What is collagen protein? Definition, function, and more

Collagen protein is the main structural component of connective tissue.

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What is collagen protein? Definition, function, and more
23 September, 2024

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11 min
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Collagen protein is like a screw in a machine. If just one is gone, nothing bad happens. But, when more are missing, the machine stops working.

The same is true for your body. When there aren't enough collagen proteins, you start to have problems with your joints, skin, hair or nails.

The same goes for your body.

This is why it is important to take care of the correct concentration of collagen proteins in the body. Together with Ilona Krzak, MSc, pharmacist, we will present the most important information about them.



From this article you will learn:

  • What collagen proteins are and where they are found.
  • .
  • How collagen proteins work and what are the symptoms of collagen deficiency.
  • .
  • What are the best supplements with collagen proteins.
  • .
  • Whether everyone can take collagen proteins.
  • .

See also:


What is collagen protein?


Collagen protein (commonly known as collagen) is a structural protein that makes up 25-35% of all protein in your body. It plays a key role in the connective tissue system, affecting its strength and integrity. Among other things, it influences skin condition, wound healing and cell functionand.

Where does collagen protein occur?


Collagen protein is found in many structures in the body. The most important of these areand:

  • skin - collagen protein is the basic structure of the skin, giving it elasticity, firmness and resistance to mechanical damage.
  • Bones - collagen protein works together with minerals such as calcium. This maintains the strength and susceptibility of bones to fracture.
  • Blood vessel walls - the presence of collagen protein in blood vessel walls helps them to remain flexible and strong.
  • Cartilage - collagen protein is the main structural component of cartilage.
  • .
  • Fascia and tendons - this is the primary component of ligaments and tendons, responsible for connecting bones and stabilising joints.

Collagen protein production decreases as the body ages. This leads to the first symptoms of collagen deficiency, such as loss of skin elasticity or skeletal problemsand.

The main organic component of bone and dentin is type I collagen.
Ilona Krzak.

Ilona Krzak Master of Pharmacy


Collagen - simple or complex protein?


Collagen is a complex protein that consists of three polypeptide chains twisted together by a triple helix. Each chain contains approximately 1,000 amino acids. These amino acids are distinguished by an unusual peptide sequence, which is repeated every third amino acidand.

How does collagen protein work?


Collagen protein is involved in the formation of collagen fibres, which are essential for the body to function. The most important tasks of collagen protein areand:

    • Structure formation. Collagen protein makes up the collagen fibres, which provide the basic scaffolding for many tissues, including skin, bone, cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
    • Collagen proteins are used for the formation of collagen fibres, which are the basic scaffolding for many tissues, including skin, bone, cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
    • Giving flexibility. Collagen fibres form an elastic mesh that allows tissues to stretch and return to their original structure when relieved.


  • Tissue strengthening. Collagen protein forms reinforcing layers for various tissues, protecting them from mechanical damage.
  • Wound healing. Collagen speeds up the wound healing process by creating a scaffold on which cells can grow to rebuild damaged tissues.
  • Cellular interactions. Collagen protein enhances intercellular communication, enabling a variety of biological processes such as tissue growth, cell migration and tissue repair.
  • Tissue hydration. Collagen protein controls the level of hydration in tissues, especially in the skin, maintaining its healthy appearance.


What are the symptoms of collagen protein deficiency?


Deficiency of collagen proteins (collagen) leads to various health problems. You start to lack them as early as 25-30 years of age, so a healthy diet and sensible supplementation is important.

Symptoms of collagen protein deficiencyand

    • Deficiencies in connective tissues. Collagen supports the elasticity and strength of connective tissue. If it is lacking in the body, tissues can weaken and lose their elastic properties.
    • Weakened joints and muscles. Collagen supports joints, ligaments and muscles. Its deficiency can lead to joint discomfort and greater susceptibility to injury.
    • .
    • Problems with skin, hair and nails. Collagen proteins affect the appearance and structure of skin, hair and nails. A lack of these can result in dry and flabby skin, brittle hair and weakened nails.
    • Collagen proteins can also affect the appearance and structure of skin, hair and nails.
    • Osteoporosis. Collagen is an important part of bone structure. A collagen deficiency can increase the risk of osteoporosis, a condition that leads to reduced bone density and increases the risk of fractures.


  • Wound healing disorders. Collagen proteins play an important role in the wound healing process. Their absence can lead to delayed healing and increased susceptibility to infection.


In order to ensure adequate collagen in the body, a healthy, balanced diet rich in protein, vitamin C and other nutrients to support collagen protein production should be taken care of. In some cases, collagen supplementation may also be indicated.

Best collagen protein supplements - ranking


Best overall

Natu.Care Collagen Premium 5000 mg, mango & passion fruit

Natu.Care Collagen Premium 5000 mg, mango & passion fruit
  • Collagen content: 5000 mg marine collagen hydrolysate
  • Additional active ingredients: vitamin C, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (and L-theanine and coenzyme Q10 in cocoa flavoured collagen or vitamin A and vitamin E in mango–passion fruit flavoured collagen)
  • Form: powder sachets
  • Dose: 1 sachet per day
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
Product description

Fish collagen from the Natu.Care brand in a dose of 5000 mg, based on certified ingredients of the best quality. Regular supplementation will positively influence the appearance of the skinóry, hairów and nails – they will be rebuilt and strengthened from the inside.

In addition to collagen, which is valuable for health and beauty, it also offers other active ingredients that help to maintain a youthful complexion, shiny hair and strong nails.

The formula contains a sufficient portion of the active ingredient to positively affect joints, the musculoskeletal system and immunity.

Natu.Care Premium Collagen is available in two flavours – Cacao Bloom and Rise&Shine. Both formulas are based on the following active ingredients: marine collagen hydrolysate, wild roseóbud extract and hyaluronic acid.

Additionally, Cacao Bloom contains natural L-theanine, coenzyme Q10 and defatted Dutch cacao. Rise&Shine instead contains vitamin E and vitamin A.

These are the best collagens in the world.

These best fish collagens on the market also rós taste – Cacao Bloom is a treat for chocolate lovers. Rise&Shine will appeal to those whoólike the refreshing taste of mangoófruit and passion fruit.

Pros and cons

Fish collagen from the Natu.Care brand in a dose of 5000 mg, based on certified ingredients of the best quality. Regular supplementation will positively influence the appearance of the skinóry, hairów and nails – they will be rebuilt and strengthened from the inside.

In addition to collagen, which is valuable for health and beauty, it also offers other active ingredients that help to maintain a youthful complexion, shiny hair and strong nails.

The formula contains a sufficient portion of the active ingredient to positively affect joints, the musculoskeletal system and immunity.

Natu.Care Premium Collagen is available in two flavours – Cacao Bloom and Rise&Shine. Both formulas are based on the following active ingredients: marine collagen hydrolysate, wild roseóbud extract and hyaluronic acid.

Additionally, Cacao Bloom contains natural L-theanine, coenzyme Q10 and defatted Dutch cacao. Rise&Shine instead contains vitamin E and vitamin A.

These are the best collagens in the world.

These best fish collagens on the market also rós taste – Cacao Bloom is a treat for chocolate lovers. Rise&Shine will appeal to those whoólike the refreshing taste of mangoófruit and passion fruit.

Additional information

Fish collagen from the Natu.Care brand in a dose of 5000 mg, based on certified ingredients of the best quality. Regular supplementation will positively influence the appearance of the skinóry, hairów and nails – they will be rebuilt and strengthened from the inside.

In addition to collagen, which is valuable for health and beauty, it also offers other active ingredients that help to maintain a youthful complexion, shiny hair and strong nails.

The formula contains a sufficient portion of the active ingredient to positively affect joints, the musculoskeletal system and immunity.

Natu.Care Premium Collagen is available in two flavours – Cacao Bloom and Rise&Shine. Both formulas are based on the following active ingredients: marine collagen hydrolysate, wild roseóbud extract and hyaluronic acid.

Additionally, Cacao Bloom contains natural L-theanine, coenzyme Q10 and defatted Dutch cacao. Rise&Shine instead contains vitamin E and vitamin A.

These are the best collagens in the world.

These best fish collagens on the market also rós taste – Cacao Bloom is a treat for chocolate lovers. Rise&Shine will appeal to those whoólike the refreshing taste of mangoófruit and passion fruit.

User review

Fish collagen from the Natu.Care brand in a dose of 5000 mg, based on certified ingredients of the best quality. Regular supplementation will positively influence the appearance of the skinóry, hairów and nails – they will be rebuilt and strengthened from the inside.

In addition to collagen, which is valuable for health and beauty, it also offers other active ingredients that help to maintain a youthful complexion, shiny hair and strong nails.

The formula contains a sufficient portion of the active ingredient to positively affect joints, the musculoskeletal system and immunity.

Natu.Care Premium Collagen is available in two flavours – Cacao Bloom and Rise&Shine. Both formulas are based on the following active ingredients: marine collagen hydrolysate, wild roseóbud extract and hyaluronic acid.

Additionally, Cacao Bloom contains natural L-theanine, coenzyme Q10 and defatted Dutch cacao. Rise&Shine instead contains vitamin E and vitamin A.

These are the best collagens in the world.

These best fish collagens on the market also rós taste – Cacao Bloom is a treat for chocolate lovers. Rise&Shine will appeal to those whoólike the refreshing taste of mangoófruit and passion fruit.

Best for joints

Natu.Care Collagen Premium 10000 mg, cherry

Natu.Care Collagen Premium 10000 mg, cherry
  • Collagen content: 10,000 mg of hydrolyzed bovine collagen
  • Additional active ingredients: vitamin C, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, glucosamine, chondroitin, extract of Indian frankincense resin (boswellia serrata)
  • Form: powder sachets for drinking
  • Serving: 1 sachet per day
  • Lasts for: 30 days
Product description

One of the strongest collagens on the market, providing as much as 10,000 mg per daily serving. This product can effectively support the condition of joints, skin, hair, and nails.

With this supplement, you will support your skeletal and joint system as well as your beauty, helping you visually halt the aging process and feel rejuvenated!

Pros and cons


  • The daily portion of collagen is very large – as much as 10,000 mg.
  • Proven collagen formula – COLLinstant, whose effectiveness has been confirmed in clinical studies.
  • Effective dose of hyaluronic acid, which additionally moisturizes the skin and positively affects joint health.
  • Vitamin C supports the body's natural collagen production.
  • Glucosamine is a fundamental building block of compounds found in joint cartilage and a component of collagen that gives elasticity to connective tissue in tendons.
  • Chondroitin is a natural component found in the human body, mainly in cartilage. This large molecule (mucopolysaccharide) has the ability to absorb water, which helps maintain the elasticity and resilience of cartilage.
  • Frankincense resin extract supports blood circulation and joint mobility and reduces their stiffness. It may help alleviate inflammatory conditions.
  • The composition has been tested by the independent and accredited J.S. Hamilton laboratory.


  • None.
Additional information

Users praise Natu.Care Collagen Premium for the easy dissolving of the powder.

Refreshing taste

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg, various flavours

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg, various flavours
Product description

Dietary supplement in a highly bioavailable form of hydrolysed collagen SeaGarden fish®. This formula has high bioavailability– youróbody will use collagen faster and more efficiently where you need it most. 

A 3,000 mg serving of collagen benefits your hair, skinóhand and nails, as well as the functioning of your jointsómuscles and bones. The action of collagen is complemented by vitamin C, whichóra supports the natural production of the youth protein in the body and also helps with its absorption. It is also a great anti-ageing antioxidant.

Natu.Care's Collagen 3000 mg is available in three fruit flavours (orange, raspberry-cranberry, blackcurrant) and a flavourless variant. The powder dissolves very well, does not form lumps in the liquid and you can add it to your favourite yoghurt, oatmeal or smoothie.

Pros and cons

Dietary supplement in a highly bioavailable form of hydrolysed collagen SeaGarden fish®. This formula has high bioavailability– youróbody will use collagen faster and more efficiently where you need it most. 

A 3,000 mg serving of collagen benefits your hair, skinóhand and nails, as well as the functioning of your jointsómuscles and bones. The action of collagen is complemented by vitamin C, whichóra supports the natural production of the youth protein in the body and also helps with its absorption. It is also a great anti-ageing antioxidant.

Natu.Care's Collagen 3000 mg is available in three fruit flavours (orange, raspberry-cranberry, blackcurrant) and a flavourless variant. The powder dissolves very well, does not form lumps in the liquid and you can add it to your favourite yoghurt, oatmeal or smoothie.

Additional information

Dietary supplement in a highly bioavailable form of hydrolysed collagen SeaGarden fish®. This formula has high bioavailability– youróbody will use collagen faster and more efficiently where you need it most. 

A 3,000 mg serving of collagen benefits your hair, skinóhand and nails, as well as the functioning of your jointsómuscles and bones. The action of collagen is complemented by vitamin C, whichóra supports the natural production of the youth protein in the body and also helps with its absorption. It is also a great anti-ageing antioxidant.

Natu.Care's Collagen 3000 mg is available in three fruit flavours (orange, raspberry-cranberry, blackcurrant) and a flavourless variant. The powder dissolves very well, does not form lumps in the liquid and you can add it to your favourite yoghurt, oatmeal or smoothie.

Pure collagen

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg, tasteless

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg, tasteless
  • Collagen content: 3000 mg collagen hydrolysate fish
  • Additional active ingredients: none
  • .
  • Form: powder
  • .
  • Dose: one scoop per day
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

The dietary supplement contains only pure fish collagen in the formula SeaGarden®. This Norwegian collagen is characterised by its purity and high bioavailability, which means that youróy body will utilise the collagen faster and more effectively.

Regular supplementation fish collagen benefits hair, skinóhand and nails and supports joints, muscles and bones. It improves the appearance of the skinóry and slows down its ageing, giving it a healthy glow.

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg has a neutral taste, dissolves well, does not form lumps in liquid and you can add it to your drink, yoghurt or smoothie.

Pros and cons

The dietary supplement contains only pure fish collagen in the formula SeaGarden®. This Norwegian collagen is characterised by its purity and high bioavailability, which means that youróy body will utilise the collagen faster and more effectively.

Regular supplementation fish collagen benefits hair, skinóhand and nails and supports joints, muscles and bones. It improves the appearance of the skinóry and slows down its ageing, giving it a healthy glow.

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg has a neutral taste, dissolves well, does not form lumps in liquid and you can add it to your drink, yoghurt or smoothie.

Additional information

The dietary supplement contains only pure fish collagen in the formula SeaGarden®. This Norwegian collagen is characterised by its purity and high bioavailability, which means that youróy body will utilise the collagen faster and more effectively.

Regular supplementation fish collagen benefits hair, skinóhand and nails and supports joints, muscles and bones. It improves the appearance of the skinóry and slows down its ageing, giving it a healthy glow.

Natu.Care Collagen 3000 mg has a neutral taste, dissolves well, does not form lumps in liquid and you can add it to your drink, yoghurt or smoothie.

Aura Herbals Colladrop Forte

Aura Herbals Colladrop Forte
  • Collagen content: 10,000 mg sea collagen
  • Additional active ingredients: vitamin C and coenzyme Q10
  • Form: sachets of powder
  • .
  • Dosage: one sachet per day
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

A dietary supplement containing fish collagen for drinking in a high dose of 10,000 mg hydrolysate. It also offers you additional health and beauty benefits thanks to its coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C content. Supplementation with collagen can improve the appearance of your skinóskin, hairónails and improve the function of your jointsómuscles and bones.

Pros and cons

A dietary supplement containing fish collagen for drinking in a high dose of 10,000 mg hydrolysate. It also offers you additional health and beauty benefits thanks to its coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C content. Supplementation with collagen can improve the appearance of your skinóskin, hairónails and improve the function of your jointsómuscles and bones.

Additional information

A dietary supplement containing fish collagen for drinking in a high dose of 10,000 mg hydrolysate. It also offers you additional health and beauty benefits thanks to its coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C content. Supplementation with collagen can improve the appearance of your skinóskin, hairónails and improve the function of your jointsómuscles and bones.

A dietary supplement containing fish collagen for drinking in a high dose of 10,000 mg hydrolysate. It also offers you additional health and beauty benefits thanks to its coenzyme Q10 and vitamin C content. Supplementation with collagen can improve the appearance of your skinóskin, hairónails and improve the function of your jointsómuscles and bones.

SOLVE LABS Collagen Peptides

SOLVE LABS Collagen Peptides
  • Collagen content: 6000 mg hydrolyzed beef collagen type I and III COLLinstant®
  • .
  • Additional active ingredients: hyaluronic acid
  • Form: powder
  • .
  • Dose: one scoop (6 g) daily
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

High-quality hydrolysate of bovine collagen (types I and III). Thanks to the COLLinstant® collagen peptide extraction technology, the preparation is well absorbed. 


The combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid has a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skinóry. Your complexion will become firmer, moisturised and wrinkles will become shallower. The effects can also be felt on your hair: it becomes soft and shiny. The nail plate will regain its healthy appearance.


A daily serving will support the health of your jointsós, bones and muscles.

Pros and cons

High-quality hydrolysate of bovine collagen (types I and III). Thanks to the COLLinstant® collagen peptide extraction technology, the preparation is well absorbed. 


The combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid has a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skinóry. Your complexion will become firmer, moisturised and wrinkles will become shallower. The effects can also be felt on your hair: it becomes soft and shiny. The nail plate will regain its healthy appearance.


A daily serving will support the health of your jointsós, bones and muscles.

Additional information

High-quality hydrolysate of bovine collagen (types I and III). Thanks to the COLLinstant® collagen peptide extraction technology, the preparation is well absorbed. 


The combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid has a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skinóry. Your complexion will become firmer, moisturised and wrinkles will become shallower. The effects can also be felt on your hair: it becomes soft and shiny. The nail plate will regain its healthy appearance.


A daily serving will support the health of your jointsós, bones and muscles.

User review

High-quality hydrolysate of bovine collagen (types I and III). Thanks to the COLLinstant® collagen peptide extraction technology, the preparation is well absorbed. 


The combination of collagen and hyaluronic acid has a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skinóry. Your complexion will become firmer, moisturised and wrinkles will become shallower. The effects can also be felt on your hair: it becomes soft and shiny. The nail plate will regain its healthy appearance.


A daily serving will support the health of your jointsós, bones and muscles.

Sundose° For Skin Anti-Aging°

Sundose° For Skin Anti-Aging°
  • Collagen content: 5000 mg of collagen hydrolysate
  • .
  • Additional active ingredients: hyaluronic acid and vitamin C
  • .
  • Form:sachets of powder to be dissolved in lukewarm water
  • .
  • Dosage: one sachet per day
  • .
  • Sufficient for: 30 days
  • .
Product description

Simple composition without unnecessary additivesós. High-quality fish collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. The active ingredients are designed to support the health and appearance of your skinóskin, hairóand nails.

Pros and cons

Simple composition without unnecessary additivesós. High-quality fish collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. The active ingredients are designed to support the health and appearance of your skinóskin, hairóand nails.

Additional information

Simple composition without unnecessary additivesós. High-quality fish collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. The active ingredients are designed to support the health and appearance of your skinóskin, hairóand nails.

User review

Simple composition without unnecessary additivesós. High-quality fish collagen with vitamin C and hyaluronic acid. The active ingredients are designed to support the health and appearance of your skinóskin, hairóand nails.

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Pharmovit Collagen Women

Pharmovit Collagen Women
Product description

Collagen hydrolysate in a good dose with numerous additives in the form vitaminsmineralsów and plant extracts. The product can effectively moisturise, firm and make the skin more elastic. In addition, collagen has a positive effect on the condition of hairów, nails and jointsów.


The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit. Thanks to them you can count on additional beauty and immunity support. In addition, some of them, e.g., vitamin C or vitamin A, support the production and absorption of collagen in the body.

The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit.

Pros and cons

Collagen hydrolysate in a good dose with numerous additives in the form vitaminsmineralsów and plant extracts. The product can effectively moisturise, firm and make the skin more elastic. In addition, collagen has a positive effect on the condition of hairów, nails and jointsów.


The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit. Thanks to them you can count on additional beauty and immunity support. In addition, some of them, e.g., vitamin C or vitamin A, support the production and absorption of collagen in the body.

The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit.

Additional information

Collagen hydrolysate in a good dose with numerous additives in the form vitaminsmineralsów and plant extracts. The product can effectively moisturise, firm and make the skin more elastic. In addition, collagen has a positive effect on the condition of hairów, nails and jointsów.


The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit. Thanks to them you can count on additional beauty and immunity support. In addition, some of them, e.g., vitamin C or vitamin A, support the production and absorption of collagen in the body.

The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit.

User review

Collagen hydrolysate in a good dose with numerous additives in the form vitaminsmineralsów and plant extracts. The product can effectively moisturise, firm and make the skin more elastic. In addition, collagen has a positive effect on the condition of hairów, nails and jointsów.


The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit. Thanks to them you can count on additional beauty and immunity support. In addition, some of them, e.g., vitamin C or vitamin A, support the production and absorption of collagen in the body.

The vitamins and minerals contained in the formula are no small benefit.

Collagen Reme

Collagen Reme
Product description

The dietary supplement from Remé contains beef collagen in the patented VERISOL formula and vitamin C, whichóra aids its absorption. The formula comes in three flavours: neutral, orange-maracuja and strawberry-pomegranate. The formula can effectively support and improve the condition of the skin hair and nails. It is also 

Pros and cons

The dietary supplement from Remé contains beef collagen in the patented VERISOL formula and vitamin C, whichóra aids its absorption. The formula comes in three flavours: neutral, orange-maracuja and strawberry-pomegranate. The formula can effectively support and improve the condition of the skin hair and nails. It is also 

Additional information

The dietary supplement from Remé contains beef collagen in the patented VERISOL formula and vitamin C, whichóra aids its absorption. The formula comes in three flavours: neutral, orange-maracuja and strawberry-pomegranate. The formula can effectively support and improve the condition of the skin hair and nails. It is also 


The dietary supplement from Remé contains beef collagen in the patented VERISOL formula and vitamin C, whichóra aids its absorption. The formula comes in three flavours: neutral, orange-maracuja and strawberry-pomegranate. The formula can effectively support and improve the condition of the skin hair and nails. It is also 


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See also:


What is the difference between bovine collagen protein and fish protein?


There are two common types of collagen protein on the market - fish origin (English: marine collagen) and beef collagen. Occasionally you may also come across porcine collagen protein. However, its properties are strongly similar to beefand.

Research suggests that fish-derived collagen protein is absorbed (assimilated) up to 50% better than beef protein. Therefore, it will usually be the better choice. The exception to this is if you are allergic to marine products, in which case beef or pork collagen proteinand is the better choice. (But also vice versa).




Beef and pork collagen protein is not harmful. Nevertheless, there is a risk of contracting an animal-borne disease. Therefore, pay attention to the quality of the collagen supplements you choose.


Is hydrolysed collagen protein the best solution?


Yes, hydrolysed collagen protein is the best type of supplement you can choose. It absorbs much better than natural collagen and can realistically support your body. Studies suggest that regular intake of 2.5-15 grams of hydrolysed collagen protein supports the health of hair, skin, nails and jointsand.

What are the contraindications to the use of collagen protein?


Most often, collagen protein does not cause adverse reactions. However, some people should be particularly cautious before starting supplementation.

Collagen contraindicationsand:

  • allergies to the ingredients in the preparation,
  • .
  • kidney and liver diseases,
  • .
  • adherence to selected medications,
  • .
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period,
  • .
  • gastrointestinal problems,
  • .
  • autoimmune disorders,
  • .

Is collagen protein harmful?


No, collagen protein is not harmful. What's more, it is crucial to the body's health. However, sometimes side effects can occur during collagen protein supplementation. In most cases, they are mild and include allergic reactions or stomach problemsand.

See also:




  • Collagen protein influences skin condition, the wound healing process and cell function.
  • Collagen protein is found in the skin, bones, blood vessel walls, cartilage, ligaments and tendons, among others.
  • Collagen is a protein that affects the healing of wounds and cell function.
  • Collagen is a complex protein.
  • .
  • Collagen protein deficiency manifests itself in the form of joint weakness, skin problems and connective tissue disorders, among other things.
  • Collagen is a complex protein.
  • The best collagen protein supplements contain hydrolysed fish collagen.
  • .
  • Contraindications to collagen protein supplementation include, but are not limited to, allergies, kidney or liver disease and taking selected medications.
  • .


. What destroys collagen in the body? .

Collagen proteins in the body are primarily destroyed by age. You can't stop time, but you can try to avoid other factors that lead to collagen deficiency.

What destroys collagen in the body?

  • improper diet (deficiency of vitamins and minerals),
  • .
  • UV radiation (use screen creams!),
  • abuse of coffee,
  • .
  • smoking cigarettes,
  • .
  • inadequate hydration,
  • .
  • abuse of alcohol,
  • .
. How to rebuild the collagen proteins in the body? .

Consume collagen-rich foods, such as chicken feet, bone broth and chicken with skin. Also remember to eat a diet rich in nutrients that support collagen production. This will allow you to take vitamins and minerals, such as vitamin C or zinc.

. Do crow's feet provide collagen protein? .

Yes, crow's feet are a good source of collagen protein. Eating them regularly can positively influence the concentration of collagen in the body, and consequently support the condition of hair, skin and nails.

. Are collagen proteins water soluble? .

Yes, collagen proteins are water soluble. This is why one of the more popular methods of supplementation is to mix collagen powder in water or other liquid, allowing it to be consumed as a drink.

. Do collagen proteins harm the liver? .

No, collagen protein is not harmful to the liver. In fact, collagen protein can benefit this organ through its restorative abilities and antioxidant action.

Scientific studies have shown that collagen proteins can help repair and regenerate liver cells that have suffered from medical conditions, excessive alcohol consumption, environmental pollutants and other negative factors.

. What is natural collagen protein? .

Natural collagen protein is a protein produced by the human body. Over time, this process becomes less and less effective, which can lead to the first symptoms of deficiency. In this case, collagen supplementation may be necessary.

. Does collagen protein retain water in the body? .

Collagen protein may promote the maintenance of adequate skin hydration by retaining water. However, it should be noted that collagen supplementation is not a substitute for taking care to keep the body properly hydrated.

It is recommended that every adult male should consume approximately 3.7 litres of fluids per day, while a woman should consume 2.7 litres.




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