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- Omega 3-6-9 acids
Omega 3-6-9 acids: which ones to choose? (+Performance of the supplement)
What does omega 3-6-9 help with? Or does it cause harm? Find out why you don't need to supplement with omega-3-6-9 fatty acids and get expert opinions.

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.Since omega-3 fatty acids are dietary gold, the 3-6-9 combination must be three, six, nine ... times better, right?
.Many manufacturers are meeting such needs and creating gold triple capsules. But not every omega acid needs supplementation. Ba, supplementation of all three is even mutually exclusive.
The following is an example.
With the experts, we'll show you why you'll be healthier if you simply focus on omega-3 fatty acids. And if you really want to buy omega 3-6-9, we've done an analysis of several dietary supplements for you - but first, learn the facts about the acid trinity.
See also:
.- Omega acids
- Omega-3 fatty acids
- Omega-6 fatty acids
- Omega-9 fatty acids
- EPA acid .
- DHA acid
- ALA acid
- Omega-3 fatty acids for children
- Alpha-3 omega acids
Omega acids - why are they so important?
.Omeega acids affect many systems, organs and processes in your bodyand. As you read this sentence omega acids take care of your concentration so that you can read multisyllabic, complex acid names. They support cardiovascular function (listen to your heartbeat), and look at the skin on your hands as you scroll. Healthy and taut - yes, omega acids have got fat fingers in it.
Omega fatty acids are absolutely essential for the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and immune systems. They are responsible for controlling inflammation, as well as the appearance of skin and hair. They are multitaskers!.

Alexandra Cudna Clinical nutritionist
Another way of writing these acids, where the letter n or ω appears instead of omega. So, for example, omega-3 acid is n-3 or ω-3.
The most important acids for our body are unsaturated acids -which include omega 3, 6, and 9. So it's no wonder that when you buy '3-in-1' nutritional supplements, you want to feed your body in one go and benefit from their valuable properties. After all, you want to do well, don't you?"
Yes, omega acids are important, but there is something even more important -
.The secret of the ratio of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids
.Omega-3 and 6 acids compete with each other for absorption in the body. To avoid unnecessary blood fat spillage, the ideal ratio of n-3 to n-6 consumption is between 1:1 and 1:4.
Then you are assured that there is room in your body for the action of both acids. Omega-3 does its part, omega-6 its part. There's also omega-9 working in the background, but it's made from the three and six so it's hard to be deficient. But...
.Omega, we have a problem
.The problem is that you can't control your daily supplyof omega-6 acids. You may think they are only in oils, which "after all, you rarely use in your cooking". But omega-6s are in just about everything - healthy or unhealthy (ready-to-eat dinner?, coffee bar?, chips in front of the TV?, makeup on the go?).
Well, throw in that "3-6-9" supplement...
.You're supplying your body with an awful lot of omega-6s, which in excess are detrimental to your healthand. And the situation is even worse when you don't eat oily fish, which are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Then omega-6 acids fly all over, suppressing omega-3 fatty acids. This leads to n-3 deficiency and an imbalance of these fatty acids.
What is the risk of an imbalance of omega-3 and 6 fatty acids?
.- Increased inflammation in the body, which can contribute to the development of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritisand. .
- Increased risk of cardiovascular disease .
- Increased risk of obesity . .
- Increased risk of mental health disorders such as depression and anxietyand. .
Omega 3-6-9 for children
.Omega acids are important for a child who is growing and developing intensively. He needs to eat varied and nutritious food to have energy and mood. So it's natural to want to support your child's health with supplementation.
However, instead of buying products with omega 3-6-9, encourage your child to eat fish. Make colourful salmon and veggie rolls, or arrange sardines playfully on a plate with a feathery egg white. Or why not go to a restaurant where you catch your own fish and then eat it with taste while steaming it?"
.If, however, you are raising a child with discerning food tastes, give him tran or a good omega-3 supplement. That will do the trick. The omega-6 will still cut in from chips with classmates at school or a cookie for dessert after lunch (and let him eat it, sometimes you can).
Omega 3-6-9 in pregnancy
.Pregnant women need long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFAs). Of these, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a member of the omega-3 fatty acid group, is the most important.
The Polish Society of Gynaecologists and Obstetricians does not recommend the use of omega 3-6-9 fatty acid complexes. Pregnant women should focus on supplying the body with omega-3 fatty acids, especially DHA.
.. .Anna Parzyńska physician, specialist in obstetrics and gynaecology
See also:
.Omega 3-6-9 supplements? There's something better
.You don't need a product that looks like a maths task. What you need are omega-3 fatty acids, sourced from a tasty and nutritious diet or good quality supplements.
Don't be so concerned about omega-6 acids. I've probably unknowingly eaten some of them today, but when I think of the salmon waiting for me for dinner - I know I'm controlling those fat stores between omega-3 and 6. There's a balance to be struck in your diet. And reason.
Diversify your diet with fish such as wild Pacific salmon, sardines, pollock. Eat good quality supplements with omega-3. Check out the suggestions below.
Dietary supplements with omega-3
.What to look for when choosing omega-3 fatty acids?
.- Daily intake. Recommendations are to provide a minimum of 250 mg of EPA + DHA acids per day.
- Jquality of raw material. Pay attention to the source of the omega-3 fatty acids (stated fish species) and the form (esters or triglycerides) for the sproduct to be effective.
- TOTOX. The indicator tells you the quality of the fish oil. A good manufacturer always states TOTOX, which should be ≤ 26. .
- Additional active ingredients. Whether they make sense and the dose that will work at all.
- The following is a guide.
- Purity of composition. Flavours, colours and preservatives - thank you. .
Product description
The dietary supplement contains omega-3ᵀᴳ, or omega-3 acids in the form of trójglyceridesów. Scientific studies suggest that this form of fatty acidsós up to 2 times better absorbed than the estersós present in many dietary supplements on the market. This means that you are assured of their effectiveness and of supplying yourself with valuable omega acids.
Fatty acids omega-3 are derived from wild anchovy oil. It is a rich source of healthy fats that are essential for the health of the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems, as well as the proper function of vision, joints muscles.
Scientific research suggests that wild anchovies are a good source of healthy fats.
Scientific research also suggests that an adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acidsós protects against and supports the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. In addition, omega-3s influence the hydration and appearance of the skinóry and support healthy sleep.
.The formula contains a total of 750 mg of EPA+DHA acidsós, which is three times higher than the recommended minimum of 250 mg for the Polish population. Omega-3 TG Premium has studies indicating that its TOTOX is 9, which is a very good result.
Supplementation of omega-3 fatty acidsóis recommended for anyone who does not eat 1–2 portions (approximately 300 g) of oily fish per week. Children during growth, seniors, physically active people, vegans and vegetarians, as well as patients undergoing cardiovascular treatment and prevention of heart disease also have an increased need.
Pros and cons
The dietary supplement contains omega-3ᵀᴳ, or omega-3 acids in the form of trójglyceridesów. Scientific studies suggest that this form of fatty acidsós up to 2 times better absorbed than the estersós present in many dietary supplements on the market. This means that you are assured of their effectiveness and of supplying yourself with valuable omega acids.
Fatty acids omega-3 are derived from wild anchovy oil. It is a rich source of healthy fats that are essential for the health of the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems, as well as the proper function of vision, joints muscles.
Scientific research suggests that wild anchovies are a good source of healthy fats.
Scientific research also suggests that an adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acidsós protects against and supports the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. In addition, omega-3s influence the hydration and appearance of the skinóry and support healthy sleep.
.The formula contains a total of 750 mg of EPA+DHA acidsós, which is three times higher than the recommended minimum of 250 mg for the Polish population. Omega-3 TG Premium has studies indicating that its TOTOX is 9, which is a very good result.
Supplementation of omega-3 fatty acidsóis recommended for anyone who does not eat 1–2 portions (approximately 300 g) of oily fish per week. Children during growth, seniors, physically active people, vegans and vegetarians, as well as patients undergoing cardiovascular treatment and prevention of heart disease also have an increased need.
Additional information
The dietary supplement contains omega-3ᵀᴳ, or omega-3 acids in the form of trójglyceridesów. Scientific studies suggest that this form of fatty acidsós up to 2 times better absorbed than the estersós present in many dietary supplements on the market. This means that you are assured of their effectiveness and of supplying yourself with valuable omega acids.
Fatty acids omega-3 are derived from wild anchovy oil. It is a rich source of healthy fats that are essential for the health of the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems, as well as the proper function of vision, joints muscles.
Scientific research suggests that wild anchovies are a good source of healthy fats.
Scientific research also suggests that an adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acidsós protects against and supports the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. In addition, omega-3s influence the hydration and appearance of the skinóry and support healthy sleep.
.The formula contains a total of 750 mg of EPA+DHA acidsós, which is three times higher than the recommended minimum of 250 mg for the Polish population. Omega-3 TG Premium has studies indicating that its TOTOX is 9, which is a very good result.
Supplementation of omega-3 fatty acidsóis recommended for anyone who does not eat 1–2 portions (approximately 300 g) of oily fish per week. Children during growth, seniors, physically active people, vegans and vegetarians, as well as patients undergoing cardiovascular treatment and prevention of heart disease also have an increased need.
Expert opinion
The dietary supplement contains omega-3ᵀᴳ, or omega-3 acids in the form of trójglyceridesów. Scientific studies suggest that this form of fatty acidsós up to 2 times better absorbed than the estersós present in many dietary supplements on the market. This means that you are assured of their effectiveness and of supplying yourself with valuable omega acids.
Fatty acids omega-3 are derived from wild anchovy oil. It is a rich source of healthy fats that are essential for the health of the cardiovascular, immune and nervous systems, as well as the proper function of vision, joints muscles.
Scientific research suggests that wild anchovies are a good source of healthy fats.
Scientific research also suggests that an adequate intake of omega-3 fatty acidsós protects against and supports the treatment of depression and anxiety disorders. In addition, omega-3s influence the hydration and appearance of the skinóry and support healthy sleep.
.The formula contains a total of 750 mg of EPA+DHA acidsós, which is three times higher than the recommended minimum of 250 mg for the Polish population. Omega-3 TG Premium has studies indicating that its TOTOX is 9, which is a very good result.
Supplementation of omega-3 fatty acidsóis recommended for anyone who does not eat 1–2 portions (approximately 300 g) of oily fish per week. Children during growth, seniors, physically active people, vegans and vegetarians, as well as patients undergoing cardiovascular treatment and prevention of heart disease also have an increased need.
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.Pharmovit Omega 3 Max

- Content omega-3 acids: 550 mg (220 mg DHA + 330 mg EPA)
- Additional active ingredients: none .
- Form: capsules .
- Dose: 1 capsule per day .
- Sufficient for: 60 days .
Product description
A simple dietary supplement with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. Apart from DHA and EPA, you will find absolutely nothing here. It is therefore a great supplement for people who want to supplement their omega acids and do not need any additional active ingredients.
A simple dietary supplement with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil.
The sourceóof the omega-3 fatty acids in the preparation is fish oil.
.Pros and cons
A simple dietary supplement with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. Apart from DHA and EPA, you will find absolutely nothing here. It is therefore a great supplement for people who want to supplement their omega acids and do not need any additional active ingredients.
A simple dietary supplement with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil.
The sourceóof the omega-3 fatty acids in the preparation is fish oil.
.Additional information
A simple dietary supplement with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. Apart from DHA and EPA, you will find absolutely nothing here. It is therefore a great supplement for people who want to supplement their omega acids and do not need any additional active ingredients.
A simple dietary supplement with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil.
The sourceóof the omega-3 fatty acids in the preparation is fish oil.
.User review
A simple dietary supplement with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil. Apart from DHA and EPA, you will find absolutely nothing here. It is therefore a great supplement for people who want to supplement their omega acids and do not need any additional active ingredients.
A simple dietary supplement with omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil.
The sourceóof the omega-3 fatty acids in the preparation is fish oil.
.Primabiotic Omega + vitamin D3

- Omega-3 content: 600 mg (240 mg DHA + 360 mg EPA)
- Additional active ingredients: vitamin D3
- Form: capsules .
- Dose: 1 or 2 capsules daily .
- Sufficient for: 60 or 30 days .
Product description
The combination of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and vitamin D3 will strengthen your nervous system and eyesight. It will improve your brain function and have a beneficial effect on your cardiovascular system. Thanks to the high dose of vitamin D, supplementation with the preparation will increase immunity and have a beneficial effect on your muscles and bones.
.Taking the product will also improve your resistance to stress and soothe your nervous system.
.Pros and cons
The combination of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and vitamin D3 will strengthen your nervous system and eyesight. It will improve your brain function and have a beneficial effect on your cardiovascular system. Thanks to the high dose of vitamin D, supplementation with the preparation will increase immunity and have a beneficial effect on your muscles and bones.
.Taking the product will also improve your resistance to stress and soothe your nervous system.
.Additional information
The combination of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and vitamin D3 will strengthen your nervous system and eyesight. It will improve your brain function and have a beneficial effect on your cardiovascular system. Thanks to the high dose of vitamin D, supplementation with the preparation will increase immunity and have a beneficial effect on your muscles and bones.
.Taking the product will also improve your resistance to stress and soothe your nervous system.
.User review
The combination of omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil and vitamin D3 will strengthen your nervous system and eyesight. It will improve your brain function and have a beneficial effect on your cardiovascular system. Thanks to the high dose of vitamin D, supplementation with the preparation will increase immunity and have a beneficial effect on your muscles and bones.
.Taking the product will also improve your resistance to stress and soothe your nervous system.
.Omega + Vitamin D3 2000 IU

- Content omega-3 acids: 600 mg (360 mg EPA + 240 mg DHA)
- Additional active ingredients: vitamin D3
- Form: capsules .
- Dose: 1 capsule daily .
- Sufficient for: 60 days .
Product description
Omega-3 fatty acids with added vitamin D3 in good doses. The preparation fills the daily requirement of an adult for EPA and DHA as well as vitamin D.
.This is an interesting combination that canóbe recommended to most Poles. The Ministry of Health recommends everyone to supplement vitamin D3. Omega-3 fatty acids are also on the podium when it comes to deficiencies of active ingredientsós in our country.
The dietary supplement from the Ministry of Health is an interesting combination that can be recommended to most Poles.
The dietary supplement from Aura Herbals supports the functioning of the mós brain, proper vision and the functioning of the immune system. The sourceóof omega-3 fatty acids is fish oil.
The supplement is a dietary supplement from Aura Herbals.
Pros and cons
Omega-3 fatty acids with added vitamin D3 in good doses. The preparation fills the daily requirement of an adult for EPA and DHA as well as vitamin D.
.This is an interesting combination that canóbe recommended to most Poles. The Ministry of Health recommends everyone to supplement vitamin D3. Omega-3 fatty acids are also on the podium when it comes to deficiencies of active ingredientsós in our country.
The dietary supplement from the Ministry of Health is an interesting combination that can be recommended to most Poles.
The dietary supplement from Aura Herbals supports the functioning of the mós brain, proper vision and the functioning of the immune system. The sourceóof omega-3 fatty acids is fish oil.
The supplement is a dietary supplement from Aura Herbals.
Additional information
Omega-3 fatty acids with added vitamin D3 in good doses. The preparation fills the daily requirement of an adult for EPA and DHA as well as vitamin D.
.This is an interesting combination that canóbe recommended to most Poles. The Ministry of Health recommends everyone to supplement vitamin D3. Omega-3 fatty acids are also on the podium when it comes to deficiencies of active ingredientsós in our country.
The dietary supplement from the Ministry of Health is an interesting combination that can be recommended to most Poles.
The dietary supplement from Aura Herbals supports the functioning of the mós brain, proper vision and the functioning of the immune system. The sourceóof omega-3 fatty acids is fish oil.
The supplement is a dietary supplement from Aura Herbals.
User review
Omega-3 fatty acids with added vitamin D3 in good doses. The preparation fills the daily requirement of an adult for EPA and DHA as well as vitamin D.
.This is an interesting combination that canóbe recommended to most Poles. The Ministry of Health recommends everyone to supplement vitamin D3. Omega-3 fatty acids are also on the podium when it comes to deficiencies of active ingredientsós in our country.
The dietary supplement from the Ministry of Health is an interesting combination that can be recommended to most Poles.
The dietary supplement from Aura Herbals supports the functioning of the mós brain, proper vision and the functioning of the immune system. The sourceóof omega-3 fatty acids is fish oil.
The supplement is a dietary supplement from Aura Herbals.
Sundose° Daily Balance°

- Omega-3 content: 1100 mg (660 mg EPA + 440 mg DHA)
- Active ingredients: ashwagandha, vitamin D3, magnesium, manganese, copper, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin B12
- Form: capsules and powder .
- Packaging: 30 capsules and sachets
- Dose: 3 capsules and 1 sachet daily .
- Sufficient for: 30 days .
Product description
Stress, exhaustion and tension? Daily Balance° restores calmóness and mental clarity even in the face of the greatest challenges. It is a formula that draws on the synergistic effects of ashwagandha and magnesium, further enhanced with a complex of B vitamins, for reduced feelings of fatigue and tiredness.
The omega-3 fatty acids in the Daily Balance° formula are derived from high-quality fish oil. The healthy fats contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune system, skinóry condition and support mental health.
Pros and cons
Stress, exhaustion and tension? Daily Balance° restores calmóness and mental clarity even in the face of the greatest challenges. It is a formula that draws on the synergistic effects of ashwagandha and magnesium, further enhanced with a complex of B vitamins, for reduced feelings of fatigue and tiredness.
The omega-3 fatty acids in the Daily Balance° formula are derived from high-quality fish oil. The healthy fats contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune system, skinóry condition and support mental health.
Additional information
Stress, exhaustion and tension? Daily Balance° restores calmóness and mental clarity even in the face of the greatest challenges. It is a formula that draws on the synergistic effects of ashwagandha and magnesium, further enhanced with a complex of B vitamins, for reduced feelings of fatigue and tiredness.
The omega-3 fatty acids in the Daily Balance° formula are derived from high-quality fish oil. The healthy fats contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune system, skinóry condition and support mental health.
User review
Stress, exhaustion and tension? Daily Balance° restores calmóness and mental clarity even in the face of the greatest challenges. It is a formula that draws on the synergistic effects of ashwagandha and magnesium, further enhanced with a complex of B vitamins, for reduced feelings of fatigue and tiredness.
The omega-3 fatty acids in the Daily Balance° formula are derived from high-quality fish oil. The healthy fats contribute to the proper functioning of the nervous system, cardiovascular system, immune system, skinóry condition and support mental health.
Product description
The dietary supplement contains oil from the microalgae Schizochytrium sp. Algae are a healthy, plant-based alternative as a source of health-important fatty acids.
DHA acid contributes to the maintenance of normal móbrain function and normal vision, and the combination of EPA + DHA supports heart health (with a daily intake of 250 mg DHA). In addition, omega-3 fatty acids support immunity, mood and the condition and appearance of the skinóskin.
DHA supplementation is especially important when consuming little fish, so those on a plant-based diet should ensure supplementation as they are at risk of an omega-3 deficiency.
Pros and cons
The dietary supplement contains oil from the microalgae Schizochytrium sp. Algae are a healthy, plant-based alternative as a source of health-important fatty acids.
DHA acid contributes to the maintenance of normal móbrain function and normal vision, and the combination of EPA + DHA supports heart health (with a daily intake of 250 mg DHA). In addition, omega-3 fatty acids support immunity, mood and the condition and appearance of the skinóskin.
DHA supplementation is especially important when consuming little fish, so those on a plant-based diet should ensure supplementation as they are at risk of an omega-3 deficiency.
Additional information
The dietary supplement contains oil from the microalgae Schizochytrium sp. Algae are a healthy, plant-based alternative as a source of health-important fatty acids.
DHA acid contributes to the maintenance of normal móbrain function and normal vision, and the combination of EPA + DHA supports heart health (with a daily intake of 250 mg DHA). In addition, omega-3 fatty acids support immunity, mood and the condition and appearance of the skinóskin.
DHA supplementation is especially important when consuming little fish, so those on a plant-based diet should ensure supplementation as they are at risk of an omega-3 deficiency.
User review
The dietary supplement contains oil from the microalgae Schizochytrium sp. Algae are a healthy, plant-based alternative as a source of health-important fatty acids.
DHA acid contributes to the maintenance of normal móbrain function and normal vision, and the combination of EPA + DHA supports heart health (with a daily intake of 250 mg DHA). In addition, omega-3 fatty acids support immunity, mood and the condition and appearance of the skinóskin.
DHA supplementation is especially important when consuming little fish, so those on a plant-based diet should ensure supplementation as they are at risk of an omega-3 deficiency.
Sundose° Daily Boost°

- Omega-3 content: 660 mg EPA, 440 mg DHA .
- Additional active ingredients: vitamin B6, vitamin B12, Korean ginseng, coenzyme Q10, magnesium, iron, iodine, vitamin C .
- Form: sachets and capsules .
- Packaging: 30 sachets and 30 capsules
- Dose: 1 sachet and capsule daily .
- Sufficient for: 30 days .
Product description
Daily Boost° will provide you with balanced energy in harmony with your body. It combines the proven power of Korean ginseng extract, which improves mental and physical performance, with vitamins and minerals carefully selected to maintain energy levels.
Pros and cons
Daily Boost° will provide you with balanced energy in harmony with your body. It combines the proven power of Korean ginseng extract, which improves mental and physical performance, with vitamins and minerals carefully selected to maintain energy levels.
Additional information
Daily Boost° will provide you with balanced energy in harmony with your body. It combines the proven power of Korean ginseng extract, which improves mental and physical performance, with vitamins and minerals carefully selected to maintain energy levels.
User review
Daily Boost° will provide you with balanced energy in harmony with your body. It combines the proven power of Korean ginseng extract, which improves mental and physical performance, with vitamins and minerals carefully selected to maintain energy levels.
Dr. Jacob's DHA-EPA + Vitamin E

- Content omega-3 acids: 255 mg (170 mg DHA + 85 mg EPA)
- Additional active ingredients: vitamin E
- Form: liquid .
- Dose: 5 ml .
- Sufficient for: 50 days .
Product description
DHA-EPA + Vitamin E is a vegan dietary supplement rich in omega-3 DHA and EPA acids from algae and vitamin E. The product supports the proper functioning of the brain, eyesight and heart, providing the necessary ingredientsóin an easily digestible form.
.The product additionally provides extra virgin olive oil and bioactive vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect.
Pros and cons
DHA-EPA + Vitamin E is a vegan dietary supplement rich in omega-3 DHA and EPA acids from algae and vitamin E. The product supports the proper functioning of the brain, eyesight and heart, providing the necessary ingredientsóin an easily digestible form.
.The product additionally provides extra virgin olive oil and bioactive vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect.
Additional information
DHA-EPA + Vitamin E is a vegan dietary supplement rich in omega-3 DHA and EPA acids from algae and vitamin E. The product supports the proper functioning of the brain, eyesight and heart, providing the necessary ingredientsóin an easily digestible form.
.The product additionally provides extra virgin olive oil and bioactive vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect.
User review
DHA-EPA + Vitamin E is a vegan dietary supplement rich in omega-3 DHA and EPA acids from algae and vitamin E. The product supports the proper functioning of the brain, eyesight and heart, providing the necessary ingredientsóin an easily digestible form.
.The product additionally provides extra virgin olive oil and bioactive vitamin E, which has an antioxidant effect.
Product description
Supplement in liquid form, rich in fatty acids from Atlantic mackerel, anchovies and Atlantic sardines. It is a rich source of omega-3 acids. The combination of DHA and EPA improves the functioning of your brain, heart, eyesight, supports the nervous system, influences the appearance of your skin and has a positive impact on your mental health.
.Pros and cons
Supplement in liquid form, rich in fatty acids from Atlantic mackerel, anchovies and Atlantic sardines. It is a rich source of omega-3 acids. The combination of DHA and EPA improves the functioning of your brain, heart, eyesight, supports the nervous system, influences the appearance of your skin and has a positive impact on your mental health.
.Additional information
Supplement in liquid form, rich in fatty acids from Atlantic mackerel, anchovies and Atlantic sardines. It is a rich source of omega-3 acids. The combination of DHA and EPA improves the functioning of your brain, heart, eyesight, supports the nervous system, influences the appearance of your skin and has a positive impact on your mental health.
.User review
Supplement in liquid form, rich in fatty acids from Atlantic mackerel, anchovies and Atlantic sardines. It is a rich source of omega-3 acids. The combination of DHA and EPA improves the functioning of your brain, heart, eyesight, supports the nervous system, influences the appearance of your skin and has a positive impact on your mental health.
.Sundose° For Stress Relief°

- Omega-3 content: 220 mg of DHA acid and 330 mg of EPA acid
- Additional active ingredients: ashwagandha, magnesium, vitamin B6, vitamin D3
- Form: capsules .
- Dose: 1 omega-3 capsule and 3 capsules of ashwagandha, magnesium, vitamins B6 and D3
- Sufficient for: 30 days .
Product description
A set of two dietary supplements, the combination of which will take care of your mood and mental condition. Ashwagandha is known for its calming properties, while omega-3 fatty acids will further soothe the nervous system and take care of the smooth functioning of the brain.
Magnesium and Vitamin B6 are involved in the production and regulation of neurotransmittersós, and vitamin D3 may prevent dementia.
Pros and cons
A set of two dietary supplements, the combination of which will take care of your mood and mental condition. Ashwagandha is known for its calming properties, while omega-3 fatty acids will further soothe the nervous system and take care of the smooth functioning of the brain.
Magnesium and Vitamin B6 are involved in the production and regulation of neurotransmittersós, and vitamin D3 may prevent dementia.
Additional information
A set of two dietary supplements, the combination of which will take care of your mood and mental condition. Ashwagandha is known for its calming properties, while omega-3 fatty acids will further soothe the nervous system and take care of the smooth functioning of the brain.
Magnesium and Vitamin B6 are involved in the production and regulation of neurotransmittersós, and vitamin D3 may prevent dementia.
Expert opinion
A set of two dietary supplements, the combination of which will take care of your mood and mental condition. Ashwagandha is known for its calming properties, while omega-3 fatty acids will further soothe the nervous system and take care of the smooth functioning of the brain.
Magnesium and Vitamin B6 are involved in the production and regulation of neurotransmittersós, and vitamin D3 may prevent dementia.

- Content omega-3 acids: 550 mg (DHA 220 mg + EPA 330 mg)
- Additional active ingredients: vitamin E
- Form: capsules .
- Dose: 1 capsule per day .
- Sufficient for: 90 days .
Product description
A dietary supplement with a solid portion of DHA and EPA – valuable for health and well-being omega-3 acidsós. Indicated especially for people on a plant-based diet, physically active people and seniors.
.The sourceóof omega-3 acids in this preparation is fish oil.
.Pros and cons
A dietary supplement with a solid portion of DHA and EPA – valuable for health and well-being omega-3 acidsós. Indicated especially for people on a plant-based diet, physically active people and seniors.
.The sourceóof omega-3 acids in this preparation is fish oil.
.Additional information
A dietary supplement with a solid portion of DHA and EPA – valuable for health and well-being omega-3 acidsós. Indicated especially for people on a plant-based diet, physically active people and seniors.
.The sourceóof omega-3 acids in this preparation is fish oil.
.User review
A dietary supplement with a solid portion of DHA and EPA – valuable for health and well-being omega-3 acidsós. Indicated especially for people on a plant-based diet, physically active people and seniors.
.The sourceóof omega-3 acids in this preparation is fish oil.
.OstroVit Omega 3 Easy to Swallow

- Content omega-3 acids: 300 mg (180 mg EPA + 120 mg DHA)
- Form: capsules .
- Dose: 2 capsules daily .
- Sufficient for: 45 days .
Product description
A dietary supplement designed for all those who want to supply their body with the necessary amount of omega-3 fatty acids, but have problems swallowing standard capsules.
By reducing the size of the capsule, the dietary supplement is much easier to swallow and does not stand in the throat. The ingredients in the supplement have been shown to support heart and móbrain function and strengthen blood vessels.
The ingredients in the supplement have been shown to support heart and móbrain function and strengthen blood vessels.
The sourceóof the omega-3 fatty acids in this supplement is fish oil.
.Pros and cons
A dietary supplement designed for all those who want to supply their body with the necessary amount of omega-3 fatty acids, but have problems swallowing standard capsules.
By reducing the size of the capsule, the dietary supplement is much easier to swallow and does not stand in the throat. The ingredients in the supplement have been shown to support heart and móbrain function and strengthen blood vessels.
The ingredients in the supplement have been shown to support heart and móbrain function and strengthen blood vessels.
The sourceóof the omega-3 fatty acids in this supplement is fish oil.
.Additional information
A dietary supplement designed for all those who want to supply their body with the necessary amount of omega-3 fatty acids, but have problems swallowing standard capsules.
By reducing the size of the capsule, the dietary supplement is much easier to swallow and does not stand in the throat. The ingredients in the supplement have been shown to support heart and móbrain function and strengthen blood vessels.
The ingredients in the supplement have been shown to support heart and móbrain function and strengthen blood vessels.
The sourceóof the omega-3 fatty acids in this supplement is fish oil.
.User review
A dietary supplement designed for all those who want to supply their body with the necessary amount of omega-3 fatty acids, but have problems swallowing standard capsules.
By reducing the size of the capsule, the dietary supplement is much easier to swallow and does not stand in the throat. The ingredients in the supplement have been shown to support heart and móbrain function and strengthen blood vessels.
The ingredients in the supplement have been shown to support heart and móbrain function and strengthen blood vessels.
The sourceóof the omega-3 fatty acids in this supplement is fish oil.
.Omega 3-6-9 supplements - expert opinions
.Diet supplements with omega 3-6-9 acids are unnecessary. Omega-9 fatty acids are produced by the body on its own, omega-6 fatty acids are supplied with the diet often in excess. We supplement omega-3 fatty acids with 1-2 portions of oily fish per week. However, if you do not - it is worth buying an omega-3-only supplement. This is the healthiest solution..

Alexandra Cudna Clinical nutritionist
Supplementation with omega 3-6-9 products is usually not necessary. Unknowingly, we can create a disproportion between omega acids by consuming too little n-3 and too much n-6, which will adversely affect health and can cause the development of many diseases.

Witold Tomaszewskidoctor of medical sciences
.Omega-3 and 6 fatty acids compete with each other for bioavailability in the body, and their absorption occurs through the same metabolic pathway. This means that by supplementing both at the same time, only one will be absorbed. The same is true when this supplementation is supplemented with omega-9 acid, which, after all, the body produces on its own..

Julia SkrajdaDietitian
.All omega acids are very much needed as they have beneficial effects on health and well-being. People who consume far too much omega-6 relative to omega-3 should be wary of 3-6-9 preparations. A nutritious and varied diet as the main source of omega acids is most important.
.. .
Ilona Krzak Master of Pharmacy
Omega 3-6-9 not for the brain, but for... the skin?
.Fatty acids for the skin? Do you need to lubricate yourself with salmon? Fortunately, no. This form of omega acids should be in your beauty cabinet.
See also:
- Guide: which omega-3 acids to choose? .
- Best sources of omega-3 in the diet
- Omega-3 for athletes
- Triglycerides - why are they better than ethyl esters?
- Omega drug, not a supplement. Doctor's opinion
- Omega-3 in tablets - ranking
- Best healthy breakfast recipes
Responding to the question from the introduction of the article - you are unlikely to need triple the power of omega acids (I liked that phrase), rather fat shotwith omega-3s using fish in the diet or good dietary supplements.
.In summary
- All omega acids are important for the proper functioning of the body.
- All omega acids are important for the proper functioning of the body.
- The most important are omega-3 fatty acids, a deficiency of which is common, due to low fish consumption.
- It is important for the body to function properly.
- Omega-6 fatty acids are consumed in excess because they are found in many processed foods.
- An excess of omega-6 fatty acids relative to omega-3 is detrimental to health and can lead to the development of many diseases and inflammatory conditions.
- The use of omega 3-6-9 supplements when the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in the diet is low leads to an imbalance in their ratio.
- Instead of 3-6-9 supplements, it is better to implement 1-2 servings of oily fish per week into the diet or supplement with omega-3 acids alone.
.What do omega 3-6-9 acids do?
.The fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 affect many functions and systems in the body, including the health of the heart, brain, skin, eyes and joints. They have anti-inflammatory and immune-modelling properties. They also support memory, concentration and stress. They also influence the appearance and condition of skin and hair.
Is it worth taking omega 3-6-9 acids?
.Supplementation with omega-3-6-9 acids depends on the individual body's needs and diet. For people who do not get enough of these acids from their diet, supplementation can help make up the shortfall. However, it is difficult to control the supply of omega-6 acids, which we usually supply in excess. Therefore, it is better to focus on eating foods rich in omega-3 and nutritious foods, while limiting processed foods.
When to use omega-3-6-9 acids?
.Omega 3-6-9 acids can be used when your diet is not varied and nutritious. However, it is recommended that you only use products with omega-3s, as people are most commonly deficient in them. Omega-9 acids are produced by the body on its own, while omega-6 acids are taken in excess from processed products. By supplementing with 3-6-9 you can lead to harmful acid imbalances in the body.
Can you overdose on omega 3-6-9 acids?
.Yes, it is possible to overdose on omega 3-6-9 acids due to over-supplementation and a concomitant diet rich in processed and unhealthy foods. Supplied in excess, omega acids have a pro-inflammatory effect, harm the cardiovascular system and can contribute to the development of various diseases.
How long can you take omega acids 3-6-9?
.It is not advisable to take omega 3-6-9 acids for long periods of time, and it is best to replace them with omega-3 acids alone or by increasing the amount of oily fish in the diet. Supplements of omega 3-6-9 can lead to an unhealthy imbalance of acids in the body, which is detrimental to health and well-being.
How much does omega 3-6-9 cost?
.Omega-3-6-9 dietary supplements cost between a dozen and several hundred zloty, and the price depends on the manufacturer, the quality of the omega acids, the size of the pack and the manufacturing process of the supplement.
What is better: omega-3 or omega 3-6-9?
.Omeega-3 fatty acids provide the most health-promoting benefits to the body, and their deficiency is most common. Providing omega-3 acids from the diet or supplements helps to maintain a healthy balance of acids, which is upset most often by the unconscious overconsumption of omega-6 acids. These acids compete with each other and, being in the minority, omega-3 acids cannot positively influence health and well-being.
.See all
.Boone, K. M., Klebanoff, M. A., Rogers, L. K., Rausch, J., Coury, D. L., & Keim, S. A. (2022). Effects of Omega-3-6-9 fatty acid supplementation on behaviour and sleep in preterm toddlers with autism symptomatology: Secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial. Early Human Development, 169, 105588. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earlhumdev.2022.105588
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Gupta, R., Lakshmy, R., Abraham, R. A., Reddy, K. S., Jeemon, P., & Prabhakaran, D. (2013). Serum Omega-6/Omega-3 Ratio and Risk Markers for Cardiovascular Disease in an Industrial Population of Delhi. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 4(9), Article 9. https://doi.org/10.4236/fns.2013.49A1015
Jarosz, Prof Dr M. (2020, December 3). Nutrition Standards 2020. National Center for Nutrition Education. https://ncez.pzh.gov.pl/abc-zywienia/normy-zywienia-2020/
Scorletti, E., & Byrne, C. D. (2013). Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Hepatic Lipid Metabolism, and Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease. Annual Review of Nutrition, 33(1), 231-248. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-nutr-071812-161230
Simopoulos, A. P. (2008). The Importance of the Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio in Cardiovascular Disease and Other Chronic Diseases. Experimental Biology and Medicine, 233(6), 674-688. https://doi.org/10.3181/0711-MR-311
Simopoulos, A. P. (2016). An Increase in the Omega-6/Omega-3 Fatty Acid Ratio Increases the Risk for Obesity. Nutrients, 8(3), 128. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu8030128
Simopoulos, A. P. (2021). Genetic Variation, Diet, Inflammation, and the Risk for COVID-19. Lifestyle Genomics, 14(2), 37-42. https://doi.org/10.1159/000513886
Wawryszuk, N. (2023). Omega acids. Everything you need to know (B. Turczynski, Ed.; 1st ed.). Natu.Care. https://books.google.com/books?vid=9788396887818
Meet the team

Ilona Krzak obtained her Master of Pharmacy degree from the Medical University of Wrocław. She did her internship in a hospital pharmacy and in the pharmaceutical industry. She is currently working in the profession and also runs an educational profile on Instagram: @pani_z_apteki

Jan 13
Omega-3 fatty acids are a useful dietary supplement for active people - improves performance and fitness.

Dec 14
Omega-3 in a good dose and an optimum ratio of DHA and EPA acids will replenish valuable fats in the diet.

Dec 14
The omega-3 acids from Natu.Care are distinguished by their triglyceride form, which is characterised by high bioavailability.