly won't get bored quickly.

Some customer reviews indicate, that the macros quoted on the manufacturer's website can differ by up to 10 per cent from the real values in the diet.

Diet selection


At Nice To Fit You we have a number of options to tailor the meals to our needs. The basic pool of diets consists of 11 suggestions. These include classic diets, vegan diets, diets for athletes, ketogenic diets, as well as an option that allows us to sample high-end restaurant flavours of the world.

Diet options are available.

The diets available at Nice To Fit You are:


  • Smart,
  • Smart Vege,
  • Daily,
  • Classic,
  • 100% Vegan,
  • Veggy,
  • Light LG&DF,
  • ProActive,
  • Keto,
  • Keto+,
  • Foodie,
  • .

Depending on the diet and option, we will be able to choose our meals each day among 10, 20, 35 or 45 dishes. Each option also allows us to select dishes from four to eight different diets. Even after selecting a specific diet, we can completely change or partially modify it at any time.

In Nice To Fit You, we can use the Select option. It allows you to order only specific dishes - just like in a restaurant. This is a good solution for people who do not need a permanent diet, but only nutritional support when they are, for example, busy. This option allows you to plan your menu 10 days ahead. The Select function is only available on the NTFY mobile app.


The Flexi option allows you to book several meals on one day and thus plan meals for your loved ones as well. It makes it possible to set the days on which you want to receive delivery, as well as to adjust the size of the meals.



  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering Smart and Smart Vege with a calorie count of 1000 kcal - £56 per day (with a minimum weekly order).
  • Standard boxed diet: Diet catering Classical with a calorie of 1750 kcal - 77,49 zł per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: diet catering with a choice of 45 dishes with a calorific value of 3,000 kcal - £105.49 per day.
  • .



NTFY delivers the diet from the hours of darkness until 10:00am at the latest.

NTFY delivers catering for Saturday and Sunday with Saturday delivery.

Example diet menuDaily


    • Breakfast: Oriental chickpea paste with nuts and dates, wholemeal bread, carrots, kohlrabi.
    • Breakfast.
    • Second breakfast: Cucumber soup with potatoes and cream.


  • Dinner: Peasant cauldron, baked potatoes.


  • Afternoon snack: Lublin onion cake with poppy seeds.


  • Dinner: Mackerel paste with wholemeal bread, pickled cucumber.



Machfit: consultation with a nutritionist


Maczfit diet catering is the work of qualified nutritionists and chefs. Thanks to their many years of experience, these specialists prepare wholesome, balanced, varied and tasty meals.


Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits

12 diets + Menu Selection - up to 40 different meals to choose from for each day

1200-3000 kcal

43.20 zlotys-96 zlotys

Our own calorific needs calculator

Consultation with a dietician for free.

Possibility to get a free consultation with a dietician.


Individual calorie needs calculator



Customer opinions on the taste of the dishes at Maczfit are divided. Some people strongly praise the variety and quality of the ingredients, while others complain about these very aspects. This should come as no surprise - everyone has different taste expectations. How do we deal with this?

Machfit allows us to buy catering on a trial basis. If you're worried that any of the diets won't appeal to you, take advantage of it and make sure this proposition is for you.


Diet selection


Machfit offers us 12 diets and a menu choice option that allows us to choose dishes among 40 different dishes every day.

The diets available at Maczfit are:


  • Comfort,
  • Fit&Slim
  • Vege,
  • Diabetic & Low Sugar,
  • Intermittent Fasting,
  • Hypo Hashimoto's,
  • Vegan,
  • No Lactose & Low Gluten,
  • Care,
  • Dash,
  • Juice detox,
  • .

The Dish Choice Diet allows you to choose among 15, 25 or 40 dishes each day.

If you are not sure which option to choose, Maczfit allows you to contact its team of nutritionists. The consultation is free of charge and can be accessed Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm.




  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering with a calorie count of 1200 kcal - £43.20 per day (when purchased for a minimum of one week).
  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering with a calorie count of 1200 kcal - £43.20 per day (when purchased for a minimum of one week).
  • Standard boxed diet: diet catering with a calorie of 1800 kcal - 62,40 zł per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: juice detox - £96 per day.

We would like to point out that at the time of writing, there is a promotion on this Warsaw diet catering - 20% discount. Without the discount, the above boxed diets would be a dozen or several tens of zlotys more expensive.




Delivery of Maczfit diet catering in the Warsaw area on a working day takes place between 2:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. It is possible to specify a preferred time slot in which the delivery of the boxed diet will take place.

Maczfit diet catering delivers diets for Saturday and Sunday with Saturday delivery.


Example diet menuComfort


    • Breakfast: Cottage cheese with pickled cucumber, onion, chives and capers, multigrain bun and creamy butter.
    • Second breakfast: Apple yoghurt and milk shake à la apple pie with peanut butter.
    • Lunch: Chicken in sweet and sour sauce with bell peppers, carrots and bamboo shoots with basmati rice.
    • Second breakfast.
    • Entertainment: Sorrel soup with egg.


  • Dinner: Salad with tuna, mozzarella, green olives, tomatoes, onions and mustard-honey dressing.




Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits

10 diets + Menu Selection - possibility to choose meals from four other diets

800-4000 kcal

51.49 zł-101.50 zł

Self-checked calorific needs calculator

ChoiceBox and BrunchBox.

Possibility to select additional options, such as OfficeBox or BrunchBox.

DietBox is a diet catering service that not only offers tasty boxed food throughout Warsaw, but also aesthetically pleasing meals. The meals are varied and valuable. On the plus side, there is also a breakdown of the elements of the individual dishes. Your salad will never be mixed with rice again!




Diverse, tasty and seasoned meals - that's what DietBox is all about. Even for more restricted diets (e.g. vege), the meals are not homogeneous and the ingredients remain fresh. Also on the plus side is the way the meals are packaged. It is aesthetically pleasing, making the meals much more enjoyable to eat. What's more, the boxes are well sealed - nothing spills out.


Diet selection


DietBox has a range of 10 diet catering options and a Menu Selection allowing you to choose your meals daily from four diets (Slim, Vegetarian with Fish, Vegan and Gluten & Diary Less).

Other diet catering options to choose from include diet:


  • Strong,
  • Sirtfood,
  • Keto,
  • Low Carb,
  • Low GI,
  • Vegetable and fruit fasting,
  • .

In addition to the basic three or five meals in the boxed diet, we have the option of other options.

  • OfficeBox: Second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack.
  • OfficeBox: Second breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack.
  • OfficeBox with snack: breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack.
  • BrunchBox: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch.
  • LunchBox: lunch, afternoon snack.
  • .

DietBox also allows you to purchase a boxed diet that includes lunches alone.




  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering Menu Selection with a calorie count of 1000 kcal - £51.59 per day (when purchased for a period of 30-60 days).
  • Standard boxed diet: Diet catering Choice Menu with calories of 1800 kcal - 80,49 zł per day (when purchased for a period of 30-60 days).
  • The most expensive boxed diet: Diet catering Strong with a calorie of 4000 kcal - 101,50 zł per day (when purchased for a period of 30-60 days).

Prices for boxed diets increase significantly when you want to purchase catering for a period of less than a month.

There are various discounts available on the website (e.g. for the first order) and programmes that allow you to collect points. These can later be exchanged for prizes or discounts.

The site offers a variety of discounts.



DietBox catering deliveries usually take place between 2 a.m. and 9 a.m. In Warsaw, delivery is free.


Sunday delivery is made with Saturday delivery.


Example diet menu Slim


    • Breakfast: Hummus with roasted carrots, crunchy vegetables and rye bread.
    • Breakfast.
    • Second breakfast: Prune and gingerbread smoothie.


  • Dinner: Baked cod with rosemary potatoes and red cabbage salad.


  • Afternoon snack: Homemade half-crust cake with currants and roasted almonds.


  • Dinner: Puff pastry slices with spinach and feta cheese.



Gastro Packet: most additional variants


Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits

9 diets with no choice of dishes

1100-3000 kcal

47.99 zł-73.49 zł

Self-checked calorie requirements calculator

Multiple variants of boxed diets

Possibility to pick up meals from pick-up points in the Tri-City

Gastro Paczka is a diet catering service overseen by Daria Ładocha and Tomasz Jakubiak. Daria is a health coach and Tomasz is, among other things, a juror in the MasterChef Junior programme. The boxed diet they create together is tasty, varied and, above all, affordable.




The variety of dishes and the taste is very good. The products are fresh and the quantity is satisfactory for most people.

However, the diets are simple. You will not find elaborate dishes here (which is an advantage for some people).

On the downside, the amount of vegetables - if you are a fan of vegetables, some dishes will disappoint you.

Diet selection


In the Gastro Paczka offer, we can choose among nine diets. Unfortunately, you will not find an option here that allows you to change your meals daily. The available diets are:

  • Classic,
  • Pack for two
  • Keto,
  • Zero fish,
  • Wege,
  • Vege with fish,
  • Balance,
  • Low GI,
  • Gluten and dairy free,
  • .

The selection of diets is not impressive, but the number of options is at least satisfactory.

  • Model packet: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner (2000-2500 kcal).


  • Packet: Breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner (2000-2500 kcal).
  • Slim packet: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner (1100-1700 kcal).


  • Basic pack: breakfast, lunch, dinner.


  • Basic packet: second breakfast, lunch, snack.


  • Home office packet: breakfast, 2nd breakfast, lunch.
  • Home office packet: breakfast, 2nd breakfast, lunch.
  • Lunch packet: lunch, snack.


  • Sports packet: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, peri-training meal, dinner.
  • Sports packet: breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, peri-training meal, dinner.
  • Family packet: lunch, dinner, additional lunch, additional dinner.



Gastro Pack also allows you to purchase extras, such as rolls, croissants, wraps or vitamin shots, on a one-off basis.

Vitamins are crucial to our health. Learn about some B vitamins from these articles:



  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering Slim Diet Classic Pack with a calorie count of 1,100 kcal - £47.99 per day.
  • Standard boxed diet: diet catering Package Exemplary with a calorific value of 2000 kcal - 57,49 zł per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: diet catering Ketogenic Diet (4-meal) with a calorie of 3000 kcal - 73,49 zł per day.



Deliveries of the Warsaw diet catering Gastro Paczka take place from 2:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. When you enter your address in the order, you will receive information about the exact delivery times.

Sunday delivery is made with Saturday delivery.

Example diet menu Daily


    • Breakfast: Oriental chickpea paste with nuts and dates, wholemeal bread, carrots, kohlrabi.
    • Breakfast.
    • Second breakfast: Cucumber soup with potatoes and cream.


  • Dinner: Peasant cauldron, baked potatoes.


  • Afternoon snack: Lublin onion cake with poppy seeds.


  • Dinner: Mackerel paste with wholemeal bread, pickled cucumber.



Super Menu: best for athletes


Possible to choose a diet that does not contain white sugar and wheat flour.

Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits

18 diets + Menu selection with the possibility to choose daily dishes among 25 dishes.

1250-4000 kcal


75 zł-129 zł

Self-calorie requirement calculator

Possibility to choose a diet that does not contain white sugar and wheat flour.

Super Menu is a diet catering service whose face is Anna Lewandowska. The name obliges. The Super Menu diet is... super in many ways!




The Super Menu diet is balanced, there is no shortage of fresh, healthy produce and, most importantly, the taste is great.


In the catering from Anna Lewandowska we can also expect sugar substitutes such as xylitol or honey. What is more, instead of wheat flour in some diets (e.g. fit), the cooks use only millet, rice, buckwheat or coconut flour.

This does not mean, however, that this suggestion is reserved for athletes and people who want to lose weight. A balanced diet is the key to a healthy body, and the Super Menu offer also includes 'classic' diet catering.

Diet catering is also available.

Diet selection


The Super Menu diet catering offers us one of the largest selections of diets of all the ranked items. We can choose from as many as 18 pre-arranged diets + Menu Selection. In the second option, the range of possible dishes consists of 25 proposals.


On the plus side, there are additional options such as meal swapping (we can take two lunches and skip dinner) and selecting an extra meal (e.g. for a friend who is dropping in for a girls' night out).

The diets available on the Super Menu are:


  • Active, Super Active and Power Active,
  • Intermittent Fasting,
  • Ketogenic diet,
  • Dash,
  • Good Start,
  • The Road to Championship,
  • Fit,
  • Low GI,
  • No gluten & No lactose,
  • Sirt - Stages 1, 2 and 3,
  • Vege,
  • Vege + Fish,
  • Resilience boost,
  • Warrior's Challenge,
  • .

Most of the diets available in the Super Menu are designed for athletes or people who intend to start their adventure with physical activity. There is also no shortage of proposals for those who want to lose weight.

The Super Menu offers a wide range of diets.

The Super Menu also includes a basic diet called 'Good Start'.




  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering Intermittent Fasting (3-meal) with calories of 1250 kcal - £75 per day.
  • Standard boxed diet: diet catering Fit Menu Selection with a calorific value of 1750 kcal - £89 per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: diet catering Super Menu (4-meal) with a calorific value of 4000 kcal - 129 zł per day.

With the code HealthyStart! you receive a 5% discount on your first order of more than 3 days.

If you are an athlete, you will receive a 5% discount on your first order.

Are you an athlete and aiming for the highest calorie diet? If so, it s worthwhile for you to expand your knowledge of the effects of creatine on the body. My editorial colleague, and privately a keen sportswoman, has put together a great article about it. I invite you to read it: Creatine - what it does, effects, side effects, dosage, opinions




Deliveries of the Warsaw diet catering Super Menu are made from Monday to Saturday. On Saturday, you will receive your diet for Saturday and Sunday.

Delivered on Saturday.

It is possible to mark the time in the form by which we can receive the meals (10:00 at the latest). Super Menu points out that, depending on the region, delivery may be earlier or later.

Super Menu is also available.

Example menu for the Good Start


  • Breakfast: Oat pancakes with banana curd and cherry jam with a hint of cardamom.
  • Second breakfast: Vichyssoise leek and potato soup with truffle oil.
  • Dinner: Hawaiian-style turkey schnitzel with potato plates.
  • Afternoon snack: Carrot and pear cake.
  • Dinner: Vegetable pancakes with yam and yoghurt-dill sauce.
  • .

Diet from Broccoli: additional specials


Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits


20 diets with no choice of dishes.

1200-3500 kcal


48 zlotys-64 zlotys

Self-supplied calorie needs calculator

Diets from Broccoli is a diet catering service offering us a huge selection of ready-made diets. The meals in each catering are varied, tasty and, just as importantly, healthy and balanced.




Taste, aesthetics, variety and ingredients stand up to a good standard. Diets from Broccoli offer us balanced meals that mostly resemble home-cooked food.

Choice of diets


Diets from Broccoli offer us a choice of up to 21 different catering options. The individual boxed diets are divided into four categories.

  • Sports: Sport and Gain diets.
  • Sports: Sports and Gain diets.
  • Slim: Slim Standard diet, Vege, Vege + Fish, Low GI, Low GI Vege, Low GI Vege + Fish, Very Low Gluten, Very Low Lactose, Very Low Gluten and Lactose, Light, No Fish.
  • Slim: Slim Standard diet, Vege, Vege + Fish, Low GI Vege, Low GI Vege + Fish, Very Low Gluten, Very Low Lactose, Light, No Fish.
  • Home: Home diet, Polish cuisine, Junior
  • Keto: Keto diet, Keto Vege + Fish and Low Carb.
  • .

The Diet from Broccoli range also includes the Fodmapand and Office diets.

Unfortunately, you won't find an option here that allows you to select dishes on a daily basis.

In addition to the basic diets, Diets from Broccoli also offers suggestions for the youngest and the option to purchase Broccoli Specials. This option allows you to buy individual dishes and snacks from the following categories:

  • breakfasts,
  • snacks
  • sweets,
  • snacks for active people,
  • lunch,
  • lunches,
  • pantry items (e.g. breads, spreads, lard),
  • .



  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering Slim - Standard with a calorie count of 1,200 kcal - £48 per day.


  • The cheapest boxed diet: diet catering Slim - Standard with a calorie count of 1,200 kcal - £48 per day.
  • Standard boxed diet: diet catering Silm - Standard with calories of 1800 kcal - 57,49 zł per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: Diet catering Sport (some, other diets cost the same) with a calorie of 3500 kcal - 64 zł per day.



The boxed diet from Broccoli is delivered nightly and in the morning. Unfortunately, it is not possible to choose the time at which you receive your order. Furthermore, the Diet from Broccoli cannot be ordered for Sunday. Buying catering for Saturday, on the other hand, means a double box diet on Friday. You will not receive different meals for the two days.


Example menu for theLight


  • Breakfast: Shakshuka with beans, omelette with spinach.
  • Second breakfast: Pumpkin cake with salted caramel flavoured topping.
  • Lunch: Meat fritters, risotto, carrots with corn.
  • Lunch: Meat fritters, risotto, carrots with corn.
  • Afternoon snack: Lazy noodles, rhubarb and peach jam, kiwi.
  • Dinner: Vegetable lasagne, parsley sauce.
  • .

Body Chief: largest selection of diets

Possibility to collect meals in InPost fridges and Bp stations (in selected cities).

Number of diets to choose from


Available calories




Additional benefits

22 diets, including two with menu choices and two juice diets.

1200-4000 kcal


52 zł-119 zł

Self-checked calorie needs calculator

Our own calorie requirements calculator

Possibility to collect meals in InPost fridges and Bp stations (in selected cities).

Body Chief is a diet catering service whose ambassador is Julia Wieniawa. In turn, the taste and quality of the products are supervised by a close-knit team of healthy cuisine enthusiasts. Dietitians and chefs test new solutions every day to provide their customers with tasty and healthy dishes.




The dishes prepared by Body Chief are tasty and balanced. More often than not, however, the flavours will not be distinctive. Customer reviews indicate that the dishes in this diet catering are not robustly seasoned. Therefore, we recommend this boxed diet to people with a delicate palate.

We note that the variety of dishes in the diet catering from Body Chief is their Achilles' heel. The majority of people who have used the offer have indicated that the dishes are quite homogeneous. However, this is compensated for by the freshness of the produce - vegetables and fruit always taste great.

Diet selection


The Body Chief range is very extensive. There are 18 basic diets, two suggestions that allow for daily dietary choices and two juice cleansing diets.

The diets available at Body Chief are:


  • Low GI Vege,
  • Economy Box,
  • IF Lactose & Gluten Free,
  • IF Vegan,
  • Vegan,
  • Standard,
  • Office Box Vege,
  • Sport,
  • Vege,
  • Vege + Fish,
  • Gluten Free,
  • Lactose Free,
  • Lactose & Gluten Free,
  • Soft,
  • Low GI,
  • Less Carb,
  • Fit Mammy,
  • Office Box Standard,
  • .

The Menu Choice diet can consist of 3 or 5 meals. It allows you to choose your meals from four diets on a daily basis. This translates into 12 combinations in the case of three meals and twenty when you opt for the richer, five-meal option.

For people who want to cleanse their body, Body Chief offers juice diets: My Clearing and My Detox. These are prepared from 6 bottles of juice with ingredients such as pineapple, carrots, fennel and even curcuma or chia seeds. The juice diet provides us withand:

  • lots of nutrients,
  • improve intestinal health,
  • ease of fruit intake,
  • .

We note that this way of eating can also cause negative effects, such as excess sugar, protein deficiency or feelings of fatigue and hunger.

Curcumin can also be supplemented. Take a look at this article, prepared in collaboration with a pharmacist, for the best turmeric supplements: Turmeric tablets - which is best? Ranking 2023



  • The cheapest boxed diet: Economy Box diet catering (four meals) with a calorie count of 1200 kcal - £52 per day.
  • Standard boxed diet: diet catering Pattern Box with calories of 1750 kcal - £72 per day.
  • The most expensive boxed diet: diet catering Sport with a calorific value of 4,000 kcal - 99 zł per day.

The most expensive on offer at Body Chief are the custom juice diets - both cost £119 per day.



Body Chief's diet catering is a boxed diet with delivery delivered between 2am and 10pm.

The Body Chief diet catering service is also available on a daily basis.

What's more, you can also collect your meals from InPost fridges and selected Bp.


We note that according to people's feedback, most deliveries from Body Chief take place at night (2:00-5:00), which can be problematic for residents of detached houses or blocks of flats that cannot be reached by pin.

Example diet menu Standard

  • Breakfast: Beet hummus with wholemeal bread and kohlrabi.
  • Second breakfast: Dessert à la nutella with grape.
  • Dinner: Cod dumplings with remoulade sauce, potatoes and steamed vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: Apple cake.
  • Dinner: Chili sin carne with sour cream and nachos.
  • .

What is diet catering?


Diet catering is a paid service where you receive pre-packaged meals. The boxed diet is delivered every day (except Sunday) to your door. Most often, diet catering consists of five meals, but you can also choose other options.

How is diet catering delivered?


Most catering companies deliver their boxed diets by auto-refrigerators. These make it possible to preserve the freshness of the meals. Each day, a member of staff delivers the diet catering and hands it to us or leaves it at the door (depending on the arrangements).

Most often delivery takes place between 2:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Some catering companies allow you to choose an estimated time to receive your diet.

How much does diet catering cost and is it worth it?


Many people opt out of diet catering because of the cost. Despite appearances, however, this service is not expensive. The cheapest proposals can be purchased for about 50-60 PLN per day, or 350-420 PLN per week. How does this price compare with other options?


  • Cooking by yourself. The cost of preparing five meals a day for a week is around 200-250 PLN. The specific price depends on the shops chosen, the calories or the dishes.
  • .
  • Eating out. Eating out in places such as milk bars or canteens is very popular. However, contrary to what you might think, buying five meals out can hit you hard on the wallet. Eating three meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) already costs around 50 zloty. If you add the other two meals (second breakfast and afternoon snack), which have to be bought in e.g. a bakery or patisserie, the price rises to 65-75 PLN per day, which translates into a weekly cost of 455-525 PLN.
  • Eating one meal out + preparing the rest of the meals yourself. Dining in a restaurant with average prices is an expense of around 30-35 PLN. Preparing the rest of the meals, on the other hand, will cost us around 20-25 PLN per day. The total cost of eating dinner out in an average restaurant (in terms of price) and cooking the rest of the meals is 350-420 PLN.
  • .

In short: diet catering is cheaper than eating most meals out and slightly more expensive than cooking all the meals yourself. The cost of most boxed diets is comparable to the cost of eating one, larger meal out per day and preparing the rest of the meals yourself.

The cost of eating out is comparable to the cost of eating out and preparing the rest of the meals yourself.

We note that the above calculations are estimates. In order to accurately calculate the cost of each option, it is important to consider the calorie content of the food, the type of food, the shops where you intend to shop, and where you live, among other factors.

What is the cost of eating out?

What types of diet catering are there?

Most diet caterers offer us from several to even a dozen different boxed diets. It is up to each of us to choose the right one for us - best done in collaboration with a nutritionist.

Types of diet catering

  • Classical. Every catering company has a basic boxed diet on offer. These most often consist of Polish or European dishes. They are designed for people who are not allergic to any ingredients and do not want to lose weight, and all they expect is a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Losing weight. Catering to a lower calorie than basic solutions. As you can guess, we recommend these to people who want to shed weight. We recommend that weight loss diet catering is chosen together with a nutritionist.
  • Vegan and vegetarian. People who do not eat meat or meat products will also find something for themselves. Some catering companies also offer, for example, a vegetarian diet with fish.
  • For athletes. Physically active people need a proper diet and a solid calorie count. Catering companies keep them in mind and provide numerous suggestions. Ideally, this catering should be chosen with a specialist.
  • .
  • Gluten-free and lactose-free. People who are gluten or lactose intolerant may find it difficult to prepare meals themselves. A boxed diet may prove to be a convenient, and just as importantly, healthy solution.

Most catering companies also offer other boxed diets to their clients, such as the low glycaemic index or keto diets.

How to choose the right type of diet catering?


The type of diet catering should be tailored to our lifestyle and expectations. Ideally, you should contact a dietitian before buying a boxed diet. This will ensure that you choose diet catering that is both tasty, healthy and beneficial for you.

If you do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist, use a calorie calculator. It's a tool that allows you to choose the right calories based on factors such as age, weight or expectations.

Is it worth buying diet catering - advantages and disadvantages


Diet catering has both its supporters and opponents. The following advantages and disadvantages of this solution will help you choose which side of the barricade you stand on.

Benefits of diet catering


  • Saving time.
  • Convenience.
  • Possibility to follow a balanced and healthy diet.
  • Feature of the diet.
  • Free choice of calories appropriate to our lifestyle.
  • Free choice of calories appropriate to our lifestyle.
  • Variety of dishes, also from other, foreign and distant cuisines.
  • Possibility to lose weight relatively easily.
  • Facilitating regular meals.
  • Possibility to adapt the diet to our expectations - keto diet, for athletes, for people intolerant to gluten or lactose, and many others.
  • Contact with a dietician - some catering companies allow free contact with a dietician during the boxed diet.
  • Easier to control your eating style - if you know your boxed diet meals last you the whole day, it's simpler to limit snacking.

Disadvantages of diet catering


  • Price - compared to preparing your own meals, diet catering is more expensive.
  • Price is more expensive.
  • No influence on the quality of the products used in the preparation of the meals.
  • No influence on the quality of the products used in the preparation of the meals.
  • Delivery always takes place in the morning.
  • Plastic boxes - have little to do with caring for nature.
  • Plastic boxes - have little to do with caring for nature.
  • Yoyo effect - reverting to old eating habits after catering can result in weight gain.

Who is diet catering for?


Diet catering is for everyone. It is a very good way to stick to a balanced and healthy diet while saving time. The most important thing is to choose the right type of boxed diet. The names and descriptions of the different caterers indicate who should use them.

But ideally, you should work together with a dietitian to choose the right diet catering.

Diet catering - dietitian's opinion


Diet catering is steadily gaining in popularity, and opinions on it are divided. That's why I decided to ask Julia Skrajda, a clinical dietitian, a few questions to find out what professionals think about this solution.

Will diet catering allow us to eat healthily?


Julia Skrajda: Diet catering is not a way to improve eating habits. By using such a solution, we are not taking an active part in taking care of them. That is why I recommend a box diet as a nutritional support.


It is worth using diet catering during 'peak hours', i.e. at times when we are busy. On the other hand, at weekends, or other days off, I recommend letting go of the boxed diet and preparing a simple but balanced and healthy meal yourself.

The diet catering service is a great option.

Who in particular would you recommend diet catering to?


The boxed diet is a great solution for athletes. The increased demand for calories and nutrients makes it difficult to maintain a proper diet. Things become even more challenging when workouts take up most of the day.

Another group for whom diet catering may be a good option are senior citizens. Seniors who are unable to prepare their own meals due to their physical condition can take advantage of this option and take care of themselves.

Diet catering is a good option for seniors.

Can a boxed diet solve our health problems?


No. Using catering with the intention of reducing weight or treating indigestion, intestinal problems, allergies or other health ailments will not work.

A boxed diet will never be a substitute for seeing a nutritionist, getting to know the root of our problem, and educating ourselves to deal with it. I can compare diet catering to dietary supplements, which support us but never cure us.

Diet catering can be compared to dietary supplements, which support us but never cure us.




Remember the most important information.

  • Diet catering is a paid service that involves receiving pre-packaged meals on a daily basis.
  • When choosing diet catering, it is worth looking at taste, price, meal selection, calorie content, delivery, as well as additional enhancements such as a mobile app.
  • The best diet catering is a paid service.
  • The best diet caterers available on the market are Fit Apetit, TIM Catering and Wygodna Dieta.
  • Diet catering is delivered by auto-refrigerator to the customer's door.
  • There are many types of boxed diets, a few of which include: basic, weight-loss, vegan and vegetarian, for athletes, gluten-free and lactose-free.
  • Diet catering should be tailored to our expectations and lifestyle.
  • The main advantages of a boxed diet are that it saves time, is convenient, offers a healthy and balanced diet and is a relatively easy way to lose weight.
  • The main disadvantages of diet catering are the price, the lack of influence over the quality of the products, and delivery in the morning.


. Will diet catering help me lose weight?

Diet catering can help you lose weight if you choose the calorie content of your meals appropriately. Remember to adjust it according to your goal and your current weight and calorie requirements. Also take into account if you are snacking between purchased meals, thereby increasing your calorie count. It's worth choosing a boxed diet after consulting a nutritionist. A healthy diet can help us lose up to 2-3 kg in a month.

. Is it worth betting on diet catering if I have type II diabetes or Hashimoto's?

Yes, both type II diabetes and Hashimoto's require us to have a proper diet. People with diabetes should take special care to take in healthy carbohydrates, as well as fibre-rich foods, among other things. Hashimoto's patients on the other hand, should pay attention to ingredients such as iron, selenium, iodine and vitamin D.

. What if diet catering isn't enough for me and I'm overeating?

If, despite eating 4-5 full meals a day from diet catering, you feel hungry and are overeating, most likely your package is too low in calories. If you are using a boxed diet to lose weight, consider choosing a higher calorie option. This will slow down your progress, but you may find it easier to follow the diet. Reduced calorie diets typically result in a greater sense of hunger, so it's best to check with a dietitian to choose the right option based on your actual goals and calorie requirements.

. How much does a boxed diet cost in Warsaw?

The prices of boxed diets vary depending on the company, as well as the type and calorie content of the catering chosen. The cheapest proposals can be purchased for as little as 40 PLN per day. On the other hand, the most expensive ones may cost as much as PLN 100-140 per day.

Most often a standard boxed diet consisting of five meals of 1700-2000 kcal costs about 55-75 PLN.

. How long does it take to lose 10 kg of weight?

By losing weight in a healthy way, you can lose around 2-3 kg per month. So, to lose 10 kg, you should follow a diet for 3-5 months. Keep in mind that 'fast' weight loss can be detrimental to your health, psychologically difficult, and can also backfire with the so-called yo-yo effect, i.e. a return to your old weight after the diet has ended.

. How to make a boxed diet yourself

Preparing a box diet at home is very simple - just cook your meals one day (for example, on a Sunday) for the next few days. You then need to reheat your meals. The standard box diet consists of five meals (breakfast, second breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner). However, this quantity can be freely modified according to your preferences.

On the internet, you can find a lot of inspiration for preparing a variety of tasty and healthy dishes with ease.

. What times do you receive boxed diets?

Each company that delivers boxed diets does so at different times. Most diet caterers deliver from 2am to 10am. Some companies also deliver their diet the day before in the evening. Sometimes (depending on the catering chosen) it is possible to choose an estimated delivery time.




. See all

Diabetes diet: Create your healthy-eating plan. (n.d.). Mayo Clinic. Retrieved March 15, 2023, from

Danailova, Y., Velikova, T., Nikolaev, G., Mitova, Z., Shinkov, A., Gagov, H., & Konakchieva, R. (2022). Nutritional Management of Thyroiditis of Hashimoto's. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(9), Article 9.

Koliaki, C., Spinos, T., Spinou, Μ., Brinia, Μ.-E., Mitsopoulou, D., & Katsilambros, N. (2018). Defining the Optimal Dietary Approach for Safe, Effective and Sustainable Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Adults. Healthcare, 6(3), Article 3.

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Meet the team
Ludwik Jelonek - Author

Natu.Care Editor

Ludwik Jelonek

Ludwik Jelonek is the author of more than 2,500 texts published on leading portals. His content has found its way into services such as Ostrovit and Kobieta Onet. At Natu.Care, Ludwik educates people in the most important area of life - health.

Julia Skrajda - Reviewed by

Clinical nutritionist

Julia Skrajda
Verified by an expert

A clinical nutritionist, she works in the profession and creates personalised menus and recommendations for disease entities.

Michael Tomaszewski - Edited by


Michael Tomaszewski

Graduate of Journalism and Artes Liberales at the University of Warsaw. Since 2017, he has been working with the biggest portals in Poland and abroad as an editor. Previously worked for 3 years in one of the leading pharmaceutical companies - he knows the health and beauty industry inside out. In his free time, he most enjoys playing tennis or skiing.

Gregory Dill - Fact-checking


Gregory Dill

Grzegorz Koper is in charge of verifying quoted sources and checking that published content is truthful.

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